The final END of the Very Last EMPIRE, this jewish-satanic Empire!
This narrative, resp. announcement, was inspired by the title: "US Presidential Races Hide The Criminality Of The US Empire"
The Founding of the USA on the jewish-satanic-masonic foundation and its unchanged satanic existence to this day - but NOT for much longer!
Many earthlings have known for a very long time how criminal, resp. more than criminal, the USA empire is.
Since all the empires that have ever existed on this planet of primates, satans and not so numerous Humans were built on most highly criminal ideologies and activities, as is the USA today, a large majority of the non-human inhabitants of the Earth accept their existence as something normal (this has always been +/ - foreign to Humans).
All empires are built by conquering other, foreign, often/ sometimes unknown territories, peoples etc. The driving force of the most satanic leaders of empires is the lust for murder and plunder of foreign natural/ all county resources, incl. the labor of the survivors.
A decent person (Humans are always decent) does not go uninvited to his friendly neighbor without asking him: do you have time, let's have a coffee or something similar together.
Since your satanic rulers and their smallest and most primitive satanic prostitutes who call themselves journalists (except for about 1 per thousand of them) not only influence but also dictate your historians and the entire school/ education systems, you are largely educated to become inhuman from an early age, because the bestial and satanic = absolutely inhuman ... is presented to you as something quite normal. That is the only reason why the inhuman forms the largest part of this planet.
To name just one example: The French poisonous dwarf Napoleon, who was overfilled with all kinds of inferiority complexes since his wretched birth, was (almost) equal to his German-speaking neighbor and soul brother Adolf. That's why he shot the whole of Europe to ashes with his/ french cannons, and even wanted to kill and plunder the Russians, although his soldiers did not even know where to find Russia on the geographical map* (*which they hardly had at the time).
Or Constantine “the Great”, whom the Satans (some are not aware of it, but consider themselves Human, resp. monkeys) who also call themselves Christians (but are anti-Christians) consider a “very great” and even a holy/ St. ... but who ... is known, if not only, then above all for his bestial Satanic deeds. He murdered his own son, and also his own wife, her father (his father-in-law) and a very large but unknown number of other people.
But cf. Matthew 5: 28-30 (Woman here is also the symbol for everything forbidden/ every sin, and adultery symbolizes every unfaithfulness/ betrayal/ disobedience to God.
So, just for merely LOOKING at and DESIRING any sin (in silence) - God has knowledge of it - one will BURN in HELL. What should then happen to persons who SPEAK about sins, who LEAD to sin or even COMMIT them?
Persons to whom these words of Christ are not foreign (in their more mature years. In the younger years, it is rather impossible) could belong to the Christians. Everything else is beastly-satanic scum and vermin, the wickedness wrapped up in these primate bodies, just waiting for the favorable opportunity to do the bad or evil or beastly-satanic things.
Your religious leaders are no different from your political leaders.
The most evil and satanic earthlings (after Jews) are those who are counted as Westerners. (The Japs and some others belong honorably to them). Here I mention only the following: Countless bestial satanic genocides against each other (Eight thousand murdered Bosniaks (no women & children among them) in Srebrenica have been qualified as genocide by the UN courts) accompanied by plundering and crimes of all kinds, 100 years war,, 30 years war, enslavement and colonization on the highest scale/ globally, Fascism, Nazism, 2 World Wars and the already started Third and very last one, genocides on all foreign continents and illegal settlements on their territories until today, etc., etc. etc.
The other parts of the world are not populated with the “angels” either, but, compared to the first mentioned satanic incest bastards, they could (mistakenly) almost seem to be.
All the satanic forces that used to fight each other in the most brutal ways (because of their sick & satanic love of power and wealth) have now united worldwide.
The Western and many non-Western governments, various & supposedly opposing policies/ parties, royal houses, armies, NATO, banking/ financial centers, ultra-rich, celebrities, religious leaders (Vatican & Co.), scientists, UN, WHO, WWF, etc. .... they have all finally been united worldwide under the leadership of their common jewish grand masters from the shadow (Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co.) to be able to establish their satanic & LGBTQ+ New World Order.
Jews, resp. jewish Zionists (90+ % of all Jews) are the only nation (resp. race/ genea = source text word) that is explicitly described in any of God's Books as devils/ satans* men murderers, children of the father of lies, and incest bastards** of the first degree ... and therefore they want to achieve their highest goal and greatest joy by murdering 90% of the earth's inhabitants (with the help of the Goyim who are equal to them). The remaining 10% they need as zombified slaves/ laborers and producers of children for their sacrificial rituals & adrenochrome. (More about that is written below in the “Satanic Talmud”)
* John 8: 41-47 & 15:21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & devil = synonyms)
The basic principles of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave the world/ all goyim, are summarized in
The source & driving force of today's & greatest STANIC Evil are the jewish Zionists (organizers) together with the goyimic Globalists (like-minded collaborators/ associates). Their imminent & eternal End will be much more painful & tragic than the End of their race in Sodom and Gomorrah.
The satanic Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well)
Satans and Satanists have been “given” certain abilities/ talents in order to cast a spell over all persons who have the same or similar inclinations/ souls. They would like to turn all earthlings into their equals.
With Money and Adrenochrome, the children of the Father of Lies, the Devil and Men-Murderer - from the very beginning - have taken (almost) all your rulers (who are similar or equal to them) under their most satanic spell.
It's just good so, that we can ANNIHILATE them all together, in one big heap, worldwide and irreparably, i.e. forever and ever.
Look forward to it, because it had to come this far, and now (in the next “days”) it will happen.
This is the Promise of "A Truly Mighty One", which I am merely delivering to you at His command.
My Holy Father promised you a long time ago. “Mine is vengeance” & “We will take revenge” & … "The Time is near".
That time is no longer “near”, but has COME.
We are going to completely/ irreparably ANNIHILATE them all, absolutely all and on the whole planet in the next days* (*the exact time is known only to the ONE)
Together with them we will also kill considerably more than 90% of all other earthlings, because of their, evilness, or badness, or lack of virtue, but their souls will not have to suffer painfully afterwards, but simply erased.
The END of the macabre (hi)story on the planet of primates, satans and the not so numerous Humans that we will all get out of the biggest mess in time - no matter where they live. Over and out - forever and ever!
If anyone on this planet could think/ believe that we will allow the most primitive, evil and satanic incest bastards to establish their most satanic NWO (90% depopulation of the planet & the enslavement of the rest), then he is not equal to his hairy brothers, but to amoebas.
Although you (the vast majority of you) cannot imagine this at all today, this is how it will be, and not otherwise, absolutely and under no circumstances otherwise. Even if all, absolutely all the armies of this depraved world were to unite to prevent it, they could do absolutely nothing, not the slightest thing, to thwart our soon to be accomplished plan and goal.
This is the Promise of "A Truly Mighty One", which I am merely delivering to you at His command.
Good souls, who love Justice & Truth and STAND UP for it according to their own (small) possibilities, completely regardless of where they stay/ dwell/ live on this planet, have nothing to fear and will not be sad.
We (not me personally) have absolute control over all your weapons, nuclear weapons, flying objects/ devices, missiles, instruments and all systems (western and eastern) and will soon use them to an appropriate extent against their producers - even while they are not at all connected to any energy source - electricity or whatever.
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
In their satanic quest to increase their power and riches, the Satans have fought each other in the most brutal and bloody ways in times past, sending their own peoples into wars against unknown and distant countries/ peoples (to murder and plunder them) ...
Lately, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co. have managed to bring them all under their control and unite them - worldwide. It no longer matters who is in which political party, which religion who professes (lies) ... nothing matters to them anymore, except the Satanism that unites them.
The satanic gang is now complete :) Important Information about the current Russian President Putin/ Putana, & Chinese Xi Pig ;) too (The old fat sow from Belarus also belongs to them, & Modi, Lula, bin Salman+++)
They say that they have attained divine abilities (it is the most primal desire of Satan) and even more than that. They can create even non-organic life (they say), while the biblical God could create only organic life. They also want to live forever (see this pic with Elon-jewsky ;)
They have been completely filled with satanic energy and overwhelmed by it so that they can no longer lie and hypocrite, i.e. cannot hide their satanism as they used to.
That is why they lately behave completely shamelessly in public (Satans have no sense of shame), like severely mentally ill children sitting up to their chins in feces, playing with feces and finding it fragrant, amusing, beautiful and even useful - for the “humanity” to which they do NOT belong.
That is why they say in their speeches, for example: “WE have this & that”, 'YOU will have to accept it' - always WE and YOU, because it's about completely different souls/ species that merely dwell/ live in these same-kind of monkey bodies.
Humans can never & under absolutely no circumstances come up with such satanic ideas, let alone (want to) do anything similar, because they have completely different kind of souls & consciousnesses = feelings, thoughts, wishes & needs.
Humans (in all nations) are good-natured or even wonderful beings (depending on their own stage of development), who always only want to give, share, help and cooperate honorably in their business.
If you are not completely aware of this, then you are not one of us either.
In these actual monkey bodies (biologically/ genetically 98% identical to the bodies of chimpanzees & Co.) dwell the souls (beings) ... of the many satans, many wild beasts, the even more numerous tame animals (but which have no Human virtues) and the not very numerous Humans. For this reason, God has told you in each of His true books that only certain inhabitants of the earth will be saved, and these are only Humans.
Perhaps this jewish Satan (Gilad Erdan) can help you to distinguish and recognize yourself as Satan, beast, tame animal or Human. Christ told you very clearly: “He who does not recognize himself will not be able to recognize anything”.
All persons, absolutely all, who set their foot in this satanic house will burn and burn out - forever and ever (we have warned them)
UN, WHO ... WEF ... CFR, Bilderberg, Club of Rome/ Globalism = The New World Order & its Source resp. Driving Force, the jewish ZIONISM
How can Primitive jewish Zionists (90+ % of all Jews), Satanic* Incest Bastards** & Enemies of Humanity control/ dominate/ enslave the USA, NATO & the western world+++? But NOT for much longer!
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25 and ** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
A Small Great School (especially for the so-called scientists, the wretched amoebas who are not aware of their unawareness)