NATO is the Biggest & Most Genocidal jewish-zionistic TERRORIST Gang of Satanic* Incest Bastards** - but NOT for much longer!
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25 and ** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
The title of a newspaper article: "America’s Perpetual War" & Former American President Jimmy Carter admitted in 2018 that in America, there were 226 years of wars since its independence which took place 242 years ago thus leaving only 16 years of peace.
(One could (or should) call these American Wars the jewish-zionistic wars, because ...
America is Israel's bitch (You worded it a bit wrong, because in temporary existing genocidal state of Israel live 5+ different nations, incl. some decent Jews/ Israelis, and they all form Israel, as a state.
America is the Bitch/ Whore and Slave of the jewish Zionists = Satanic* Incest Bastards** led by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co. who reside/ live in the USA, UK, France, Israel, etc.)
Jews are the only race/ nation on this planet who have been explicitly described in any true Book of God as children of the Devil/ Satan (2 synonyms), the murderer of men and the father of lies*, who are the incest-bastards*** and hate God and Truth** (and are equal to their father - with very few exceptions among them).
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; *** Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25 and ** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms); but not all extramarital children are satanic.
So are all Devils/ Satans, who are also numerous in all other races/ nations, whereby the jewish Satans are their rulers/ grandmasters, and have recently brought them all/ worldwide under their control and united them to be able to establish the jewish-Satanic New World Order with them.
All Humans in this world, in every country, have something of DECENCY, SELF-RESPECT and HUMAN DIGNITY.
The Satanic Incest Bastards, together with their jewish Grand Masters from the shadow, have absolutely NOTHING of that; and that's why they can still talk about Democracy, Freedoms, Security & Self-Defense, of their satanic Zionist Values & NWO - before the eyes of the whole world.
Hugely they have overestimated & erred, the Wretched satanic incest bastards, and MUST therefore completely disappear.
Humans can never & under no circumstances come up with such ideas as satanic ideas are, because they have the souls & consciousnesses (feelings, thoughts, wishes & needs) of the completely different kind.
This is why you have been told repeatedly, "By their DEEDS, you will recognize them" - but never by their words; because their ever lying, filthy, stinking & SHAMELESS JAWS can say many things, but NEVER a single word of Sincerity and TRUTH, never.
"Good News" (= Gospel) for the rest of the world: “The satanic & genocidal incest bastards will be completely/ irreparably DESTROYED in the course of this year, 2024 ... as if they had never existed.”
This is the Promise of "A Truly Mighty One", which I am merely delivering to you at His command.
Whom we support, he can never lose, even if all, absolutely all countries would attack him at the same time & with all their means.
What UFOs are for you, that's our "Light Cavalry" for us. We don't talk about the "Heavy" and our completely imperceptible Means - not yet.
There exists no, and there can never exist any defense from our “means”.
In the course of time, several "incidents" have already occurred (the traceless disappearance of an F-35, or the landing of the Santiago 513 after a "longer" time, etc.) for which you, the primitive beings, your specialists & experts have absolutely no explanations - and never can have.
The unprecedented "Show" opens when the burning people begin to fall from the sky into the Black Sea, and the fish of steel make their presence felt with terrible force. Then … it will … happen
The exact time, hour and day knows only "The One" who knows a lot.
All stanic, pedophile & LGBTQ Incest Bastards, to the very last one/ smallest of them, will be ANNIHILATED - worldwide.
Whether you can believe it today or not, this is how it will be & not otherwise. Nothing and no one under this sky can prevent it. It is already a decided thing.
We repeat: This is the Promise of "A Truly Mighty One", which I am merely delivering to you at His command.
Good souls, who love Justice & Truth and STAND UP for it according to their own (small) possibilities, completely regardless of where they stay, reside or live on this planet, have nothing to fear and will not be sad.
75 years NATO – Do we need NATO to secure peace in Europe? (Short Version)
The ancient plan and goal of Jews, now called Zionists, the followers of the ancient satanic Talmud (90+ % of all Jews) is to bring all Goyim = all world inhabitants under their control/ to enslave them and then to rule over all (limited) world resources alone as some kind of perverted and satanic gods.
Why do the jewish satanic* incest bastards** have such completely inhuman desires? The explanation:
* John 8: 41-47 & 15:21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & devil = synonyms)
Very, very many/ most goyimic rulers from all nations they could enthuse/ win for their satanic idea, only because they are also satanic, and draw them into their satanic spell/ make them collaborators through money, adrenochrome (which has been known to them since time immemorial) and false promises (that they will co-reign with them), in order to murder with them, resp. through them, 90% of the earth's inhabitants - who they do not need.
They plan afterwards to get rid of/ eliminate these goyim collaborators as well.
According to the Satanic Talmud, even the best goyim should be killed. This has been written down black on white in their “holy” book since time immemorial.
The satanic Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well)
Jews are the only race* (* source word “genea” = race) who were explicitly labeled as children of the Devil and man murderer who hate God and the Truth, while a majority of the other earthlings were also indirectly labeled as devilish/ satanic or animalistic
Only for this reason did my holy Lord call many persons (not only jewish) satans, dogs, doggies* (* at that time and there an even more despicable term than dogs), pigs, monkeys, cattle ... .
He is of course not a gossip who could rashly address such words to a Human, for He loves the not so numerous Humans above all else, because they are of His kind/ race - and He will therefore lead them all (“not one of them will be lost”) in time out of this greatest planetary mess to Himself into Eternity.
JEBAĆEMO im uskoro svima njihove primitivne jevrejske i gojimske sotonske i incestuozne Kurve Majke, i ovaj put ih UNIŠTITI sve, na cijeloj planeti i za vremena SVA - kojih potom ni biti neće. The End of (Hi)Story!
Because our Holy Father does not want to get His Holy “hands” dirty with the earthly vermin, He also gives us with the command the necessary power (which of course we ourselves do not have) to carry out the command, and then we can annihilate a third (or more) of the earthly vermin in one fell swoop; and we do that (it's not about our wanting, but first about having to and only afterwards about our wanting too) without batting an eyelid.
219 US-wars in comparison to Russia, China, Iran and Germany (12: 34)
U.S. Empire Named Most Murderous Killing Machine In History (ca. 300 MILLION deaths)
GB ATTACKED 117 countries
The British Have INVADED 90 Percent of the Earth's surface
British colonialism killed 100 MILLION Indians in 40 years
What should you know about UK, King Charles III, & the Windsor family?
America and Britain Rehabilitate Nazism and Arm Fascist Militias in Ukraine
These two named countries (their governments, armies & Co.) have never behaved better/ more humanely than the Fascists and Nazis, but merely called themselves with other names.
See (below) their genocidal crimes, on the largest scale possible and worldwide; which were only glorified by their (jewish-zionist) media - shamelessly so.
Lately they've been doing the same thing as before, but now completely openly, without hypocrisy or shame - totally open in front of the eyes of the whole world. That is the only difference.
The killing of (only) 8000 Bosniaks in Srebrenica (no women and children among them) has been qualified as genocide by the UN courts.
The time has come that ALL DEBTS, even the oldest ones, MUST be PAID, very soon; much sooner than any of you can imagine today.
I repeat: This is the Promise of "A Truly Mighty One", which I only deliver to you at His command.
Finale & Worldwide DESTRUCTION of ALL Satanic, Evil, Pedophiles & LGBTQ Incest-Bastards follows, forever and ever.
Some presidents, ministers & Co, who were Freemasons themselves, have said some good words against the secret societies, Freemasons & Co. (like this wretched & satanic piece of shit, Georg Washington) to reassure the people, , because at that time were more people than today who recognized the problem ... and that the people do not make uprising/ revolution but continue to have confidence in their institutions/ presidents & Co. Satanic games are much, much more corrupt and evil than a normal citizen can imagine.
The UnXplained: Freemason Secret Hidden in White House Cornerstone
World Danger Highest Degree Freemasonry (from 11: 40 the presidents & Co. who were Freemasons are listed)
The Power of jewish Private Banks/ High Finance (Rothschilds & Co.)
U.S. Congressman Ron Paul said it was no coincidence that the century of central banking coincided with a century of total war.
Sen. Ron Paul in 2016: "There is a shadow government or the Deep State. These people are actually more powerful than our government & our president."
JFK/ John F. Kennedy - The Assassination/ Plot (and now, in 2024, the confession of the CIA-Murderer)
Ex CIA Analyst Ray McGovern: If you think the President is running things, you're sadly mistaken (JFK tried that, and?)
They Abuse, RAPE Children & Babies, Sacrifice them, Drink their Blood (Adrenochrome) & Eat their Flesh (Politicians, Royals, Ultrarich, Elites, Celebrities)
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
Today's completely abnormal/ insane/ satanic situation in this usually depraved world can hardly/ not be understood without knowledge of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" & “The Book of the Kahal”
Milakowsky aka Netanyahu: “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the RIGHT direction.” (This is what he said in 2001, while assuring Israeli settlers that Israel could destroy the Palestinian Authority and continue with illegal settlement building, regardless of the US position)
These two satanic complete idiots are only employees who brag; Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co. are that, for whom we have determined a very "special treatment" they will not like at all.
George Soros Caught Boasting All Future Elections Are '100% Rigged'
Important Information about the current Russian President Putin, & Chinese Xi Pig ;) too (The old fat sow (f. pig) from Belarus belongs also to them)
But NOT just all Jews are satanic, while very many Goyim are.
BlackRock (jewish) buys many of the politicians = prostitutes who sell their souls very cheaply; Senators for 10K
The primitive, fat and godless Sow told this according to the most primitive & satanic jewish-zionist dictate. That is why the jewish media and their historiography have made this wretched and fat sow to a "great" politician. Nothing can be more wretched and primitive.
The classical prostitutes sell only their bodies for a short time, can wash themselves with water afterwards and are also often useful members of society. Thanks to their generally unappreciated work, some crimes are not committed; but the prostitution of souls, as practiced by your "esteemed" politicians and the rest of the leaders (who are all satanic bastards), is the absolutely most reprehensible and most harmful thing for society in this mostly primitive world.
England, resp. the GB/ UK is the first country that the satanic/ zionistic Jews have completely brought under their control/ enslaved. Then one after the other the European countries and finally the USA, from the very beginning.
USA army sing the Israeli national anthem: "DIE for ISRAEL" (Fully drilled, harder than all dogs and also zombified)
Henry Kissinger's important Statements & some Facts
In 1935, retired Marine General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient Smedley Butler published a 55-page paper titled "War is a Racket". Here is a brief excerpt:
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."
WTC, 9/11. The Big Crime of Mossad, CIA & Co.!
That is their strategic & satanic plan & goal that Casey & Co., the jewish Zionists, in collaboration with the Goyim Zionists like them, have almost completely achieved.
If they want to turn the citizens of their own country into zombies/ idiots, what can they wish for the other peoples/ earth inhabitants?
Only the most shameless & evilest Satans have such ideas/ desires, but Humans NEVER do, because they have completely different kinds of souls & consciousnesses (feelings, thoughts, wishes & needs). Humans always want to share, help, give & cooperate honorably in their businesses. Only such life can make them satisfied or even happy.
Some important Information and Facts about the CIA/ C *INTELLIGENCE* A (*the paid murderers, terrorists and “intelligence” = to make it sound positive)
In these actual primate bodies dwell/ live very different souls/ beings: Different species of animals (tame & wild beasts), satans, and not too many Humans (some angels may also appear temporarily).
Humans in all nations are always good-natured or even wonderful beings (depending on their level of development); but even they can sometimes become aggressive for the right reason/ when the need arises.
But if you yourself consider you a monkey, as your esteemed scientists "know" it and have taught you, then forget this message - it is not meant for you nor for them.
Satans and Satanists have been “given” certain abilities/ talents in order to cast a spell over all persons who have the same or similar inclinations/ souls. They would like to turn all earthlings into their equals.
With Money and Adrenochrome, the children of the Father of Lies, the Devil and Men-Murderer - from the very beginning - have taken (almost) all your rulers (who are similar or equal to them) under their most satanic spell.
It's just good so, that we can ANNIHILATE them all together, in one big heap, worldwide and irreparably, i.e. forever and ever.
Look forward to it, because it had to come this far, and now (in the next “days”) it will happen.
This is the Promise of "The Truly Mighty One", which I am merely delivering to you at His command.
U.S. presidents, ultrarich, elite, celebrities, and Satanism
The Supernatural Beings (says only this author) in Control of America (Worship of Baal. Name "America" comes from the ancient pagan snake-god "A Maruka". Personal assumptions of the narrator are not relevant)
USSR/ RUSSIA against U.S./ NATO?
U.S. Americans are NOT a nation and can NEVER become a nation. That's why the primitive & satanic jewish Zionists can control/ dominate/ enslave them
How can primitive & satanic jewish Zionists/ Satanic Inzestbastards control/ dominate/ enslave the U.S. & thus the NATO & the western world - But NOT for much longer!
What should you know about Hamas Attack on Israel?
Three Biggest Historical LIES of JEWS debunked: Jews are NOT Semites, but Hamites. They themselves are also Goyim. They are NOT descendants of the true Israel
They all ( jewish & non-jewish Zionists) belong to the same satanic gang that seeks to establish their satanic NEW WORLD ORDER (under the leadership of the jewish Zionists); but in vain.
Gigantically they have erred, the satanic* incest bastards**, and will therefore perish all, absolutely all together - very soon.
This is the promise of " A Truly Mighty One", which I am only delivering to you at his command.
One moere time: In these actual primate bodies dwell/ live very different souls/ beings: Different species of animals (tame & wild beasts), satans, and not too many Humans (some angels may also appear temporarily).
Humans in all nations are always good-natured or even wonderful beings (depending on their level of development); but even they can sometimes become aggressive for the right reason/ when the need arises.
But if you yourself consider you a monkey, as your esteemed scientists "know" it and have taught you, then forget this message - it is not meant for you nor for them.