NASA and its Fake Moon Landing = A SATANIC LIE. Irrefutable Proofs!
Buzz Aldrin Admit to NOT Going to the Moon and
Some more confessions by Buzz Aldrin and the clearest pictures
NASA: Images from the Moon Landing :))) Reflection in a Visor :)))
The most primitive and evil satans always lie because they hate the Truth and take the greatest pleasure in fooling unsuspecting, good-natured and naive people. And countless masses of the most primitive and wretched cattle (scientists, specialists & employees) in control rooms etc. let themselves be bought for small change and play monkeys, celebrate their "successes", applaud, rejoice ... completely shamelessly - in front of the eyes of the whole world.
Jack Straw, @JackStr42679640 (BQQQQQM Archive footage of Stanley Kubrick that he requested to be published after his death and a cover letter in which he says, among other things: "With the cooperation of the US government & NASA, we faked the moon landings. ALL moon landings were FAKED and I filmed them all.")
SNORKELS . You know what time it is , it's SNORKEL TIME!
Interesting too: ISS TRAINING ISSUES
NASA Lies: ISS and Moon (A lot of badly made fakes in their videos)
The Truth in Plain Sight. Alleged Astronauts = Primitive Idiots
54 years of Apollo 11: The moon (F)LIE (Andreas Märki, Dipl. Ing. ETH Zurich, who has over 20 years of experience in the Swiss Space Industry, speaks ...)
Is NASA deceiving us? When astronauts rise from the dead
Always lying Satans, Braggarts/ Impostors: NASA plans to grow mushrooms on the moon to build structures that humans are supposed to occupy one day
NASA Depopulation Document. AustraliaOne Party - Deborah Tavares
x@tpvsean MOON HOAX: DEBUNKED! (Very long, many articles)
7 Rockets Hit Dome!!! = "The Sky Ceiling"
The earth is not round (spherical) and there is a “ceiling”, resp. an invisible and all-encompassing barrier that separates the earth from other worlds, and from what you call outer space . No rocket (or whatever) can overcome/ traverse this barrier - absolutely impossible. That has been explained quite clearly in a Gnostic Gospel, and I have explained/ wrote about that in “Flat OR Round Earth” (see below).
If there really were so many of their satellites above orbiting the Earth, and so much of the cosmic debris (due to alleged collisions of their satellites that they did intentionally - to impress you) those debris hurtling faster than the weapons projectiles would damage/ pierce those satellites, ISS etc. all. Here are just a few words about it:
Their alleged satellites, which supposedly orbit the round earth at a speed of 7.6 kilometers per second, resp. 27 400 km/ h, must (so they say) repeatedly use their jet engines to maintain their orbit (the correct/ desired distance from the earth) - so that they do not fly off into space (due to the strong centrifugal forces), or fall down to earth (attracted by gravity), or to avoid being hit by this (alleged) cosmic debris.
BUT, in an airless space, the jets of jet engines can cause NO effect at all, because the airless space (vacuum) does NOT give them the necessary resistance to propel them forward. (Their alleged satellites are a kind of balloon that float very high - but still in the Earth's atmosphere - and perform some tasks.)
Your scientists are no different than your political and religious leaders. They see their task in presenting themselves as knowledgeable and keeping you in ignorance and confusion, because such people can best be manipulated and misused in every way for their satanic purposes, including sending you into wars against foreign and distant peoples (based on the most evil/ satanic lies) and turning you into murderers so that some of them can plunder foreign natural resources and increase their billion-dollar fortunes. See Crippled Iraq-war veteran and Bush Jr. & Co.
And they (their chickens and chicks too!) make jokes, laugh out loud and have a great time?! Music, food, drink and every pleasure. Sleep well and pose proudly and laughing in front of the cameras of their vermin because they are spreading democracy, human rights and freedoms worldwide.
Responsibility, compassion, feelings of guilt?
No matter whether they are men or women, Republicans or a Democrats, whoever belongs to this monstrous society/ gang is a satanic monster.
This is the only reason why they are all working together. They are all satanic incest bastards who hate God and the truth. As soon as they open their filthy satanic mouths, they lie.
They don't see, resp. understand, what is in front of their stupid noses, but to impress you and elevate themselves, they narrate you idiocies (their supposed knowledge) about what happened thousands, millions and even billions of years ago. Disgusting!
A few Spanish scientists (who have did not let themselves be seduced into howling with the wolf pack and making the big career) have recently provided proofs, to which kind/species they all belong, but it is not easy to find that article on the internet (although it is possible).
Everything is LIES in this World led and ruled by SATANS: Covid-19, deadly vaccines, alleged man-made global warming and therefore the necessary 90% depopulation of the planet.
Flat OR Round Earth & The True Value of Earthly Sciences?