Flat or round ... No one can explain/ prove this to everyone/ to many people, because there are always counter-arguments, or so-called counter- proofs, which the so-called scientists preach at all schools and universities worldwide.
An observation/ fact that some also call proof (I will also quote the counter- proofs)
Bedford Level Experiment Proves Flat Earth (short = 2: 19)
Bedford Level Experiment Proves Flat Earth (longer = 8: 45)
The same applies to the much longer Suez Canal https://www.facebook.com/1412450947/videos/588832750192395
The same observation has also been made with laser beams
Scientists and their followers often refer to optical illusions, anomalies, unexplainable phenomena, etc., which are also known to exist because, for example, ships on the open sea/ horizon, viewed from the shore, sometimes appear to float above the water/ meter-high in the air.
In the case of other ships moving away towards the horizon, first the hull of the ship disappears downward, and then gradually the ship's mast also disappears.
Each of you can make these two observations and then tell me where the Truth lies. But I say to you, nowhere, resp. that in both cases it is a matter of so-called optical illusions.
From this it can be deduced that one should not trust the earthly senses too much (e.g. also the fata morgana in the desert, etc.). Therefore ... One should not entrench oneself in a ditch and reject much/ everything from those who think differently, but rather consider as many observations, so-called proofs, as possible and try to form one's own opinion of the whole.
See only 3: 20 ff. in this video: “Nightmare of the cartographers/ map makers": Greenland looks on a globe (round earth) as big as Africa, while Africa is, not 3 times, not 6 times, not 9 times, but 14 times/ fourteen times bigger than Greenland. The actual size of the African area cannot be placed on a lower half of the globe; not even if it were pear-shaped ;) Not even D. Copperfield can fit 14 liters of water into a 1-liter bottle ;) But your scientists manage ...
The explanation of the absolute impossibility of fully understanding such things with the deceptive earthly senses of the sleeping earthlings, with the earthly way of thinking/ mind (let alone explaining them intelligibly to others), is posted in the bottom link “A small Great School”. Here is the “Nightmare of the Cartographers” from 3: 20 ff. https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=467354516141603
Interesting too: Antarctica at 53 610 Kilometers measures larger than the Globe/ Equator 40 075 Kilometers (Google gives you these answers to the questions about the sizes of the mentioned) https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1682463985643187
This should be quite clear: If the earth were round, it should look more like a potato and never as perfectly round as they always show it in their photos. There is something wrong here that should make you think/ research for yourself.
Scientists also claim that the Earth is flattened on the poles and (significantly) widened on the equator because of its incredible (insane!) rotational speeds (1 670 km/h) ... which you cannot see in any of the photos that they supposedly make from space, but the Earth looks like as a perfect ball in all their photos. They lie and their photos are forgeries.
And also the alleged (idiotically fast!) speed of the Earth as it supposedly orbits the very distant sun (107 229 km/h). Absurd.
The fact that no living “swine” :) on earth feels these speeds need not be discussed here, and ...
Such a high rotational speed (1 670 km/h = much higher than the speed of sound, after breaking the sound barrier) would have to generate the so-called centrifugal forces, which then, if not the solid rocks and solid soil, then at least the soft water of the seas/ oceans, which has very weak cohesive* forces (*the forces of attraction between homogenous molecules, which enable cohesion of this matter/ water), are hurled/ splashed outwards ... if not into space :), or high into the atmosphere, then at least ... but no ... Without wind, the surface of the sea remains sometimes as flat as a mirror - at a supersonic rotational speed of 1 670 km/h?!
Scientists “know”, however, that these strong centrifugal forces have flattened the whole and solid globe at the poles & spread it at the equator due to these insane rotational speeds. Strange?! The Earth was in a solid state from the beginning (apart from water). I have written more about the alleged and so-called gravitational force in “A little big school” (see at the bottom).
(I haven't been astonished for a long time that they have “scientifically proven” that they themselves are monkeys; but they were wrong about all of you, because we know that not all of you are monkeys :)
Take any object (similar to a hammer thrower) or a vessel filled with water in your hands, and turn around your body axis (spin) with it at a speed of a few km/h and feel the forces that drive the object or the water outwards. But don't try to spin at supersonic speed, otherwise you could get dizzy :) or your eyes could be ejected ;)
We don't even want to talk about the alleged speed at which the earth orbits the sun (107 229 km/h) and its centrifugal forces, because such idiocies are beyond ignorance & phantasy, and also beyond good and evil. More than absurd!
The knowledgeable scientists know :) that the atmosphere “magically” rotates together with the earth, as if it were tethered to the earth.The winds, however, do not even think about their most shameless idiocies, but blow in all directions and with the most varied speeds.
The so-called GRAVITATIONAL force is, like the Big Bang theory, the theory of origins and evolution, etc., complete Idiocy. This theory had to be invented/ lied in order to make the lie of the round earth appear possible.
This alleged and very weak* force (* as they say/“know”) emanating from the small moon, which is 400 000 (four hundred thousand) kilometers away from the Earth, is supposed to be able to attract the gigantic amounts of ocean water from all over the Earth and cause the ebb and flow.
On the other hand, the gravitational force of the Earth, whose volume is about 50 (fifty) times bigger than the volume of the Moon (as they “know”), is supposed to be unable to affect the astronauts in the ISS, who should only be 400 (four hundred) kilometers away from the Earth, and therefore they float there weightlessly. Cf. 50 times smaller & 400 000 km away affects gigantic masses of ocean water vs. 50 times bigger & only 400 km away does not affect astronauts ... who in fact hang on their monkey tails (strings) in movie studios all the time, or snorkel in swimming pools like frogs.
And the Earth's gravity is supposed to keep the moon in its orbit for xxx0000 years, which supposedly orbits the round Earth at a speed of 3 600 km/ h?!
Such a high orbital speed (3+ times the speed of sound) would have to generate the enormous centrifugal forces and catapult the moon into space, as so-called gravity should be a very weak force.
These and a thousand other idiocies are backed up by your scientists and Nobel Prize winners with "exact and complicated mathematical calculations and unchangeable physical laws" - as they say. This is what your university professors teach you at all universities in this "enlightened" world. That cannot be due to their ignorance/ lack of understanding, no, it is a matter of their deliberate lies.
If gravity existed, it would have to produce the same effect everywhere on earth, which (as we know) is not the case at all. In various places, the water flows and the balls roll uphill.
An attempt to explain:
Material things have a density (of atoms, resp. molecules), a mass and therefore also a weight. The higher the density of an object, the heavier it is.
If so-called gravity existed, then apples and pieces of wood would also go down through water.
Helium balloons rise through the air because the density of helium is lower than the density of air.
And if one wants to talk about a physical law here, then it is a law given by God that material things have a density/ mass and a weight so that we can walk on earth and not float in the air.
Regarding all physical, resp. natural laws, the so-called scientists can also say something that sounds +/ - logical and plausible. But ...
It is essential to recognize that all, without exception, all so-called physical laws are relative, just like everything else on earth/ this world. God created it once, and because He is constantly developing it, everything is subject to permanent change, until its ultimate destruction/ dissolution
Everything depends on place, time, speed, weather/ temperature etc. and is relative = not durable/ constant, but changeable and transient.
All physical laws are given/ set up by God so that life on earth is the way it is. He can change them all and everywhere at any time, partially or completely abolish them (turn everything upside down). For example, a/ every ship can suddenly sink (for inexplicably reasons), or a ghost ship (i.e. without a crew) can travel many thousands of kilometers across the oceans for 30 years, regardless of the weather, without sinking, or every airplane can fall from the sky or disappear, etc. That is why God - in His grace - has also given you such examples like the Bermuda Triangle too, and 100+ other places and events, so that you can understand/ recognize it.
And what have your highest nature-scientists, the representatives of the so-called exact sciences - in their shamelessness - officially explained to you (at all universities)?
"The laws of physics form the basis of the natural sciences, whose laws/ the laws of nature are, without exception*, valid rules for the course of natural events"
(* without exception = always and everywhere/ without exception, equally valid?!)
It is not (only) about their ignorance, but also about their deliberate fabrications and lies. Satans always lie, even if it makes no sense and cannot bring them anything (from a human point of view). They lie because they hate the Truth, and take great pleasure in lying to/ fooling/ leading others astray. That gives them their desired and good satanic feeling that they are superior to the so-called normal inhabitants of the world. For this reason and through this, they can also exploit many and misuse them in every way, without feeling any human guilt, compassion or similar with the victims, but on the contrary, only their satanic joy.
A few more examples:
An Airplane can only land safely on a runway that is not moving.
How could it be possible for an airplane flying at 800 km/h to reach its destination when the earth beneath it is rotating twice as fast in the same dirction? :)))
Many experienced pilots who are not religious at all, and who fly transcontinental flights also say that the earth is flat.
A helicopter can hover in the air above the earth for any length of time without the ground beneath it moving a millimeter (the Earth does not rotate)
If the earth were rotating eastwards at 1600 km/ h, the cannonballs fired vertically upwards would have to fall considerably to the west (after approx. 30 seconds). But they sometimes fall directly into the muzzle of the barrel or at most 60 cm away from the cannon.
What if it is indeed flat? (200/ Two hundred proofs that the earth is not a rotating ball. In German, Nederlands & Spanish. 2: 37: 29 long. First 45 min. most important. At the bottom a few links/ posts in English) https://www.kla.tv/Wissenschaft/11705
Just seen: https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1301628274366074
7 Rockets Hit Dome!!! = "The Sky Ceiling" https://www.brighteon.com/4bda98c9-4182-4cfd-9e9d-5820a48e51b0
The earth is not round (spherical) and there is a “ceiling”, resp. an invisible and all-encompassing barrier that separates the earth from other worlds, and from what you call outer space . No rocket (or whatever) can overcome/ traverse this barrier - absolutely impossible (with the exception of the souls that God calls back, the things you call UFOs and the like). That has been explained quite clearly in a Gnostic Gospel.
If there really were so many of their satellites above orbiting the Earth, and so much of the cosmic debris (due to alleged collisions of their satellites that they did intentionally - to impress you) those debris hurtling faster than the weapons projectiles would damage/ pierce those satellites, ISS etc. all.
Their alleged satellites, which supposedly orbit the round earth at a speed of 7. 6 kilometers per second, resp. 27 400 km/ h, must (so they say) repeatedly use their jet engines to maintain their orbit (the correct/ desired distance from the earth) - so that they do not fly off into space (due to the strong centrifugal forces), or fall down to earth (attracted by gravity), or to avoid being hit by this (alleged) cosmic debris - BUT
In an airless space, the jets of jet engines can cause NO effect at all, because the airless space (vacuum) does NOT give them the necessary resistance to propel them forward. (Their alleged satellites are a kind of balloon that float very high - but still in the Earth's atmosphere - and perform some tasks.)
The moon, the sun, the stars and galaxies are not what they seem to be, and they are not at all as distant as it is told/ lied. Many experiments show it clearly (see the next pictures), and all this has been explained quite clearly in a Gnostic Gospel.
Americans knew that Russian Gagarin was never in space/ never flew around the Earth, and Russians knew that Americans were never on the moon. More about that in the link below “NASA and its fake Moon Landing”
In earlier times there were big quarrels/ enmities between their governments, but in some domains, they have always worked together, to give each other more credibility, to present themselves as very knowledgeable and powerful to the so-called ordinary/ normal earthlings. And in recent times they are working quite closely together (under the satanic jewish-zionistic leadership of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co. who have brought them all under their control) to establish their satanic NWO. See the bottom link with irrefutable evidence.
The sun, which is supposedly so far away (147.1 to 152.1 million kilometers) could never irradiate the earth in this way (the two photos)
If the sun were what you are led to believe it is, and were really 147.1 to 152.1 million kilometers away from the earth, its rays would always appear parallel in such cases (because of such a great distance) - and never as if it were very close.
Clouds are Behind the Sun! Nail In Coffin! https://www.bitchute.com/video/AuBwm4NpDfwh
Several pilots have reported that they saw the sun below them at an altitude of 10 km. They weren't lying, because they really saw it that way, resp. it appeared that way to them. (They had posted the pictures too, which I don't have here)
Triple Moons? ;)
See 17: 19 You and your cameras can also be "given" to see three moons standing next to each other. But not one of them is what you think is your moon ;) https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=589894210461624
The purpose and most important task of the moon is to help you calculate time and to give you some light at night.
And as a dark lump of stone that is even covered with dust (as they “know”) it could never reflect the sunlight and therefore shine at night - it is not mirror-like. It's not a reflection of sunlight at all anyway.
Among other things, the moon is sometimes transparent. When it appears whitish, usually during the day, you can see through it (sometimes this, sometimes that)
What you call your universe with countless galaxies does not exist at all, but …
On your sky there is, as already mentioned, a "ceiling" that you can compare to a cinema screen and where movie(s) are played for you. Nothing of that really exists. This equally applies to what your fleshly eyes can see as well as to what all your devices/ instruments (microscopes, telescopes, radars, cameras etc.) can see/ perceive/ register. (More about that with clear examples below)
If it were as the “scientists” claim, then it would also have to be bright at night because so many/ countless stars/ suns are constantly shining (this is what it looks like (cinema screen), but they do not exist and therefore their light cannot reach you)
This is interesting too: Galaxy is fake, the Earth is Flat. Arctic and Antarctic proof flat earth https://www.facebook.com/FindTheTruthOfTheWorld/videos/778737534427574
On your sky there is, as already mentioned, a “ceiling” that you can compare to a movie screen …, as said, your fleshly eyes can see … your devices/ instruments …
You can find many such examples on the internet, e.g. a security worker welcomes a man, opens the door for him/ lets him in, shakes hands, talks to him etc. The boss in the control room, however, thinks that his employee is "crazy" because he and the cameras only see him alone and no one else.
Or, the cameras record three people walking in a store before a mirror, while the mirror only shows two people walking by.
Or a person or a few people are walking or driving and see 20 people and 30 sheep standing beside the road as well as 10 birds high in the air, completely motionless/ frozen for minutes, etc. etc.
This is what these few people see and what their cameras record. But there is neither the Matrix nor glitches .... but only the SIGNS, which only benefit the few Humans. All others can only marvel, ask themselves for a long time and get no answers.
This means that you should not always and too much trust both your eyes and your devices.
And what exists beyond the "cinema screen" is not given to any mortal, not even to a single one, to know.
The Freemasons, so-called Illuminati, Popes & Co. and all other satanic incest bastards can never understand any, not a single one of God's secrets, but only try to impress the rest of the earthlings with their secrecy, bumbledom, sick-fantasies and scientific-satanic lies.
(Some of) them, however, it is given to know and love some satanic, Luciferian secrets that are extremely harmful for the society and totally self-destructive for themselves (such as the adrenochrome effect and the like).
Only to one whom God has led out of all earthly states of sleep into the just beginning and future lasting immortality God also reveals something/ a little of His secrets, resp. lets Him understand and know.
But such a man is not allowed to make any of it public (to the so-called unworthy and also to the unbelievers, false believers, etc.), because it is the secret and Holy Knowledge of God, which only He can reveal to a Human Being. If such a man were to make it public, he would only do himself great/ fatal harm (because of disobedience) and the others could not benefit from it, because they could never really internalize it as recognition/ knowledge, but would consider it to be the fantasy of a half-crazy person or at best as possible. Everything is possible ... but nothing of it unfolds the power of recognition/ knowledge, i.e. it could never bring any earthling a step forward/ further/ higher.
In this context, see the clearest words and commandments:
Matthew 7: 6 https://www.bibleserver.com/NIRV.KJV/Matthew7 and
Matthew 23: 8-12 https://www.bibleserver.com/NIRV.KJV/Matthew23
(Under no circumstances, for all the power, money, gold, chicks :) of this world, do any of us want to be torn to pieces (by our own fault/ for disobedience) by the hands of the satanic or predatory souls that dwell in these (materially/ biologically/ genetically seen) monkey bodies - 98+ % identical to chimpanzee & Co. bodies :)
“God is the Truth” - as it has been revealed in all true God's Scriptures - and only those who have come close enough to God/ have been led by God, can really recognize something of the Truth/ of God. All others can only see/ recognize the temporary and +/ - deceptive appearances.
A very, very long time ago, some/ many primates are said to have reached the small islands, 3000 km in the solitude of the vast oceans, by clinging to the tree trunks :)))
That Antarctica is a wall of ice that surrounds the entire flat earth and holds the immense water masses of the oceans is completely false. Even if that wall were made of steel ...
NASA & Co.?
NASA and its Fake Moon Landing = Satanic Lie. Irrefutable Proofs! https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/nasa-and-its-fake-moon-landing-a
Your scientists are no different than your political and religious leaders. They see their task in presenting themselves as knowledgeable and keeping you in ignorance and confusion, for such people can be best manipulated and misused in every way for their satanic purposes, including sending you into wars against foreign and distant peoples (based on the most evil lies) and making you murderers so that some of them can plunder foreign natural resources and increase their billions in wealth.
That is the only reason why they are all working together. They are all satanic incest bastards who hate God and the Truth. As soon as they open their filthy satanic mouths, they lie.
They do not see, resp. understand, what is in front of their stupid noses, but to impress you and elevate themselves, they narrate idiocies (their supposed knowledge) about what happened thousands, millions and even billions of years ago. Disgusting!
A few Spanish scientists (who have not allowed themselves to be tempted to howl with the wolf pack and thus make the big career) have recently provided proof of which kind/ species they all are, but it is not easy to find this article on the internet (although it is possible).
Volcanoes, and what do the satanic incest bastards who call themselves scientists and volcanologists say about them?
They say: “Kilauea is a volcano in Hawaii that is known to be the most active in the world. It is considered a young volcano and, according to scientific calculations, is around 300,000 to 600,000 years old. Its eruptions are effusive and the lava flows quickly and spreads over great distances.
(And how many volcanoes are there that are supposed to be 2 billion years old, as the complete idiots claim? How much lava have they already spewed out?
If that were the case, as the most primitive and satanic complete idiots deliberately lie, then the earth would have become like a completely empty eggshell a very, very long time ago.)
Everything is LIES in this world led & ruled by SATANS (Covid-19, deadly vaccines, alleged man-made global warming and therefore the necessary 90% depopulation of the planet.
A clear example:
After the destruction of the distant country and the murder of million+ of Iraqi mostly civilians, they have built the expensive military bases there at the Iraqi oil fields, whose maintenance costs you finance/ pay, but some corporations, resp. persons protected by those bases, plunder Iraqi oil until today. From their huge profits they throw your president & Co. a few crumbs/ millions - and all of them are happy, like Bush Jr. with his abominable wife, daughter and the whole satanic gang.
Czech-American Jewess Madeleine Albright, U.S. Secretary of State 1997-2001 has said, almost in tears, "Russia has so many natural resources. It is not fair".
Isabelle Kumar (journalist) asked (1996) Madeleine Albright, "We heard that half a million (500 000) Iraqi children died (Iraqis say ca. 1 million) because of the U.S. sanctions on Iraq. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And is the price worth it"?
"I think it's a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth", the Czech-American Jewess replied. (It was "fair")
How macabre sounded the words of Obama, Nobel Peace Prize SHAME in 2012 when he awarded the ꞌMedal of Freedomꞌ to Albright?
Henry Kissinger's important and little-known Statements & some Facts https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/henry-kissingers-important-statements
Humans can never & under absolutely no circumstances come up with such satanic ideas, let alone (want to) do anything similar, because they have completely different kind of souls & consciousnesses = feelings, thoughts, wishes & needs.
Humans (in all nations) are good-natured or even wonderful beings (depending on their own stage of development), who always only want to give, share, help and cooperate honorably in their business.
For the murder* of just one person = *killing a person for selfish/ reprehensible/ ulterior motives, the murderer gets the death penalty or a life sentence (depending on the country). For the murder of 7 billion of you, planned by them, there is no adequate punishment according to your laws & possibilities - but there is one according to ours.
God has made Satan/ Devil (2 synonyms) to be the Archon (it is the source text word) = Supreme/ Ruler of this world, and has given him the task to lead all godless, evil, bad and also virtueless earthlings astray through lies, false promises and giving them earthly wealth and power. Their End is the second/ eternal death (Revelation. 20: 13- 14 & 21: 8)
All satanic* incest bastards** (both the jewish = leaders, and the goyimic = their like-minded collaborators) will bite and chew their own tongues in the hope that it might alleviate their unbearable pains, which will not be the case. It will be followed by the complete/ irreparable ANNIHILATION of their most primitive, evilest & most satanic souls, i.e. forever & ever!
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
This is the Promise of "A Truly Mighty One", which I am merely delivering to you at His command.
Luke 4: 1-(7!) -13 https://biblehub.com/bsb/luke/4.htm
Verse 7: The correct translation of προσκυνήσῃς (proskynēsēs) in verse 7 is: "if you FLATTER me"; and also: "if you BOW before me", i.e. if you come under my influence, become obedient to me, accept me as your boss/ superior etc. ... but NEVER "if you WORSHIP before me".
John 12: 31 (Christ said)
Now is the judgment of this world; now the (not Prince but) archōn) Archon = Supreme/ Ruler of this world will be thrown out. (This time is imminent)
To this topic also belongs ...
A small Great School https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/a-small-great-school
The satanic gang is now complete: Important information about the current Russian President Putin/ Putana-jewska, Chinese Xi Pig ;) , BRICS, and their jewish Grandmasters (The old, fat sow from Belarus, Modi, Lula, bin Salman, Erdogan etc. also belong to them https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/what-should-you-know-about-the-current