Freemasonry and Illuminati = Jewish Talmudic? Yes, that is TRUE.
Your "democratically elected" presidents/ politicians and their sincerity to want to serve their own people? From the very beginning!
Some presidents, ministers & Co, who were Freemasons themselves, have said some good words against the secret societies/ brotherhoods, Freemasons & Co. (like this wretched & satanic piece of dog shit, Georg Washington) to reassure the people, , because at that time were more people than today who recognized the problem ... and that the people do not make uprising/ revolution but continue to have confidence in their institutions/ presidents & Co. Satanic games are much, much more corrupt and evil than a normal citizen can imagine.
World Danger Highest Degree Freemasonry (from 11: 40 the presidents & Co. who were Freemasons are listed)
At their gala parties, the Serbian "Ultra-Witch"/ Satanist Abramovic serves them food, arranged as human and child corpses, and they eat it with the greatest appetite.
But when the cameras are not allowed, then ... They abuse/ RAPE children & babies, sacrifice them, drink their blood (Adrenochrome) & eat their flesh (politicians, royals, ultrarich, elite, celebrities)
Almost the same. These have known and practiced it since time immemorial
Blood Libel/ Ritual murder Legend, blood accusation of the JEWS ... that they abduct children, eat them & drink their blood (Adrenochrome)? It's NOT a legend at all
Blood cult: Rape, torture and sacrifice of children, cannibalism: 247 victims, 135 witnesses, 172 perpetrators and accomplices (celebrities, politicians, royals, military, military-industrial complex, tunnel systems under university buildings, university professors, etc.)
This primitive, fat & satanic-godless english Sow told this according to the most primitive & satanic jewish-zionist dictate. That is why the jewish media and their historiography have made this wretched and fat sow to a "great" politician. Nothing can be more wretched and primitive.
The classical prostitutes sell only their bodies for a short time, can wash themselves with water afterwards and are also often useful members of society. Thanks to their generally unappreciated work, some crimes are not committed; but the prostitution of souls, as practiced by your "esteemed" politicians and the rest of the leaders (who are all satanic bastards), is the absolutely most reprehensible and most harmful thing for society in this mostly primitive world.
Also this can be mentioned here:
The UN was founded by two high-grade Freemasons, namely the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt of “Marion Lodge No. 70” and the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (who worked on behalf of Rothschild, Rockefeller & Co.). Churchill belonged to three Masonic lodges that PROFESSED allegiance to SATAN*: the “United Studholme Lodge No. 1591”, the “Rosemary Lodge No. 2851”, and also the “Albion Lodge” of the Ancient Order of Druids.
(* As seen above, Satan/ Lucifer is the head boss/god of them all, who they ask for the special powers from. Some of them are just hiding it - and caught up in their evilness & idiocy, they do not comprehend that Satan/ Lucifer is a deceiver - who is deceiving them, resp. all his followers.
These Masonic founding fathers have already OFFICIALLY designated this League of Nations as their WORLD LODGE as early as 1948. But the witnessing ex-UN official himself was the international president of the Masonic Club of Rome for two years.
Almost all U.S. presidents have sworn their presidential oath on the Masonic Bible, except JFK on his family Bible.
Illuminati, Freemasons, Royals ... (“FBI Seize Diddy Tape …”) ABUSE & RAPE of the children of SECRET societies/ fraternities. This girl was raped as a child by her FREEMASON father, and he took her to the rituals in the Grand Lodge of London where they RAPE children, but, the worst thing was that they forced these children, use their hands to MURDER the other already raped toddlers with a knife (See from 13: 00 - 15: 45
Olaf Scholz-jewsky & other german-jewish satanic incest-bastards: (In German and for the most part in English too)
FBI Chief Ted Gunderson:
Murdered FBI Chief’s (Ted Gunderson) Last Interview Uncovered: ‘D.C. Elite Are SATANIC Pedophiles’
Adrenochrome: Human blood as an intoxicating and rejuvenating agent
Naked Boy escape from Buckingham Palace (jumps, possibly into his death) or here (if deleted/ censored) Child Escaping from Buckingham Palace Naked
England, resp. the GB/ UK is the first country that the satanic/ zionistic Jews have completely brought under their control/ enslaved. Then one after the other the European countries and finally the USA, from the very beginning.
In this context, it is also important to consider the case of JFK, who they murdered because he wanted to be a president of the USA citizens and not their puppet.
JFK/ John F. Kennedy - The Assassination/ Plot - And now, in 2024, the confession of the CIA-Murderer
The Power of jewish Private Banks/ High Finance (Rothschilds & Co.)
Who owns most of the media?
Of course, not all Jews belong to Freemasons & Illuminati, but all of them (especially their so-called elites, religious leaders, politicians, so-called scientists, the ultra-rich, celebrities, etc.) are led, resp. educated, by them, and they then influence and lead the "rank and file".
Only a few Jews can escape their satanic influence and are then declared apostates and non-Jews by the overwhelming majority. These, however, then declare the vast majority of Jews to be non-Jews. The best-known example are perhaps the so-called Messianic Jews, who were declared to be no longer Jewish by the overwhelming majority of Jews.
The Goyim, who become Freemasons and thus Jews, almost always hid this (Donald Trump converted to Judaism 2017, so that they can continue to lie to the Goyim, use them, exploit them, mislead them, i.e. misuse them in every possible way; because among themselves (with many foreigners too) they are the secret and true brotherhood, and everything else is outside their satanic family, and is there to be used and misused for the achievement of their satanic goals - until the soon planned 90% depopulation of the planets. They said it most clearly with the following words in Club of Rome: “The earth has cancer, and this cancer is man”.
But they do not consider themselves to be that cancer, because they KNOW that they are NOT men/ Humans.
If they were of the human race, they could never wish to murder 90% of the earth's inhabitants ... for satanic selfish reasons, as they want all the limited earth resources available only for themselves and their satanic race for as long as possible. 8 billion earthlings consume a lot of it, and that is one of the reason why they want to murder them.
These goyimic new-Jews/ Globalists = also Zionists, do not guess, that the old ones use them, and want to eliminate them too, after they have murdered 90% of the others through them/ with their help.
For the murder* of just one person = *killing a person for selfish/ reprehensible/ ulterior motives, the murderer gets the death penalty or a life sentence (depending on the country). For the murder of 7 billion of you, planned by them, there is no adequate punishment according to your laws & possibilities - but there is one according to ours.
All satanic* incest bastards** (both the jewish = leaders, and the goyimic = their like-minded collaborators) will correspondingly long bite and chew their own tongues in the hope that it might alleviate their unbearable pains, which will not be the case. It will be followed by the complete/ irreparable ANNIHILATION of their most primitive, evilest & most satanic souls, i.e. forever & ever!
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
The goyim can rise to the 33rd Masonic Grand and become the so-called Grand Masters. The Jews declared the "Beautiful German King" to be Grand Master in one night/ after a few hours, so that he would be completely devoted to them full of pride/ become their most primitive puppet.
The goyim consider this 33rd degree to be the highest degree, because they have no idea that there are 66 degrees, because everything beyond the 33rd degree is reserved only for the very few ancient Jews and the many Khazars (who adopted the Talmud & Judaism about 1000 years ago and therefore disappeared as a khazarian nation).
The so-called Illuminati, who are actually also completely deaf and blind satanic amoebas, resp. who are completely fleshly/ earthbound = completely spiritless idiots, and therefore cannot understand absolutely anything spiritual/ essential, belong to the same satanic Gang that has been deceived by the deceiver/ Lucifer, as the CFR, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, WEF etc. belong to each other and also to them. They can be considered as the many branches of the same company, because they have to act in many places at the same time, and complement each other with additional satanic ideas, but they are all steered from one and the same place - Head of the Snake; which we will very soon smash completely/ irreparably. After that, their most primitive, evil and satanic/ diabolical (2 synonyms) souls will have to "burn" for a long time before we finally wipe them ALL out, i.e. forever and ever,
The source & driving force of today's & greatest STANIC Evil are the jewish Zionists (Freemasons & so-called Illuminati as Organizers) together with the goyimic Globalists (like-minded collaborators/ associates). Their imminent & eternal End will be much more painful & tragic than the End of their race in Sodom and Gomorrah.
The satanic Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well)
Weishaupt's Illuminati Order (18th century)
According to some sources, the foundation of the first Illuminati order is dated to the 11th century, which is not important at all, because such secret societies/ brotherhoods can also be proven to have existed in Mesopotamia 3 000 years before Christ, albeit under different names, because Satan/ Devil/ Lucifer and his servants have been around since the beginning of time, resp. this world.
They also adapt themselves to social circumstances and changes, change their names etc. but the idea and ideology always remain the same.
Hidden in the secret darkness of the night and in the stench of their evilness, they all cherish satanic-evil plans to subjugate, resp. enslave humanity. This is the only reason why they never dare to come out in the light of day, i.e. openly before mankind.
A non-satanic but human soul can never live under such circumstances because it would suffocate in such conditions. The point is not that Humans do not want it, but that they cannot, because human souls and consciousnesses are of a completely different nature, have a completely different disposition, completely different feelings, thoughts, wishes and needs, so that they strive to shape their earthly existence according to them, i.e. to make their earthly life more bearable, as nice as possible, and if possible also happy - at least periodically, because permanent happiness cannot exist on earth, as we know that we do not live in paradise.
The German Jew Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati around May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt, is "considered" to be the founder of today's Illuminati (or the reformer of the older Illuminati -- which is unimportant), who today openly and satanically shamelessly strive to establish their satanic so-called NWO.
This Illuminati order consisted of 1 500 to 2 500 members, about a third of whom were Freemasons = the organizers and leaders of the order, while the others joined as the (+/ -) lay newcomers. They officially baptized the order as the "Promoters of Enlightenment" :)
The satanic incest bastards always give themselves good, nice, euphonious names, just like all your most satanic, evil and shameless "philanthropists" today do, who are always the greatest Enemies of Humanity.
But this Adam Weishaupt was no more the founder of this Illuminati order than Klaus Schwab is the founder of the WEF. Schwab's mentor (in his own words) was the German Jew Heinz Alfred Kissinger, later known in the USA as Henry, whose mentors were Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
Henry Kissinger's important and little-known Statements & some Facts
Because of its greatest satanic evilness and cowardice, the head of the snake always tries to remain hidden in the shadows, presenting himself to the whole world of goyim as a "philanthropist". Both A. Weishaupt and K. Schwab worked on behalf of the jewish banking families headed by the Rothschilds.
The new members had to take a solemn oath to maintain secrecy and swear a vow of unconditional obedience. This ritual made them novices and they were immediately given a name of the order.
As soon as one moved up to the student/ minerval class, this changed. However, promotion was only made possible once one had brought a new member.
One became a minerval through a ritual initiation. At night, one of the superior godfathers led him into a room that was only sparsely lit with oil lamps and whose windows were locked. He was then confronted by a man wearing a medallion on a green ribbon: an owl holding a book in its claws. The New minerval had to kill (one or more persons, usually children) with his own hands.
In practice, there were not many Illuminati who did not belong to another secret society.
Only Master Masons are admitted to the higher degrees of the Enlightened, but their membership and names remain secret. One is elevated to the Enlightened minerval without much ceremony. Only the duties change. Above all, one has to teach the younger brothers and guide their will in the direction of the Order.
Objectives of the Order of Weishaupt:
There are many different speculations about the Order's objectives. They range from world conquest to world destruction and ultimately to world improvement.
Their Self-Portrayal/ propaganda/ lie is as follows: The Illuminati are the benefactors of the world who have acted and continue to act against "dark alliances". This can be seen in particular from one of Adam Weishaupt's texts, in which he commented on the Obscurantist Order. While the Illuminati, as already mentioned, were committed to the enlightenment of Humanity and the implementation of the Enlightenment, the Obscurantists stood for exactly the opposite, for the defeat of the Enlightenment. Adam Weishaupt wrote the following:
"These obscurants*
(* such are today referred to as the evil "conspiracy theorists" who seek to prevent the beautiful NWO)
are constantly dreaming of enemies that do not exist; they slander every honest man, confuse the government, arouse general distrust by spreading lies, and seek positions they do not deserve [...] Their union is a conspiracy against virtue [...] and [they] at once change a perfectly open, honest people into a herd of hypocrites, flatterers, slanderers and groveling slaves."
(* But these are the freedom fighters who seek to fight the Satanic tyrants)
Adam Weishaupt - "Apologie der Illuminaten", Frankfurt 1786, p.122 f.
More Propaganda/ Lies, their Self-presentation: The Illuminati never and by no means had harmful intentions towards society. In fact, in the early days of the order, political matters were completely out of the founder's mind. He primarily wanted to gather enthusiastic young people in order to teach them scientific truths.
From the historical book "Politische Geheimbünde im Völkergeschehen" (Political Secret Societies in the History of Nations), it can be seen that Weishaupt dreamed of a secret school of wisdom in which the best academics in the country "unhindered by traditional shackles, would learn what the priests had banned from the chairs."
The Illuminati therefore saw their task in spreading wisdom and virtue and allowing reason to prevail. This should be achieved through the promotion of religious and political enlightenment. In other words, they wanted to perfect natural reason in the spirit of the Enlightenment.
In summary, it can be said that the Order's main aim was to promote the Enlightenment and any claims that they had the intention of attacking the social order can be regarded as false. If anything, they were in favor of quite deliberate reform. Their method of enlightening the people, improving morals and establishing a "general moral regiment" was contrary to any policy of overthrow.
(The same can be heard from the WEF in recent times)
ILLUMINATI. The Most Important Lecture Ever Recorded : FBI Chief Exposes Dark Secrets in 2001 (FBI Chief Ted Gunderson, who worked for the FBI for 28 years)
(Short excerpt from this 1: 00: 30 long video)
Ted Gunderson talks about his investigations: Part of the initiation to them is, resp. was (in this specific case) to commit the murder of a woman and her two children (2, 5 and 5, 5 years old).
The government, generals, other army personnel, police officers, attorneys, etc. protect the satanic cult. The satanic cults from all over America are connected to Illuminati, connected to USA intelligence services, connected to illegal drug activities, connected to/ working on MK-Ultra mind control program.
The ideas of justice and democracy are empty fantasies for them (for Yuval too). In nature there is no reason and no place for freedom, equality, fraternity.
17: 38 Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by Meier Rothschild in 1773 to draw up a plan for the overtaking of the world. After three years, the plan was ready.
On May 1, 1773, Weishaupt outlined the theories of war. He laid down the principle which the governments of Great Britain and the USA publicly announced in their joint policy in 1939 (after 200 years). He said that the policy of both governments was to foment wars but to conduct press conferences for peace. The wars should be conducted in such a way that the nations involved on both sides get stronger in their debt and in the power of our agencies.
Governments must use their wealth to select candidates for public offices who will obediently carry out our orders so that they can be easily used as pawns in our (chess) game by the scholarly and genial men, whom we will appoint to act as official advisors behind the scenes of governments. These shall be educated, raised and trained from childhood in accordance with our ideas and ideals to govern affairs throughout the world. (The wretched Young Global "-Leaders)
Control of the press: With our collective wealth, we must be able to control all channels of public information while remaining in the shadows and free from blame, regardless of reputation, consequences, due to the publication of criminal defamation or falsehoods. Thanks to the press, we have gold in our hands, regardless of the fact that we gather it from the ocean of blood and tears, but it has paid off for us, even though we have sacrificed many of our own people. Every sacrifice on our side is worth a thousand of the masses.
32: 25 Roosevelt knew beforehand that the Japs would bomb Pearl Harbor. JFK assassination, Oklahoma City attack (if you are unfamiliar, see
JFK/ John F. Kennedy - The Assassination/ Plot; and now, in 2024, the CONFESSION of the CIA-Murderer
35: 00 WTC terrorist attack of 1993? NY Times on October 28, 1993 reported that the FBI not only knew in advance that they were going to bomb the WTC, but supplied the ingredients for the bomb. Despite this, Congress never called for an investigation, even though there were six fatalities in addition to the property damage. The media did not ask any questions either, but obeyed the order and remained silent.
WTC, 9/ 11 was an Inside Job/ Big Crime of Mossad, CIA & Co. Irrefutable Proofs
Our agents must be sent into the field/appear on the scene when conditions have reached their nadir and the masses have been subjugated by an act of terror. We will restore order in the following way: Let the victims believe that they have become the prey of criminals and the irresponsible. Quote: "By executing the criminals and madmen after they have carried out our preconceived & prepared terrorist attacks, we can present ourselves as the saviors of the oppressed and the leaders/ advocates of the workers, although we are interested in exactly the opposite, in dimension: killing the masses of the people." (Depopulation Agenda)
Industrial depressions and financial crises must be brought about and utilized: Through our power, forced unemployment and hunger must be imposed on the masses. We must create food shortages which will make the right of capital to rule more secure than was granted to the real aristocracy, and by legal authority of kings. The control of the mob shall be vested in our agencies and agents, who shall be used to exterminate all who dare to stand in their way.
Freemasons and Illuminati?
39: 20 Ted says that the Illuminati infiltrated the Freemasons and victimized them. I say: No, Ted, did not know anything about the Illuminati before, and at this point he did not know anything about the Freemasons because the Illuminati were founded by the Freemasons (see below). Ted continues, And they have infiltrated practically every level of society: politicians, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, police officers, churches, business people, doctors, and all other abominations.
He explained the value of systematic deception, pointing out that their agents are trained in the use of grandiose phrases and the use of popular slogans. They must make the most generous promises to the masses, but the opposite can always be done. By using words like freedom, justice and independence, the masses are to be incited to such a degree of patriotic enthusiasm that they can be made to fight even against the laws of God and nature. And for this reason, after we gain control of the name of God, we will erase it from the lexicon/ vocabulary of life.
Ted says he doubts that out of 535 congressmen and senators in Washington DC, there are more than 25-30 true Americans.
He describes the plans for the War for Independence, the art of the street fighter, and the pattern for the Reign of Terror: the economic way is the best way to force the population into quick submission.
Diplomacy? After all wars, secret diplomacy must be imposed so that our agents acting as political, financial and economic advisors can carry out our mandates without fear of being exposed and who is the secret power behind international and national affairs. Such control must be achieved through secret diplomacy that nations cannot make even an insignificant private agreement without our secret agents having their fingers in the pie.
The ultimate goal is the establishment of a world government, the taking of total control over the whole world. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to create huge monopolies, reservoirs of such colossal wealth that even the greatest fortunes of the masses become dependent on us to such an extent.
The economic war should rob the masses of their land and industry. Through a combination of high taxes and unfair competition, the economic ruin of the masses is to be brought about. This can be accomplished by the careful control of raw materials, agitation among the workers for shorter working hours, higher wages, and the subvention of some competitors. Things and conditions must be controlled so that the higher wages achieved by the workers do not benefit them in any way. Workers will earn more and prices will rise.
The armament is to be built up with the aim of causing the masses to destroy each other with it, on such a colossal scale that there will only be a few millionaires or billionaires in the masses of the left in the world dedicated to our cause, and the number of policemen and soldiers sufficient to protect our interests.
Members of the NWO/ world government would be appointed by dictator once he takes power. The dictator will choose the men from the ranks of scientists, economists, finance, industry and millionaires. Essentially, everything will be governed by numbers (big numbers).
Youth, resp. their importance has been emphasized, their interest shall be aroused.
Our agents are to penetrate into all school classes and levels of society and also into governments to deceive the younger people, to confuse and corrupt all members of society by teaching them theories and principles which we know to be false.
The National and International Laws should not be changed, but by their mere twisting, contradictions and interpretations so messed up, and turned into their opposite, to destroy the civilization of the masses.
If you think that the masses could rise up against us with weapons, that will not happen. We have built an organization of terrible terror in the West against this possibility; we have built the underground quarters in the metropolises, in the capitals and cities of all countries, and the others will also be built - before their danger can threaten us.
About the Illuminati you can hear a long story also here (2: 43: 45)
The Illuminati Records Documentary (The Illuminati Records is a documentary film about a set of venal records produced by Anthony J. Hilder in 1967 and the journey they took to launch the great expose of the Illuminati. The film documents the career of Anthony who set out to expose the Illuminati and gave birth to the modern conspiracy movement. The records were read by Myron Fagan an American writer , producer and director for film and theatre and a red scare figure in the late 1940s and 50s. Myron C. Fagan The CFR/ Illuminati 1967 Full Recording