Important about the Russ. Presi. Putin/ Putana-jewska, Chinese Xi Pig ;) BRICS & their jewish Grandmasters. The old, fat Sow from Belarus, Modi, Lula, bin Salman, Erdogan etc. also belong to them
Today's Vladimir Putin/ Puta/ Putana is not the real Vladimir Vladimirovich, the KGB man of the past. He has simply stepped into his place and is now secretly working with satanic jewish and non-jewish zionists/ globalists. For this reason, we will soon "remove" him, because a majority of Russians deserve a true Russian president (not a jewish slave). Absolutely nothing & no one can prevent that.
The Russian president is not the real Vladimir Putin. What is going on? (Scroll down to the middle of this page and see the true/ old and the new/ false Putin/ Puta/ Putana )
Even if this “metamorphosis” of Putin should be declared as an inexplicable phenomenon ... that can be put aside ... the important thing is to recognize that this piece of shit is a globalist, and thus an Enemy of the Russians/ Russia, resp. of Humanity as a whole.
Putana has also stated that he would like Joe to win the election against Donald, because he is “an experienced politician from the old guard”. This Joe? Their secret services know everything about each other .
Biden’s Family Admit Elite Replaced 'Real' Joe Biden Years Ago
More information about Joe - if anyone needs it. What should you know about Joe Biden?
Also that Putin wants Biden as president is part of their satanic game to make sure you do not obey an "evil/ hostile" Russian, but vote out the totally senile and used-up Joe, and vote for Donald, the jewish “Red Heifer”.
(See below the ideology of the Chabad-Lubavitch Satans)
In that way, they give you false hope, make you feel that you have a choice (democracy), over-employ and confuse you - because the most stupid and primitive Donald is also part of the gigantic satanic gang; but, because all the jewish-Zionist media portray him every day as a real president, the masses (who are also called cattle by them) get the feeling that he is a real man and politician and not a most wretched and primitive puppet of the Greatest Evil.
Trump-Attack: Is the World Domination Cult profiting from it? (See only from 8: 44 - 9: 78 in this video - here the text)
Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg [ex- Khazar, then jewish Ashkenazi and finally Hasidic Chabad Lubavitch follower (more perverse & satanic does not exist in the whole world)], among others author for the Chabad-Lubavitch Media Center, gives the assassination attempt on Trump a religious clue. He explained in a video message on July 24, 2024: “Presidential candidate Trump’s right ear was injured as a symbolic gesture according to Exodus 21, verse 6. It says that a servant who wants to stay with his master must have his right ear pierced. Trump was ordained as God’s servant and anointed one, just like Cyrus the Great almost 2 400 years ago.”
Weisberg goes on to say that the final deadline for redemption will be October 2 2027 during Donald Trump’s term in office. He has good reason to believe that Donald Trump has been chosen to offer his help in rebuilding the holy temple in Jerusalem and establishing the Jewish kingdom over the whole world.
The British publicist David Icke comments on Rabbi Weisberg’s explanations on the social network X, Quote: “Some would call this insanity, others would say this is exactly the plan. And you?”
What should you know about Donald Trump?
With the help of this Putin/ Putana (& his closest/ involved coworkers), Xi & his Co. the globalists want to mislead some more governments & nations. His defense-/ war-minister, Sergei Shoigu, also has no military knowledge. He knows just as much about war as “Pissorius”, and respectively his predecessor/ chick ("razumije se u rat, koliko i Mara u kriv kurac" ;). They are all the wretched puppets of the greatest Evil (from the shadow)
To make people believe Putana is the ex-KGB (the real Putin), e.g., after “100” years Putana still holds his dirty & satanic hand ready to grab a gun like the KGB men do, even though he has been protected by an big army for a long time. The real Vladimirovich has long forgotten that.
What is happening right now in Ukraine, Palestine, EU, Pacific region etc. is a kind of their collective exercises for (controlled) WW3 where they all together want to murder about 90% of you, completely enslave the remaining 10% to be able to establish their satanic NWO & then enjoy life on the whole planet as some kind of little and peverted deities.
Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab
The most satanic and true rulers from the shadows, whose mouthpiece is the WEF, have given this Putin the task to play the alleged opponent of their satanic New World Order - until a certain point in time.
St. Petersburg International Economic Forum/ SPIEF (The same crap & program as the WEF)
What should you know about GB governments, King Charles & the Windsor family - and the other leading dark forces that control them & strive to establish their satanic NWO?
Putana's master (see pic below) has shown him the way, with his satanic finger. But instead of obeying him, it would have been much better for Putana to tie a millstone around his wretched neck and jump into the Moskva River at its deepest point.
Putana-jewska & jewish satanic UN? UN, WHO ... WEF ... CFR, Bilderberg, Club of Rome/ Globalism = The New World Order & its Source resp. Driving Force, the jewish ZIONISM
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
(They are not supremcists but SATANS)
The Russian armed forces could overrun the entire Nazi Ukraine in a short time, but Putana spares them, as they agreed, and fights for a small village for weeks or months.
Russian Army Unit That Captured AVDIIVKA Honoured With 'GOLDEN STAR' By Putin's Minister :)
What a macabre game of the idiot & fake Putin = Puta/ Putana/ secret globalist & his Co. As if the idiots had marched into Berlin or Paris, as they have done in the past, to teach the bloodthirsty, murdering & plundering satanic vermin that the invincibles must not be attacked by the barbaric and satanic primitive amoebas. The vast majority of their (brainless) genocidal attacking soldiers did not even know where to find Russia on the geographical map. But, like every mindless cattle, they have been driven by their satanic and grandly celebrated leaders from time immemorial until today - simply ... to their own perdition, Kurve im sotonski zle i incestuozne majke svima JEBEM!
Avdiivka, great metropolis? There are more cattle than people in Avdiivka :)
Putin/ Putana is doing only as much as is most necessary against the Ukro-Nazis and their Western Grandmasters to deceive the Russian military and the Russian nation, that he seriously means to protect Russia, Russian natural resources and Russian citizens.
And the Western rulers sent Ukraine "dosed" help, mostly older weapons etc. “Countless” billions serve much more to corrupt/ bribe the slavishly serving, stupid & primitive Nazi Ukrainians (from the most primitive and wretched Selenskiy to the last local official) than the Ukro army.
That's why Putana sometimes barks at Western leaders, but he has neither teeth nor testicles, nor the will to really bite.
Prigozhin was a bit “strange”, but he was right. He and his experienced fighters (from general to the youngest soldier) felt it, experienced it and finally recognized it clearly. That is why, in their desperation, they tried to coup Putana, although they knew that their chances were practically nil.
That's why Prigozhin often shouted from the battlefields (it was on TV): "Putin, Shoigu ... send us ammunition, weapons too, etc. ... Don't you want to fight for Mother Russia and for the Russians?" …
Although Putana had enough ammunition and weapons all the time, he only sent them "in doses".
That is why Prigozhin said: "This is not a military coup, but a March of Justice".
Since more and more people (but not too many yet) are seeing through this fake Putana, he continues to try to fool the masses, and bark at Westerners, like with following statement, by saying something "big" that even the well-informed kids are aware of.
Putin Accuses Western Leaders of Pedophilia and Cannibalism (he barks, but does not bite; because he does not present any valid evidence)
See facts that are well known for a long time:
They abuse, RAPE Children & Babies, Sacrifice them, Drink their Blood (Adrenochrom) & Eat their Flesh Politicians, Royals, Ultrarich, Elites, Celebrities)
05. 17. 2024: Putin appoints Andrey Belousov (a civilian!) as new Minister of Defense?!
The Kremlin justified Putin's decision to reshape the ministry with the need to appoint a CIVILIAN (Andrei Belousov) to head the Defense Ministry in order to create an environment “open to innovation and progressive ideas” (ideas from a civilian in the middle of a war!), according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. In addition, the official pointed out that it was very important to integrate the economy of the military bloc into the country's economy in order to meet the dynamics.
(This is the classic jewish Zionist fairy tale/ idiocy narrative in which they are practiced very well and for a long time. All satanic incest bastards have united worldwide, including China, India, Russia, Brazill, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, etc.
It had to come this far for the barrel to be full, i.e. for all conditions to be met for the complete/ irreparable DESTRUCTION of this macabre world of primates, satans, and not very numerous Humans.
05. 23. 2024 Putin Gets Strict With Russian Defence Ministry; 4th Military Official Arrested In 30 Days (But Putana cannot save himself)
June, 03. 2024 Former Top Navy Official Arrested on Bribery and Conspiracy Charges
The satanic incest bastards behave according to the same pattern, and are often/ sometimes not very imaginative.
July 29, 2024 Putin’s Military Purge: Former Dy Defence Minister Arrested, Sent to Lefortovo Prison Over (Dmitry Bulgakov arrested, charged with CORRUPTION)
Jewish-American approach, but that cannot save Putana because more and more high-ranking Russian officers see through Putana's jewish-satanic/ globalist/ dirty game.
The source & driving force of today's & greatest SATANIC Evil are the jewish Zionists (Freemasons & so-called Illuminati as Organizers) together with the goyimic Globalists/ with the souls of the same kind, that mostly hide their conversion to Judaism and Talmudism.
The Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well)
That should be their satanic NWO led by jewish Zionists (Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co.) from the shadow. What today's Goyim, who have allied themselves with the jewish Zionists, do not know is that the Jews are planning to eliminate them too, after they have murdered 90% of the other Goyim with their help/ by their hands.
Putana & his staff on one side, as well as Western leaders on the other, are gradually stepping up their war rhetoric because they want to slowly convince people that WW3 is inevitable, so that more people sign up for military service, that more money is being invested in weapons production ... and that all this is quite normal and inevitable because those on the other side (no matter which side) are the evil ones and make it necessary.
The jewish-Zionist media also serve them completely, and not only the so-called mainstream, but also the vast majority of so-called alternative & small media, which only spread 10-20% more facts among the 80-90% of lies.
Satans exist in all nations (more or less in percentages). The satanic rulers have in earlier times (in their satanic quest for power and wealth) fought each other extremely bitterly and bloodthirstily, thereby utterly misusing their own armies and populations without any consideration, but now they have united under jewish-zionist leadership (from the shadow) and are working together.
U.S. war veteran and Bush Jr. & his Co.
U.S., GB, NATO war veterans (All imperialists/ conquerors are the same)
USA army sing the Israeli national anthem: "DIE for ISRAEL" (Fully drilled, harder than all dogs and also zombified)
Henry Kissinger's important Statements & some Facts
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
All the satanic forces that used to fight each other in the most brutal ways (because of their sick & satanic love of power and wealth) have now united worldwide.
The Western and many non-Western governments, various & supposedly opposing policies/ parties, royal houses, armies, NATO, banking/ financial centers, ultra-rich, celebrities, religious leaders (Vatican & Co.), scientists, UN, WHO, WWF, etc. .... they have all finally been united worldwide under the leadership of their common jewish grand masters from the shadow (Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co.) to be able to establish their satanic & LGBTQ+ New World Order.
My Holy Father promised you long ago: "Vengeance is Mine" & "We will take revenge!" - and indeed we will do that, very soon.
All jewish and goyimic satanic incest bastards that the Rotschilds, Rockefellers & Co. have united under their leadership will be destroyed, this time worldwide and irreparably = forever and ever.
Not a single satanic incest bastard from the Russian team of Putana, Medvedev & Co. has named the true Enemies of Humanity and perpetrators of WW3 - because they too are their employees (and collaborators), just like Joe, Donald, the EU vermin & Co. The same applies to Xi, Modi and the Arabian WRETCHEDNESS, which is of the same "value" - excluding the Houthis, and just a few others.
Milakowski aka Netanyahu: “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the RIGHT direction.” (This is what he said in 2001, while assuring Israeli settlers that Israel could destroy the Palestinian Authority and continue with illegal settlement building, regardless of the US position)
These two wretched satanic complete idiots are only employees who brag; Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co. are that, for whom we have determined a very "special treatment" they will not like at all.
But NOT just all Jews are satanic, while verry, very many Goyim are.
BlackRock (jewish) buys many of the politicians = prostitutes who sell their souls very cheaply; Senators for 10K and/ or on YouTube
This primitive, fat & satanic-godless english Sow told this according to the most primitive & satanic jewish-zionist dictate. That is why the jewish media and their historiography have made this wretched and fat sow to a "great" politician. Nothing can be more wretched and primitive.
The classical prostitutes sell only their bodies for a short time, can wash themselves with water afterwards and are also often useful members of society. Thanks to their generally unappreciated work, some crimes are not committed; but the prostitution of souls, as practiced by your "esteemed" politicians and the rest of the leaders (who are all satanic bastards), is the absolutely most reprehensible and most harmful thing for society in this mostly primitive world.
Also this can be mentioned here:
The UN was founded by two high-grade Freemasons, namely the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt of “Marion Lodge No. 70” and the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (who worked on behalf of Rothschild, Rockefeller & Co.). Churchill belonged to three Masonic lodges that PROFESSED allegiance to SATAN*: the “United Studholme Lodge No. 1591”, the “Rosemary Lodge No. 2851”, and also the “Albion Lodge” of the Ancient Order of Druids.
· (* As seen above, Satan/ Lucifer is the head boss/god of them all, who they ask for the special powers from. Some of them are just hiding it - and caught up in their evilness & idiocy, they do not comprehend that Satan/ Lucifer is a deceiver - who is deceiving them, resp. all his followers.
These Masonic founding fathers have already OFFICIALLY designated this League of Nations as their WORLD LODGE as early as 1948. But the witnessing ex-UN official himself was the international president of the Masonic Club of Rome for two years.
Almost all U.S. presidents have sworn their presidential oath on the Masonic Bible, except JFK on his family Bible.
England, resp. the GB/ UK is the first country that the satanic/ zionistic Jews have completely brought under their control/ enslaved. Then one after the other the European countries and finally the USA, from the very beginning. See
The UnXplained: FREEMASON Secret Hidden in White House CORNESTONE
More about that: Freemasonry and Illuminati = Jewish? Yes, that is True.
At their gala parties, the "Ultra-Witch"/ Satanist M. Abramovic serves them food, arranged as human and child corpses, and they eat it with the greatest appetite.
But when the cameras are not allowed, then ...(posted above) … They Abuse, RAPE Children & Babies, Sacrifice them, Drink their Blood (Adrenochrom) & Eat their Flesh (Politicians, Royals, Ultrarich, Elites, Celebrities)
ADRENOCHROME Taskforce Rescues Hundreds of Kids Trafficked by MARINA ABRAMOVIC
Adrenochrome-Capital is Jerusalem. Ukraine is one of many, very many used/ misused entirely corrupt and satanically depraved societies.
Putin's (not Putin’s but Russian - se below) Adrenochrome Taskforce Intercept Israeli Ship Trafficking Hundreds of Kids
Feb. 2025. Russian General Assassinated (in Moscow!!! Orchestrated by Putin!) After Busting Adrenochrome Factory in Ukraine
According to the ancient satanic jewish-zionist plan it was first necessary to establish a jewish nation state, and afterwards (with money/ bribes and adrenochrome) to draw the goyimic rulers into their satanic spell, and with their slavish collaboration to achieve world domination/ world enslavement in their satanic so-called NWO = to murder 90% of the earth's inhabitants and to rule alone over all the earth's natural resources and the remaining 10% of the zombified goyim, as a kind of perverted and satanic deities.
That is the primal desire of Satan/ all Satans = to be god-like; while Humans have completely different kind of souls and consciousnesses, and therefore also completely different kind of feelings, thoughts, wishes and needs, that are completely HUMAN.
JEFF ROTHSCHILD (in China!!!): "In order to finalize the New World Order process, we need a 3. World War to exterminate 90% of the global population. This will resolve the problem of human overpopulation, as well a put an end to civil disobedience. We will then proceed to automize industry and create a globalized feudalist system in the name of saving our planet."
Jeff, the scion of the highest satanic jewish-zionist family, and the most satanic on this planet, announced this in the middle of China in front of the Chinese rulers.
If Xi Pig ;) & Co. had not previously become followers of the satanic Talmud and globalist who want to establish their satanic New World Order, Xi would have had this genocidal jewish satanic piece of shit publicly run over with the heaviest tank of the (former) “People's Republic” in the middle of Tiananmen Square.
But no, Xi Pig & Co. do not mind that Jeff & Co./ Jews exterminate about 90% of "our small yellow people comrades" :)
Xi & Co. also want to contribute significantly to achieving this goal.
We have informed Xi Pig that we will not allow that.
WEF and (almost) all other globalist organizations, banks, corporations etc. also have their offices/ branches in China; and China is one of the most important permanent members of WEF. That is where their real policies are discussed, planned, organized/ made - and the most things, behind closed doors, where journalists, resp. no one has access.
It had to come to this point for all conditions to be fulfilled, that this satanic and swinish stable called the world, must be completely/ irreparably DESTROYED, i.e. ANNIHILATED forever and ever - which absolutely nothing & no one can prevent.
If anyone on this planet can think/ believe that we will allow these Jeff, Xi, Putin/ Putana, Western puppets, and the rest of the Talmudists, Satans & Satanists, Zionists = Globalists to achieve their highest satanic goal, then is he not equal to his hairy brothers/ monkeys, but equal to an amoeba - and of course will perish together with them all.
The cow urine drinker loves and embraces all the satanic abominations of this world because he is equal to them:
What such alleged non-globalists publicly tell the peoples in their big media are only the primitive lies/ misleading of their own and foreign peoples, equally - like the open globalists; to keep all earth inhabitants in ignorance and confusion, until they, all together, strike their last common blow and together murder 90% of the world inhabitants, including the 90% of “small yellows” ;)
Put another way: They are no longer fighting each other as they used to (except for the show to fool you) but they are all together against you, "Goyim". That is why the rulers in the USA, CAN, AUS, GB/ UK etc. (in other parts of the world too) are also murdering their own people, incl. some militaries and government officials, with vaccines, chemtrails, various kinds of rays and waves little known to you, contaminated food and beverages etc.
If this were not the case, they would need every soldier, official and healthy citizen against their "enemies".
The Power of jewish Private Banks/ High Finance
It had to come to this point for all conditions to be fulfilled, that this satanic and swinish stable called the world, must be completely/ irreparably DESTROYED, i.e. ANNIHILATED forever and ever - which absolutely nothing & no one can prevent.
If anyone on this planet can think/ believe that we will allow these Jeff, Xi and the rest of the Talmudists, Satans & Satanists, Zionists = Globalists to achieve their highest satanic goal, then is he not equal to his hairy brothers/ monkeys, but equal to an amoeba - and of course will perish together with them all.
In 1935, retired Marine General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient Smedley Butler published a 55-page paper titled "War is a Racket". Here is a brief excerpt:
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."
Yuval Noah Harari, the jewish 100% passive-gay (in his own words), military historian, professor in Jerusalem, the teacher/ instructor of the genocidal IDF, the "most moral army in the world" (according to Netanyahu) and favorite advisor of Klaus Schwab/ WWF, UNO and many other globalist organizations, who also describes himself as a futurist, has clearly told you:
"We acquire the divine abilities of creation and destruction"
"We are in the process of acquiring the divine abilities that literally - it's not a metaphor - transform us into the gods."
"God has created only organic life: plants, animals and humans, according to his will; but we, we succumbed to the abilities to create & make life, in a way that goes beyond what the biblical God created. We are now trying to create inorganic life, inorganic entities, cyborgs, etc. If we succeed, and our chances of success are very good, then very soon, we will be above the biblical God."
(above their Shaddai)
"We don't need the vast majority of people (goyim)."
(Who are "we” for a Jew who don't need you anymore; what do you think?)
"Humans are now hackable animals & most of them have become redundant."
(For Jews, as already quoted, all goyim are animals, at least since they have their Talmud and Talmudists)
"Jesus is fake news. The whole idea that people have the soul or spirit, though no one knows what happens inside them, and their free will.... That is now OVER."
"Elections are BAD for democracy”
"People think in stories, and we try to make sense of the world by telling them stories"
If Yuval, Jeff & Co. don't need you, then you and your potential children have lost every right to exist on “their” planet, which they want to “cleanse” of you. Be reasonable and agree with the fine gentlemen and philantrophists.
The jewish Pfizer & Co. have almost perfected those methods.
WTC, 9/11. The Big Crime of Mossad, CIA & Co.!
That is their strategic & satanic plan & goal that Casey & Co., the jewish Zionists, in collaboration with the Goyim Zionists like them, have almost completely achieved.
If they want to turn the citizens of their country into zombies/ idiots, what can they wish for the other peoples/ earth inhabitants?
Only the most shameless & evilest Satans have such ideas/ desires, but Humans NEVER do, because they have completely different kind of souls & consciousnesses (feelings, thoughts, wishes & needs). Humans always want to share, help, give & cooperate honorably in their businesses. Only such life can make them satisfied or even happy.
Only fools can be permanently happy on this planet because we do not live in "paradise", and should have to see what tragedies are taking place, if not currently in our country of existence, then in other countries/ nations.
Some important Information and Facts about the CIA/ C *INTELLIGENCE* A (*the paid murderers, terrorists and “intelligence” = to make it sound positive)
In these actual primate bodies dwell/ live very different souls/ beings: Different species of animals (tame & wild beasts), satans, and not too many Humans (some angels may also appear temporarily).
Humans in all nations are always good-natured or even wonderful beings (depending on their own level of development); but even they can sometimes become aggressive for the right reason/ when the need arises.
But if you yourself consider you a monkey, as your esteemed scientists "know" it and have taught you, then forget this message - it is not meant for you nor for them.
Also worth knowing: What you should know about Olaf Scholz and those who govern him and the FRG? (In German and for the most part also in English)
USA/ NATO is the Biggest & Most Genocidal jewish-zionist TERRORIST Gang of Satanic* Incest Bastards** - but NOT for much longer!
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25 &
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
All Satans* are traditionally also incest bastards**; but not all extramarital children are satanic.
“Mine is vengeance” & “We will take revenge”, my Holy Father promised you a long time ago. That time is no longer “near”, but has come.
JEBAĆEMO vam svima vaše sotonske i incestuozne Kurve majke, ovaj put baš svima, na cijelom svijetu i irreparabilno = za vremena sva!
The END of the macabre story on the planet of primates, satans and a few Humans, who live thinly scattered among all nations.
The END of the Very Last satanic EMPIRE, this jewish-satanic Empire!!
Over and Out - forever and ever!
PS: Also good to hear/ read once: Capitalism, Socialism & Communism?