What can the primitive, stupid, perverted and criminal Donald want on his own? See pictures.
Was kann der primitive, dumme, perverse und kriminelle Donald schon selbst wollen? Siehe Bilder.
Donald Trump converted to Judaism 2017 https://gab.com/jbrady3/posts/111595640711593305/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Donald and Ivanka Trump:
THE TRUMP FILE – Savior or Part of the Deep State? Particularly important: “The chosen PEACEKEEPER”? from 35: 50 ff. https://www.kla.tv/30749 here the Text)
Trump presents himself on the world stage as an international peacemaker. One of his central election promises is to end war between Russia and the Ukraine in just a few hours.
“I will prevent and very easily World War III […] I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled and it will take me no longer than one day.“
But what does reality look like?
The Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser commented:
"Trump approved [...] the empire's defense budget for the next year in August 2018 [...]. And it amounts to 716 billion dollars. [...] That gives the Pentagon a budget of two billion dollars a day.“
The war record under Trumps term of office as 45th president of the United States looked like this: In the first two years of his presidency alone, the USA fired around 79,000 bombs and missiles. That is more bombing in just 2 years, than George W. Bush in his entire 8-year tenure.
According to the declassified figures of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, there were more than 12,000 drone attacks in the four years under Trump. That is seven times the amount of Obama's eight years‘ term of office.
In terms of war, Trump acted in the same manner as the earlier US presidents, and as the puppeteers of the deep state, in the USA, who have done this for centuries.
When asked the question, how he wants to end the war between Russia and Ukraine, Trump gave a clear answer in a CNN interview:
“I want Europe to put up more money, because they are in for 20 billion we are in for 170. And they should be … and they should equalize.“
In other words that facilitates an extra money flow of billions for the arms industry. An additional weapons‘ upgrade would certainly cause an additional escalation in the Russia-Ukraine war.
AKTE TRUMP – Retter oder Teil des Deep-States? Besonders wichtig: "Der auserwählte FRIEDENSSTIFTER"? von 35: 50 https://www.kla.tv/30489, hier der Text)
Auf der Weltbühne stellt sich Trump als internationaler Friedensstifter dar. Eines seiner zentralen Wahlversprechen ist es, den Krieg zwischen Russland und der Ukraine in wenigen Stunden zu beenden.
„Ich werde den Dritten Weltkrieg verhindern und zwar ganz einfach [...] Ich werde den katastrophalen Krieg zwischen Russland und der Ukraine beenden, und ich werde nicht länger als einen Tag dafür brauchen.“
Wie sieht die Wirklichkeit aus? Dazu äußerte sich der Schweizer Historiker Dr. Daniele Ganser:
„Trump hat [...] im August 2018 [...] den Rüstungsetat des Imperiums für das nächste Jahr abgesegnet. Und er beträgt 716 Milliarden Dollar. [...] Das gibt also für das Pentagon ein Budget für zwei Milliarden pro Tag.“
Die Kriegsbilanz unter Trumps Amtszeit als 45. US-Präsident sah folgendermaßen aus: Allein in den ersten zwei Jahren seiner Präsidentschaft warfen die USA 79 000 Bomben und Raketen ab. Das sind in zwei Jahren mehr als unter der gesamten 8-jährigen Amtszeit von George W. Bush.
Laut den offengelegten Zahlen des „Bureau of Investigative Journalism“, gab es in den vier Jahren unter Trump mehr als 12 000 Drohnenangriffe. Das sind sieben Mal so viele wie in der achtjährigen Amtszeit von Obama.
Trump agierte kriegstechnisch in derselben Manier wie die US-Präsidenten zuvor und wie die Drahtzieher des Tiefen Staates dies seit Jahrhunderten in den USA vollführen.
Auf die Frage, wie er den Krieg zwischen Russland und Ukraine beenden möchte, gab Trump in einem CNN-Interview folgende klare Antwort:
„Ich möchte, dass Europa mehr Geld zur Verfügung stellt, denn sie sind mit 20 Milliarden und wir sind mit 170 Milliarden dabei. Sie sollen reagieren und für einen Ausgleich sorgen.“
Mit anderen Worten würde dies bedeuten, dass Milliarden an zusätzlichen Geldern für die Rüstungskonzerne fließen. Eine zusätzliche Aufrüstung würde mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit eine zusätzliche Eskalation im Russland-Ukraine-Krieg bewirken.
Your politicians, the governments, WEF, the so called elites etc. ... through their media (all mentioned are controlled by the true rulers from the shadow) ... they organize and allow many problems and overly preoccupy you with them, stirring up fears ... their fierce words against each other, their supposed quarrels, all about the fake things to let you believe that these ones are better than the others and you have a choice.
Very cheap tricks of the most primitive and evil satans: "Good cop - Bad cop", they taught the cops.
Democrat Rep Calls for Trump to Be "Eliminated" https://slaynews.com/news/democrat-rep-calls-trump-eliminated-msnbc/ &
Goldman Sachs: "Trump must be eliminated" https://uncutnews.ch/goldman-sachs-trump-muss-eliminiert-werden/
A few other high-ranking politicians have called for the same; but that is only their primitive and satanic game.
Calling for the elimination of a person, especially a politician, is a serious crime; because they mostly want to protect themselves. For that, you are sent to prison. Even the classic criminals/ mafiosi know it, and hardly ever do it publicly.
The stupid, perverted and uneducated Donald knows this too, and his lawyers even better, but he wasn't afraid and didn't pursue anyone criminally for these death threats even though they charged him 100 times for various things. Why didn't he do anything about it? Because they all belonged to the same gang. They bark loudly at each other while working together for a common cause/ goal.
In this way they ROB you of your time and energy so that you cannot even think about the essentials, the real problems and horrors that await you. You are not meant to recognize it, otherwise they could no longer manipulate, use and misuse you.
Trump with Illuminati, K. Schwab, Jews, resp. Zionists ... https://gab.com/KarmaIsLove/posts/111233356825238071#fkkhcwk4ft4
Freemasonry and Illuminati = Jewish? Yes, that is True. https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/freemasonry-and-illuminati-judaism
In DETSCH: Freimaurertum und Illuminati = Jüdisch? Ja, das ist WAHR. https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/freimaurertum-and-illuminati-judentum
Trump Antichrist Series: Episode 1. Introduction The Coming Storm! https://watchmanscry.com/?p=8908
Trump on Pfizer & Moderna Vaccine https://www.brighteon.com/85c87ebc-aa29-47a2-83a7-9c591b324f60
Leaked Secret Service Video Proves Trump Assassination Attempt Was Inside Job https://rumble.com/v5736cy-leaked-secret-service-video-proves-trump-assassination-attempt-was-inside-j.html
Police Officer Reported Man Carrying Range-Finder Outside Trump Rally 30 Minutes before Assassination Attempt https://slaynews.com/news/police-officer-reported-man-carrying-range-finder-outside-trump-rally-30-minutes-before-assassination-attempt/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-newsletter
Trump has also moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem - according to the wish of the jewish Zionists - that no one before him has dared to do.
His daughter who he screwed (Ivanka; see pics below) has become jewish, his grandson (his blood) is jewish, and so is he. Donald CONVERTED to Judaism 2017 https://gab.com/jbrady3/posts/111595640711593305/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Trump-Attack: Is the World Domination Cult profiting from it? https://www.kla.tv/30602 (See only from 8: 44 - 9: 78 in this video - here the text)
Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg [ex- Khazar, then jewish Ashkenazi and finally Hasidic Chabad Lubavitch follower (more perverse & satanic does not exist in the whole world)], among others author for the Chabad-Lubavitch Media Center, gives the assassination attempt on Trump a religious clue. He explained in a video message on July 24, 2024: “Presidential candidate Trump’s right ear was injured as a symbolic gesture according to Exodus 21, verse 6. It says that a servant who wants to stay with his master must have his right ear pierced. Trump was ordained as God’s servant and anointed one, just like Cyrus the Great almost 2 400 years ago.”
Weisberg goes on to say that the final deadline for redemption will be October 2 2027 during Donald Trump’s term in office. He has good reason to believe that Donald Trump has been chosen to offer his help in rebuilding the holy temple in Jerusalem and establishing the Jewish kingdom over the whole world.
The British publicist David Icke comments on Rabbi Weisberg’s explanations on the social network X, Quote: “Some would call this insanity, others would say this is exactly the plan. And you?”
But ... I recently (Oct. 2024) saw Donald's statements: He said, that he is a professing Christian. He called Jesus Christus "the Boss", and "who is higher than me" - Donald humbly admitted; and he “became even more of a believer after the assassination attempt because God personally protected from the bullets”.
(JEBAĆU ti sotonsku, besramnu i smrdljivu jevrejsko-cionističku incestuoznu kurvu majku, Donald-jewsky! Čak ti ni tvoja prijateljica i obožavateljka Marina Abramovic, Satanistkinja, ne može pomoći.
Marina Abramovic's statements about Trump; his official conversion and his joining the most satanic of all satanic jewish sects (Chabad Lubavitch). He is - officially - the first jewish president of the USA. His and the jewish statements that he is God's chosen one; his relationship with Epstein and his incestuous relationship with his young daughter (Ivanka). “Covid vaccines will save ꞌhisꞌ country” - he promised: https://www.bitchute.com/video/WhoKxOfRJkEv/
Marina Abramovic on Trump being the "magician" who will bring about a worldwide awakening. https://www.bitchute.com/video/D47J9oswMcTD
Marina Abramovic über Trump als den "Magier", der ein weltweites Erwachen herbeiführen wird (in Englisch) https://www.bitchute.com/video/D47J9oswMcTD
At their gala parties, the Serbian "Ultra-Witch"/ Satanist Abramovic serves them food, arranged as human and child corpses, and they eat it with the greatest appetite. But when the cameras are not allowed, then ... They abuse/ RAPE children & babies, sacrifice them, drink their blood & eat their flesh (politicians, royals, ultrarich, elite, celebrities) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/they-sacrifice-children-and-babies
Auf ihren Gala-Partys serviert ihnen diese serbische "Ultra-Hexe"/ Satanistin Abramovic Essen, arrangiert als Menschen- und Kinder-Leichen, und sie essen es mit grösstem Appetit. Aber wenn die Kameras nicht erlaubt sind, dann ...
Sie missbrauchen & vergewaltigen Kinder & Babys, opfern sie und trinken ihr Blut & essen ihr Fleisch (Politiker, Royals, Ultrareiche, Elite, Celebrities) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/sie-opfern-kinder-and-babys-missbrauchen
Gays can ejaculate well into his perverted mouth
Schwule können gut in seinen perversen Mund ejakulieren
Donald is also one of the zionistic/ globalistic jewish satanic* incest bastards**, dominated by the jewish Zionists from the shadow (Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co.), who want to establish their satanic New World Order.
Trump-Attack: Is the World Domination Cult profiting from it? https://www.kla.tv/30602 (8: 44 - 9: 78 in this video - here the text)
Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg [ex- Khazar, then jewish Ashkenazi and finally Hasidic Chabad Lubavitch follower (more perverse, evil & satanic does not exist)], among others author for the Chabad-Lubavitch Media Center, gives the assassination attempt on Trump a RELIGIOUS clue. He explained in a video message on July 24, 2024: “Presidential candidate Trump’s right ear was injured as a symbolic gesture according to Exodus 21, verse 6. It says that a servant who wants to stay with his master must have his right ear pierced. Trump was ordained as God’s servant and anointed one, just like Cyrus the Great almost 2,400 years ago.” Weisberg goes on to say that the final deadline for redemption will be October 2, 2027, during Donald Trump’s term in office. He has good reason to believe that Donald Trump has been CHOSEN to offer his help in rebuilding the holy temple in Jerusalem and establishing the Jewish kingdom over the whole world.
The British publicist David Icke comments on Rabbi Weisberg’s explanations on the social network X, Quote: "Some would call this insanity, others would say this is exactly the plan. And you?"
I say: It's Satanic Insanity, where the Satanism drives the Insanity and the Evilness into Satanic Insanity.
Those are the highest forms of Evilness and Insanity, which rob the Satans of even the last crumbs of sanity and inevitably lead them into the so-called lake of fire and subsequent second death/ eternal death.
Such Satans have even forbidden their God (whom they worship often and eagerly) to interfere in their state affairs (cf. "Talmud, Protocols")
Rückblick Trump-Attentat: Nützt es der Weltherrschaftssekte? https://www.kla.tv/30378?autoplay=true (8: 44 - 9: 78 in diesem Video - Hier der Text)
Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg [ex-Chasar, danach jüdischer Aschkenas und zuletzt chassidischer Chabad Lubawitsch Anhänger (perverser, böser & satanischer existiert nicht)] u.a. als Autor für das Chabad-Lubavitch Media Center tätig, gibt dem Trump-Anschlag eine RELIGIÖSE Aufschlüsselung. In einer Videobotschaft vom 24. Juli 2024 erläuterte er: „Präsidentschaftskandidat Trumps rechtes Ohr wurde verletzt als symbolische Geste gemäß Exodus 21, Vers 6. Dort heißt es, dass ein Diener, der bei seinem Herrn bleiben will, sein rechtes Ohr durchbohren lassen muss. Trump wurde als Gottes Diener und Gesalbter BESTIMMT, genau wie Kyros der Große vor fast 2.400 Jahren.“
Weisberg führt weiter aus, dass die endgültige Frist für die Erlösung am 2. Oktober 2027 sein wird, also während der Amtszeit von Donald Trump. Er habe guten Grund zu glauben, dass Donald Trump AUSERWÄHLT wurde, seine Hilfe beim Wiederaufbau des heiligen Tempels in Jerusalem und bei der Einsetzung des jüdischen Königreiches über die ganze Welt anzubieten.
Der britische Publizist David Icke kommentiert die Aussagen von Rabbi Weisberg im sozialen Netzwerk X, Zitat: "Einige würden dies als Wahnsinn bezeichnen, andere würden sagen, dass dies genau der Plan ist. Und Sie?"
Ich sage: Es ist satanischer Wahnsinn, wo der Satanismus den Wahnsinn und das Böse in den satanischen Wahnsinn treibt.
Das sind die höchsten Formen der Bosheit und des Wahnsinns, die den Satanen auch noch den letzten Rest an Vernunft rauben und sie unweigerlich in den sog. Feuersee und den darauf folgenden zweiten Tod/ ewigen Tod führen.
Solche Satane haben es sogar ihrem Gott (den sie oft und eifrig anbeten) verboten, sich in ihre Staatsangelegenheiten einzumischen (vgl. "Talmud, Protokolle")
He was/ is wrong, as usual, because the vast majority of so-called democrats are no more reasonable/ no better at all. All of them are the most primitive & miserable jewish-zionist Slaves - bought/ bribed prostitutes.
Donald-jewsky was a constant Epstein's customer on Epstein's Lolita Isle.
A statement by a completely brainless and characterless monkey who can become president only in the jewish U.S. as a wretched puppet https://gab.com/Cathy723/posts/111695326746919549
In 2009 J. Epstein pleaded guilty for soliciting prostitution and procuring a person under the age of 18 for prostitution. Epstein called Trump "his closest friend for 10 years" and "a horrible human being" (see in this video: “Last Updates …”)
Elon Musk? A few important and little-known Facts https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/a-few-important-facts-about-elon
It is not about reptiles (although the reptilian, resp. serpent characteristics “adorn” them - and that is why they sometimes appear), but about satans/ devils (also called archons) who have been around since the beginning of the world, and who not only influence this world, but rule it - but NOT for much longer, because the time they have been given is running out.
'So weird': Observers roast J.D. Vance as he's caught 'depicting himself as Trump's WIFE' https://www.rawstory.com/jd-vance-trump-wife-meme/ (These satanic abominations are not only completely perverse in political and social matters, but always and absolutely also in all sexual matters)
Today's completely abnormal/ insane/ satanic situation in this usually depraved world (of totally brainwashed masses) can hardly/ not be understood without knowledge of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” & “The Book of the Kahal” (see below)
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
KIPPA wird in Ausübung der jüdischen RELIGIÖSEN Gebräuche aufgesetzt!
See also https://www.bitchute.com/video/D38eFIZvreFh
Trump promises (jewish) billionaires he’ll ‘bomb’ The Kremlin for invading Ukraine, and promises voters he’ll stop fighting ‘other people’s wars’.
Donald Trump delivered a speech to the Libertarian Party Convention on May 25th (see it here; read its transcript here), and said that if he becomes President again, America will “quit spending hundreds of billions of dollars to fight other people’s wars”; and on May 28th, the Washington Post, headlined “Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fundraising tour”, and reported that at one fundraising event for billionaires and centi-millionaires (not for mere voters), “he suggested that he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if Russia invaded Ukraine or China invaded Taiwan.”
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
KIPPA wird in Ausübung der jüdischen RELIGIÖSEN Gebräuche aufgesetzt!
The “selected” Followers of the satanic Talmud
Foundation of President Donald Trump has donated thousands of dollars to 'Chabad institutions. The Israeli daily Haaretz also reported that the foundation of Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's parents donated about $342 500 to Chabad institutions and projects over a 10-year period... Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner move into a home ... in Washington, D.C., which is a 10-minute walk from the DC center of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, known as “The Shul.” www:TimesOfIsrael.com (11.01.2017)
The source & driving force of today's & greatest STANIC Evil are the jewish Zionists (Freemasons & so-called Illuminati as Organizers) together with the goyimic Globalists (like-minded collaborators/ associates).
The Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion
Die Quelle & die treibende Kraft des heutigen & grössten STANISCHEN Übels sind die jüdischen Zionisten (Freimaurer & sog. Illuminati als Organisatoren) zusammen mit den gojimischen Globalisten (gleichgesinnten Kollaborateuren/ Mitarbeitern).
Der satanische Talmud, Das Buch vom Kahal & Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion - In Kürze (Die Grundzüge des uralten jüdisch-satanischen Plans zur Versklavung aller Gojim, d.h. der ganzen Welt, und ihrer inneren Organisation sind in diesen Büchern zusammengefasst, wie auch die Natur ihres Wesens) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/die-protokolle-der-weisen-von-zion
Milakowsky (ex-Khazar) aka Netanyahu: “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the RIGHT direction.” (This is what he said in 2001, while assuring Israeli settlers that Israel could destroy the Palestinian Authority and continue with illegal settlement building, regardless of the US position) https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/5/20/why-netanyahu-thinks-america-is-stupid
These two wretched satanic complete idiots are only employees who brag; Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co. are that, for whom we have determined a very "special treatment" they will not like at all.
But NOT just all Jews are satanic, while very, very many Goyim are.
BlackRock (jewish) buys many of the politicians = prostitutes who sell their souls very cheaply; Senators for 10K https://okeefemediagroup.com/breaking-blackrock-recruiter-who-decides-peoples-fate-says-war-is-good-for-business-while-spilling-info-on-asset-giant/
Elon Musk supports Trump. A few important Facts https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/a-few-important-facts-about-elon
Trump: "I AM THE CHOSEN ONE" (Jews say it too, see the next title. This post is long 1: 54: 33 & rich in substance) https://www.bitchute.com/video/eQP8YSrCR6kC
The Power of jewish Private Banks/ High Finance (Rothschilds & Co.) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-power-of-jewish-private-banks
Die Macht der jüdischen Privaten Banken/ Hochfinanz (Rothschilds & Co.) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/die-macht-der-judischen-privaten
USA army sing the Israeli national anthem: "DIE for ISRAEL" (Fully drilled, harder than all dogs and also zombified) https://www.bitchute.com/video/iWaxipDeXoxW/
Henry Kissinger's important Statements & some Facts https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/henry-kissingers-important-statements
Henry Kissingers wichtige und wenig-bekannte Äusserungen & Fakten https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/henry-kissingers-wichtige-auerungen
U.S., GB, NATO War-Veterans https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/us-gb-nato-war-veterans
USA, GB, NATO-Kriegs-Veteranen https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/usa-gb-nato-kriegs-veteranen
WTC, 9/ 11 was an Inside Job/ Big Crime of Mossad, CIA & Co. Irrefutable Proofs https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/wtc-911-the-big-deception
WTC, 9/ 11 war ein Insider-Job/ Grosses Verbrechen von Mossad, CIA & Co. Unwiderlegbare Beweise https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/wtc-911-der-groe-betrug-85d
That is their strategic jewish-satanic plan & goal that Casey & Co., the jewish Zionists, in collaboration with the Goyim Zionists like them, have almost completely achieved.
If they want to turn the citizens of their own country into zombies/ idiots, what can they wish for the other peoples/ earth inhabitants?
Only the most shameless & evilest Satans have such ideas/ desires, but Humans NEVER do, because they have completely different kinds of souls & consciousnesses (feelings, thoughts, wishes & needs). Humans always want to share, help, give & cooperate honorably in their businesses. Only such life can make them satisfied or even happy.
Some important Information and Facts about the CIA/ C *INTELLIGENCE* A (*the paid murderers, terrorists and “intelligence” = to make it sound positive) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/some-important-information-and-facts
In these actual primate bodies dwell/ live very different souls/ beings: Different species of animals (tame & wild beasts), satans, and not too many Humans (some angels may also appear temporarily).
Humans in all nations are always good-natured or even wonderful beings (depending on their own level of development); but even they can sometimes become aggressive for the right reason/ when the need arises.
But if you yourself consider you a monkey, as your esteemed scientists "know" it and have taught you, then forget this message - it is not meant for you nor for them.
Das ist ihr strategischer jüdisch-satanischer Plan & ihr Ziel, das Casey & Co, die jüdischen Zionisten, in Zusammenarbeit mit den ihnen gleichen gojimischen Zionisten/ Globalisten erreicht haben.
Wenn sie die Bürger ihres Landes in Zombies/ Idioten verwandeln wollen, was können sie dann den anderen Völkern/ Erdbewohnern wünschen?
Nur die primitivsten, schamlosesten & bösesten Satane haben solche Ideen/ Begierden, aber die Menschen NIEMALS, weil sie völlig andersartige Seelen & Bewusstseine (Gefühle, Gedanken, Wünsche & Bedürfnisse) haben. Menschen wollen immer teilen, helfen, geben & in ihren Geschäften ehrenhaft zusammenarbeiten. Nur ein solches Leben kann sie zufrieden oder sogar glücklich machen.
Einige wichtige Informationen und Fakten über die CIA/ *INTELLIGENCE* A (*die bezahlten Mörder, Terroristen und "Intelligenz" = um es positiv klingen zu lassen) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/einige-wichtige-informationen-und
In diesen tatsächlich Primatenkörpern wohnen/ leben sehr unterschiedliche Seelen/ Wesen: Unterschiedliche Tierarten (zahme und wilde Bestien), Satane/ Teufel und nicht allzu viele Menschen (einige Engel können auch vorübergehend auftreten).
Menschen sind in allen Nationen immer gutmütige oder sogar wunderbare Wesen (je nach ihrem persönlichen Entwicklungsgrad); aber auch sie können manchmal aus dem richtigen Grund aggressiv werden - wenn es nötig ist.
Sie haben Seelen/ Bewusstseine (Gefühle, Gedanken, Wünsche und Bedürfnisse), die von einer ganz anderen Art sind als die zuvor erwähnten Wesen.
Aber wenn du dich selbst für einen Affen hältst, wie es eure geschätzten Wissenschaftler "wissen" und euch beigebracht haben, dann vergiss diese Mitteilung - sie ist weder für dich noch für sie bestimmt.
Donald-jewsky as a Cristian, resp. most primitive satanic jewish incest-bastard! https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1328561541453950
The satanic gang is now complete: Important information about the current Russian President Putin, Chinese Xi Pig ;) , BRICS, and the jewish Zionists (The old fat sow from Belarus, Modi, Lula, bin Salman, Erdogan etc. also belong to them https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/what-should-you-know-about-the-current
Die satanische Bande ist nun komplett: Wichtige Informationen über den aktuellen russischen Präsidenten Putin, chinesischen Xi Pig ;) , BRICS, und die jüdischen Zionisten (Die alte fette Sau aus Weissrussland, Modi, Lula, bin Salman, Erdogan etc. gehören auch zu ihnen) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/was-solltet-ihr-uber-den-derzeitigen
All presidents/ governments/ puppets play by the rules of the Supreme Satans (Xi, Modi, Lula & Co. too). They were all either bought/ bribed, or blackmailed, some even threatened with NATO, but also "bewitched" with the Adrenochrome, which Jews have known for thousands of years, most Goyim only since the discovery of the Adrenochrome* (*Drinking the blood of the raped, tortured and murdered/ sacrificed children)
He’s/ Trump is The Most Dangerous Man In The USA Because…. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/07/24/hes-the-most-dangerous-man-in-the-usa-because/#more-343891
I am very astonished that persons (like this text author) who know so much, resp. have so much good information, do not really understand anything, and therefore consider the most wretched puppets (who are also very evil) to be the most dangerous persons (although they are easily replaceable with 1000s of others) and not the true Enemies of Humanity, the Masterminds from the shadow (Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co.) who control them all, organize and lead everything.
Feb. 2025
Five FBI supervisors involved in the unconstitutional raid on President Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate arrived at Guantanamo Bay Saturday afternoon, a day after they were cut loose, ushered from their offices by security forces on Trump's "trustworthy" list, and delivered into the waiting hand of the US Military. Although all five Deep Staters played a part in the Mar-a-Lago raid, this article focuses only on David Sundberg, who Christopher Wray appointed to head the D.C. field office in 2022. Sundberg, a Fordham Gabelli School of Business graduate, joined the FBI in 2002 and quickly rose through the ranks. His titles included the following: Special Agent/Hostage Rescue Team Operator; Supervisory Special Agent; Commander, Hostage Rescue Team; and, in 2022, Assistant Director in Charge—all seemingly impressive accolades. However, Sundberg had the heart and soul of a Deep Stater. As happens every time with Deep Staters, Sundberg said the US military had no authority over him and raucously shouted, "Help! Trump's illegally trying to arrest me. If it's me today, you're next! Help me! Nothing will stop him from getting you next."
All 5 of the FBI supervisors are now at GITMO along with Paul Abbate and Christopher Wray.
How exactly did the nation's top police organization get so corrupt as to do the will of the Deep State and act against President Trump illegally?
The Deep Stater's had infiltrated every part of government and were thus able to control almost every aspect of its operations. Then Trump came along and their plans went right into the crapper.
How can Primitive jewish Zionists (90+ % of all Jews), Satanic* Incest Bastards** & Enemies of Humanity control/ enslave the USA, NATO & the western world? But NOT for much longer!
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/how-can-jews-control-the-us
Wie können die primitiven zionistischen Juden (90+ % aller Juden), satanischsten* Inzestbastarde** & Feinde der Menschheit die USA, NATO & die westliche+ Welt kontrollieren/ dominieren/ versklaven? Aber NICHT mehr lange!
* Johannes 8: 41-47 & 15:21-24; Matthäus 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Levitikus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Teufel = Synonyme) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/wie-konnen-juden-die-usa-kontrollieren
Three Biggest Historical LIES of JEWS debunked: Jews are NOT Semites but Hamites. They themselves are also Goyim. They are NOT descendants of the true Israel (And alledgedly allowed interest on money, Hebrew language, Star of David, etc. Based on the Tanakh/ OT & complemented by the NT/ Gospels).https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/three-biggest-jewish-lies-debunked
Die drei grössten historischen LÜGEN der JUDEN entlarvt: Juden sind KEINE Semiten, sondern Hamiten. Sie selbst sind auch Gojim. Sie sind NICHT die Nachkommen des wahren Israel (Und angeblich erlabten Zinsen auf Geld, hebräische Sprache, Davidstern, etc. Basierend auf dem Tanach/ OT und vervollständigt durch das NT/ Evangelien - in Englisch) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/three-biggest-jewish-lies-debunked
Blood Libel or Ritual Murder Libel, also Blood Accusation LEGEND (Adrenochrome) - concerning JEWS? It is NOT legend at all https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/blood-libel-or-ritual-murder-libel
Ritualmord-Legende/ Blutbeschuldigung der JUDEN … dass sie Kinder entführen, sie essen & ihr Blut trinken (Adrenochrom)? Es ist überhaupt KEINE Legende https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/ritualmord-legende-blutbeschuldigung
Capitalism, Socialism & Communism? https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/capitalism-socialism-and-communism
Kapitalismus, Sozialismus und Kommunismus? https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/kapitalismus-sozialismus-und-kommunismus
Excellent work-tremendous information. Confused as to how Cosa nostra? is involved with Jews maybe it’s not the Sicilian mafia…but Italian American faction? Great job bravo
Thank you for the flowers/ compliments, Mary :)
If not included in that post, then here is the broader story.
The World DOMINATION/ The Establishment of the jewish-SATANIC NWO? https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-world-domination-the-establishment
A brotherly kiss on your cheek :)