J. Trudeau & E. Macron- Some important Information & Facts about these primitive, perverted & satanic chicks
Assisted suicide: Canadians are being bullied into lethal injections in places of care https://expose-news.com/2024/08/01/canadians-are-being-bullied-into-lethal-injections/
Canada Euthanizing Thousands of Citizens With Low Credit Scores Every Week (Trudeau ordered Veteran to be euthanized) https://rumble.com/v405w54-canada-euthanizing-thousands-of-citizens-with-low-credit-scores-every-week-.html
Trudeau’s brutal euthanasia regime is now targeting poor Indigenous people and vulnerable children https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/trudeaus-brutal-euthanasia-regime-is-now-targeting-poor-indigenous-people-and-vulnerable-children/
The primitive, satanic, jewish-zionistic, & LGBTQ Trudeau is leading a great many Canadians along with himself to eternal PERDITION - through his & WEF satanic ideology, lies & propaganda.
WEF & its “Young Global Leaders”, Trudeau & Co. = “wretched satanic puppets” of the most satanic Evil, declare: "They are gods & are going to kill every opponent"
When It Comes To A "State Religion" Justin Trudeau Chooses LGBT
FBI Seize Diddy 'Kompromat Tapes' Featuring Justin Trudeau https://rumble.com/v5qmexz-fbi-seize-diddy-kompromat-tapes-featuring-justin-trudeau.html
French Satanism is led by MacAron and his husband Jean-Michel Trogneux aka Brigitte, who has been screwing him since his younger years. (See photos)
All Satans are also completely perverted sexually.
My Holy Father lets you know: "This time we will put a final/ eternal End to the evil doings of the Satanic Incest Bastards - worldwide".
If anyone on this planet could think/ believe that we will allow the most primitive, evil and satanic incest bastards to establish their satanic NWO (90% depopulation of the planet & the enslavement of the rest), then he is not like his hairy brothers, but like amoebas.
Official Gov't Docs Prove Brigitte Macron Is a Male Pedophile (1: 35 - 2: 00 Brigitte/ Jean-Michel with Cock. 3: 45 Brigitte did NOT exist for the first 30 years of "her" life. This Michel Trogneux (aka Brigitte) has been screwing MacAron since he was a child. They do not have children because MacAron cannot get pregnant. Many such perverted & submissive passive gays have been installed as presidents, ministers etc. because they are the perfect puppets and also the “Young Global Leaders” :))) of the real and the highest satanic rulers from the shadows. 11: 55 Macron was a Rothschilds Banker and Jean-Michel/ Brigitte a Rothschild, directly descended from M. A. Rothschild) https://rumble.com/v59x9l0-official-govt-docs-prove-brigitte-macron-is-a-male-pedophile-media-blackout.html
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
Donald Trump converted to Judaism 2017 https://gab.com/jbrady3/posts/111595640711593305/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Satans can no longer resist/ no longer want to keep it a secret, but show their satanic race that they are & celebrate lately their satanism publicly.
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
They have all become followers of satanic Talmud (see below “The Talmud”), according to which there have always been eight different genders (LGBTQ+++), Homosexuality/ Pederasty and Pedophilia are allowed, etc. and also because of the Adrenochrome.
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25 and
Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
The source & driving force of today's & greatest SATANIC Evil are the jewish Zionists (Freemasons & so-called Illuminati as Organizers) together with the goyimic Globalists/ with the souls of the same kind, that mostly hide their conversion to Judaism and Talmudism.
The satanic Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion
The END of the Very Last satanic EMPIRE! https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-the-very-last-empire