UN, WHO, ... WEF ... CFR, Bilderberg, Club of Rome/ Globalism = The New World Order & its Source resp. Driving Force, the jewish ZIONISM
The UN, currently headed by the most primitive Portuguese totally perverted & satanic abomination Guterres, and the number of members still in charge - but not for much longer - form a totally SATANIC WHOREHOUSE.
The whorehouse is overcrowded with the satanic incest bastards from (almost) all nations and souls similar to them, the cheapest prostitutes who sell their wretched souls for filthy money.
They are all either slaves or willing employees/ field agents of the greatest satanic Evil (Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co.) who control and steer them all from the shadow.
The Rockefellers & United Nations - Connection
Freemasonry and Illuminati = Jewish Talmudic? Yes, that is TRUE. https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/freemasonry-and-illuminati-judaism
Affecting Everyone: UN Official reveals Dark Secrets of UN https://www.kla.tv/25379
United Nations Caught Invoking the Antichrist on World Invocation Day https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/united-nations-caught-invoking-the-antichrist-on-world-invocation-day/
UN Says 'Dangerous' Conspiracy Theorists Must Be Punished Like Terrorists https://rumble.com/v4rlbtt-un-says-dangerous-conspiracy-theorists-must-be-punished-like-terrorists.html
"Children must have sexual partners" - say the UN & WHO https://stopworldcontrol.com/
Contractual partner WHO wants to legalize pedophilia! (in German, with Text too) https://www.kla.tv/Fruehsexualisierung/29192&autoplay=true
UN & WHO Plan https://stopworldcontrol.com/
UN plan: Gender criticism is a "Crime against Humanity" (The biggest global Criminals declare the righteous people to be criminals, just like the U.S., UK, Israel etc., who are the biggest Terrorists on the planet, declare the Freedom Fighters to be Terrorists - but NOT for much longer! Subtitle in E+) https://www.kla.tv/Transgender/30452&autoplay=true
LGBTQ+ Leaders Sign WEF Treaty to Accept PEDOPHILES as 'Legally Protected Minority' (Denying pedophiles their right to a sexual orientation is HATEFUL) https://rumble.com/v55y28s-lgbtq-leaders-sign-wef-treaty-to-accept-pedophiles-as-legally-protected-min.html
Among the great and wise jewish Talmud-Scholars, as among the other great and wise scholars & scientists, the opinions sometimes differ somewhat, especially when it comes to such existential questions for HUMANITY
These are the words of Rabbi Meir. But the Sages disagree with the last part of Rabbi Meir's ruling and say.
MISHNAH: It has already been established in a previous Mishnah (above, 10b) that a woman who is presumed to be a virgin at the time of her marriage is entitled to a ketubah of 200 dinarim. whereas a woman who is presumed to be a non-virgin at the time of her marriage is entitled to a ketubah of 100 dinarim (a maneh).
The Mishnah we are about to consider continues in its efforts to determine which women are considered virgins for the purposes of the ketubah and which are treated as non-virgins:
If a grown-up man has had intercourse with a little girl less than three years old, or if a young boy less than nine years old has had intercourse with a grown woman, "or if a woman has been injured by a stick and as a result her hymen has been ruptured, 'in each of these cases the woman is entitled to a ketubah of two hundred dinarim when she marries.
A girl who engaged in intercourse when she was less than three years old is still considered a virgin, for her hymen will grow back. And a woman who engaged in intercourse with a boy who was under nine years old is still considered a virgin, for intercourse with a boy of that age is not considered a significant sexual act. And a woman whose hymen was ruptured as a result of an accident is still entitled to a ketubah of 200 dinarim, for she did not lose her virginity through sexual intercourse.
Both the UN, WHO, etc., and the WEF are carrying out the orders of their same grandmasters from the shadow, and that is the only reason they are singing the same song in chorus.
Ø Early sexualization of children
Ø Legalization of pedophiles and equal treatment of pedophiles with LGBTQs (because they too should be among the proud)
Ø Persecution of all "conspiracy theorists" who speak against biological WMD (vaccines), climate idiocy, etc.
Ø 90% depopulation = Of 100% of the earth's inhabitants, 90% = Humans must be murdered - for the love of Humanity (!), so that the 10% of the jewish (& non-jewish) Zionists/ Globalists/ the Satanic* incest bastards** can have it nice & comfortable.
* John 8: 41-47 & 15:21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25 &
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & devil = synonyms)
The Tedros File - Will the WHO chief become the most powerful man in the world? (23: 24, His Influential Friends, Globalists) https://www.kla.tv/26784
The dark side of the WHO Director General https://www.kla.tv/17127
WHO – a Criminal Association? https://www.kla.tv/31027
WEF, Great Reset and their masterminds (CRF, Bilderberg-Group, Trilateral Commission & Co.) - Is there a world conspiracy after all? https://www.kla.tv/27896
The overlords and Grand-Masters of the U.S. & NATO from the shadow (Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co.), are the Masters also of all other organizations similar to the UN, WHO, etc., and, on theirs initiative the UN was founded and on theirs private property the UN building was built, etc.
"Rockefeller and Rothschild financed global revolutions to establish totalitarian systems"
John D. Rockefeller Sr. embraced (about 140 years ago) the new science of eugenics [and] said, "We want to be the supreme rulers ... and we want a sub-human slave class that will serve us in all things and never rebel ...", and
In this video (at the bottom), the UN brags that the organization was given 6. 9 acres of land along the East River in Manhattan by the Rockefeller family in 1945. It was a "gift worth several million dollars". https://twitter.com/i/status/1836990470343287165
They finance, but also bribe (some blackmail, others threaten) the vast majority of members of the satanic whorehouse, and also influence them through the USA governments, Congress, CIA, NATO ... who are all either their slaves or willing satanic employees/ field workers.
The source & driving force of today's & greatest SATANIC Evil are the jewish Zionists (Freemasons & so-called Illuminati as Organizers) together with the goyimic Globalists/ with the souls of the same kind, that mostly hide their conversion to Judaism and Talmudism.
The satanic Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion
According to the ancient satanic jewish-zionist plan it was first necessary to establish a jewish nation state, and afterwards (with money/ bribes and adrenochrome) to draw the goyimic rulers into their satanic spell, and with their slavish collaboration to achieve world domination/ world enslavement in their satanic so-called NWO = to murder 90% of the earth's inhabitants and to rule alone over all the earth's natural resources and the remaining 10% of the zombified goyim, as a kind of perverted and satanic deities.
That is the primal desire of Satan/ all Satans = to be god-like; while Humans have completely different kind of souls and consciousnesses, and therefore also completely different kind of feelings, thoughts, wishes and needs, that are completely HUMAN.
The satanic gang is now complete: Important information about the current Russian President Putin, Chinese Xi Pig ;) , BRICS, and their jewish Grandmasters (The old, fat sow from Belarus, Modi, Lula, bin Salman, Erdogan etc. also belong to them https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/what-should-you-know-about-the-current
George Soros Caught Boasting All Future Elections Are '100% Rigged' https://rumble.com/v52xfsl-george-soros-caught-boasting-all-future-elections-are-100-rigged.html
The Power of jewish Private Banks/ High Finance (Rothschilds & Co.) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-power-of-jewish-private-banks
The Club of Rome, one of the institutional components of the depopulation network, could not have formulated the main principle of its genocidal philosophy more clearly in a programmatic document published in 1974 (https://www.globalresearch.ca/dark-origins-davos-great-reset/5797113 ): "The earth has cancer and the cancer is man."
With this they have shown you that they know that they do not belong to the Human Race but to the satanic race; and that is the reason why they want to murder 90% of you/ earthlings.
Western Democracies, their true Value & their Future https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/western-democracies-their-value-and
The END of the Very Last EMPIRE, this jewish-satanic Empire! https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-the-very-last-empire