Christians should always remember these wise words of Christ, Messiah, the Knower and the Only Savior:
"what is exalted/ esteemed among men is an abomination before God/ in the sight of God" (Luke 16: 15)
This refers to your so-called scientists, religious leaders, politicians and their most evil grandmasters from the shadows, to all these evil and wretched amoebas who are entirely unaware of their unawareness. (There must always and everywhere be rare, very rare exceptions, but they must be interpreted narrowly.)
We know that this is difficult to accept/ adopt for a so-called normal mortal - but it is so and not otherwise.
In 1984, a student distributed flyers with the inscription "The church is the biggest criminal organization of all times".
At the so-called "Bochum §166 trial" he was proven RIGHT.
Why this is the Truth? See
Your "venerable ones" are not different from you politicians, who also "love" your children so much and thereby damage or even destroy them for the whole remaining life, call themselves Christians, but are mostly un- or anti-Christians; though not all of them. Some priests/ clerics are simply like all stupid employees in a local government/ administration where they have a comfortable and well-paid job, and do what their bosses tell them without thinking for themselves whether it is the right or wrong.
That the other (so-called) religious communities (religions) are not (essentially) different, could, but should not comfort you.
God does NOT dwell in houses made with hands. Cf. 1 Kings 8:27, 2 Chronicles 2:5, Psalm 11:4 & 103:19; Isaiah 66:1; Acts 7:48, Matt. 5:34-35 & 23:22.
For the rational ones = Humans, it is enough to read Matthew 23: 8-12 and understand. This can be understood and adopted only by those who live (think, talk, and act) long enough according to the commandments & instructions of God - because God gives understanding only to Humans/ God-seekers; but such beings/ Humans are quite rare.
Some Catholics are entierly OK people, but simply very ignorant. They have no clue that they belong (at least formally) to an extremely evil community, or more precisely "organization", whose leaders lead them straight into the Fire.
Big ignorance adorns also the members of the other religious communities, more precisely "organizations".
The members of a community have many things in common, but of an organization they do not.
What does a pedophile priest or pope/ child molester or an equally criminal & perverted mafia boss have in common with a decent and pious Catholic, even though they pray next to each other in the same Satan's house, despite the clear commandment of Christ?
See where the true resp. knowledgeable Christians pray, as Christ commanded (that no one can distract you, so that you can completely dedicate yourself to God): Matthew 6: 6
And by our prayers, we FALL on our FACES to the ground before our Lord, just as Jesus used to do:
Matthew 26: 39 And Jesus went a little farther, and FELL on His FACE, and prayed, saying, "My Father ...
There are no fewer lies, forgeries, deceptions & propaganda in the religious organizations than in the political parties & government organizations.
Catholic pope is a Fat Sow (f. Pig). It comes from fasting & renunciation, as Christ commanded.
Pope calls sex abusers ꞌChildren of Godꞌ who deserve ꞌLoveꞌ (All persons support/ protect the persons similar/ same to them, because they have/ share the same "loves")
Satanic Fat Sow called pap-oria Francis Declares, ‘Pedophiles Have a Special Place in Heaven’ (My addition: "Especially when they RAPE the toddlers of their most pious followers." Do you understand how far this goes? The Fat Sow not only protects the pedophiles and praises them, but also encourages everyone else who has not yet committed this crime to do it, so that they too can get a special place in heaven)
POPE FRANCIS DECLARES KLAUS SCHWAB IS 'MORE IMPORTANT' THAN JESUS CHRIST (Bill Clinton and Francis declare: The depopulation of humanity is necessary to save the planet from climate change. He says that the relationship with Jesus is dangerous and harmful. He ordered his officials in the Vatican to proclaim that Lucifer is the God of the Catholic Church and the father of Jesus Christ. Lucifer liturgy in their church. He is promoting the One World Government. Globalist Francis is working to create a One World Religion to combat climate change. Worship of Allah in Istanbul, and of idols in Vatican
Pope Francis Orders Humanity To Follow 'Universal Bishop' Klaus Schwab During 'End Times'
Pope Francis Orders Christians To 'Pray to Satan' for 'Real Enlightenment'
Pope Francis Authorizes WEF To Rewrite 'Fact Checked' Holy Bible
Read at least Matthew 23: 8-12 (even the children could understand this & keep it effortlessly); Matthew 5: 28-30; John 8: 24. 41-47; John 15: 24
NOT just all Jews are satanic, while very, very many Goyim are.
Unbiblical stuff the Catholic Church teaches: Mary, Indulgences, Eucharist, Priests, 7 Sacraments
U.S. Evangelical circles say, "Church is the true Israel & Israel must be supported at all costs"
They all are the slaves or soul-brothers of satanic jewish Zionists and equal to them = godless, satanic* & traditionally Incest-Bastards**, who REJECT all the Words of Jesus Christ.
* John 8: 41-47; John 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
Russian Patriarch Kirill & his richness(and cf. Luke. 6: 24-26)
Revelation 15: 4 Who should not fear [you], LORD, and glorify your name? For YOU ALONE are HOLY!
See also Luke 17: 10 (In the source text it is written "useless/ undeserving slaves"; "unworthy servants" is forgery)
In 1984, a student distributed flyers with the inscription "The church is the biggest criminal organization of all times".
At the so-called "Bochum §166 trial" he was proven RIGHT.
Why? See (in English too)
Christ commanded:
Matthew 26: 52 "All who take the sword will perish by the sword." (If not in this life, then afterward & forever & ever)
Despite this, the pedophile & satanic abominations declare themselves & many of their ilk "st./holy". That is light years more absurd than if the children from the kindergarten would award the Nobel-Prize to a 40-year-old. Not even the warmongering/ war criminal politicians are so impertinent & haughty.
All satanic forces, that earlier often most brutally fought each other for their sick/ satanic love of power and wealth, have united worldwide as never before in history: politics, royals, armies, NATO, ultra-rich, celebrities, religious leaders, scientists, UN, WHO, WEF, etc., to establish their satanic New World Order.
For this reason, they want to destroy the sovereign states like Russia & Co. that abominate it the most.
We will NOT allow that to happen!
They have made a gigantic mistake, the Wretched, and will therefore be completely & irreparably DESTROYED - very soon.
Satanic Fat Sow supports not only the LGBTQ community but also pedophiles, and also mandatory vaccination (poisoning the masses/ mass murder) & the climate lie; just everything that leads to the annihilation of 90% of the world's inhabitants.
The time we have allowed to such is running out this year. Second death is eternal death, extinction of the satanic soul (Revelation 20: 14 & 21: 8)
It's over, finished & over! The total ANNIHILATION of all LGBTQs, pedophile & satanic souls, worldwide, forever & ever!!!
In Sodom, there were only gays, and what ...? That is only a symbol for all kinds of abnomalities.
Instead of cowering in a mouse hole & stinking there with their perversions & fat bellies out of shame, the fat pigs are increasingly turning to the public to seduce even the last naive souls & also proudly present their boundless shamelessness to everyone.
See also Mt. 7: 13-14, Lk. 13: 24 and 12: 32
All Satans* are utterly shameless & cannot hide their satanic nature well anymore, even if they try to do it with all their strength. They are usually also Incest Bastards**
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
Worship of Lucifer
Pope Francis Blames Humans for Earthquakes, Claims ‘Carbon Emissions’ Cause Natural Disasters
The source & driving force of today's & greatest SATANIC Evil are the jewish Zionists (Freemasons & so-called Illuminati as Organizers) together with the goyimic Globalists/ with the souls of the same kind, that mostly hide their conversion to Judaism and Talmudism.
The satanic Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well)
The "Little Bible School", but also the IMPORTANT