Three Biggest Historical LIES of Jews debunked: Jews are NOT Semites, but Hamites and Canaanites. They themselves are also Goyim. They are NOT descendants of the true Israel
(And alledgedly allowed interest on money, Hebrew language, Star of David, etc. Based on the Tanakh/ OT & complemented by the NT/ Gospels; And Misuse and falsification of the Holocaust)
First, just a few recent LIES and extreme SHAMELESSNESS in front of the eyes of the whole world:
The (allegedly) evil Palestinians?
The satanic* incest bastards** have heard and read the words ethic, moral (and similar words) from somewhere, but have never been able to understand and feel the meaning of such words because there is no place and possibility for it in their primitive and satanic souls. That's why they use such words in such absurd contexts - in front of the eyes of the whole world, completely and absolutely SHAMELESSLY.
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
Exodus 21: 12 (YHWH commanded)
Whoever strikes and KILLS a man MUST surely be put to DEATH.
Leviticus 24: 17
And if a man takes the life of anyone else, he MUST surely be put to DEATH.
(Some Jews (not many) are entirely good persons, by all earthly criteria, as such persons exist everywhere:
NO ONE can be as INFINITELY Primitive, Perverse & Shameless as the jewish (& goyimic) Zionists, the perverted, genocidal & SATANIC* INCEST BASTARDS**
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25 and
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (but NOT all extramarital children are satanic)
Such are the children of the Devil/ Satan, Men-Murderer and father of LIES (Devil & Satan = Synonyms), who hate the true God and the Truth.
All Humans in this world, in every country, have something of DECENCY, SELF-RESPECT and HUMAN DIGNITY.
The satanic Incest Bastards, together with their jewish Grand Masters from the shadow (Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co.), have absolutely NOTHING of that; and that's why they still can talk about Democracy, Freedoms, Security, Defense, and their SELF-DEFENSE; their Zionist Values & New World Ordre. About their satanic NEW WORLD ORDER I will write below.
Jews were/ are the descendants of Noah's son Ham, never Shem/ Sem = they were never Semites.
Ham means "hot", and he was a hot father rapist/ father fucker. Ham’s son Canaan is the father of all Canaanites. Read
Genesis 9: 18-29 & Genesis 10: 15-18
Jews were Canaanites who left their Canaanite community as a group/ family/ clan and were later given other names, at last Jews.
Read again Genesis 9: 18-29 & 10: 15-18
From that Ham/ Hot, father-fucker, who was cursed by Noah according to God's Will, Jews (Hamites) & ca. a third of the earth's inhabitants have emerged (who today live on all continents, and belong to all nations/ are part of all nations). That is why this world is as cursed as it is. Today they call themselves American, British, German, French, Netherlands ... Djiboutians …
No matter whether a Jew lives for 5 or 500 years among/ together with the Germans, French, English, Russians, Poles, Americans ... he remains a Jew, while all other Germans, French, English, Russians, Poles, Americans ... remain goyim* for him, * i.e. heathens/ pagans, according to their satanic-false interpretation, resp. falsification of the source OT/ Tanakh texts and their satanic Talmud that says: All Goyim are equal to animals, and it is best for them to be the jewish slaves.
Noah's third son, Japheth, was not one of the good ones either, because (among other things) it was not given to him to be able to live (think & act) independently, but to dwell/ live in the tents of Sem; … and Ham is their slave (not servant, but slave)
So, that you can understand what kind of world you are born in and what kind of beings you live with, here is some important information from
Genesis 4: 8 The first of the first two brothers (Cain) killed his own younger brother (Abel) - for no reason according to human criteria, but out of envy which are the driving forces that "adorn" all Satans/ Devils.
Out of the lands of this Cain/ Brother-murderer almost half of the earth's inhabitants at that time came into being.
Cain means GAIN, while Abel means breath (nothingness is out of place in this case).
All Cains, even today, strive for their own GAIN/ profit above everything else, and are therefore ready and willing to murder their own brother for the love of gain. What can the other inhabitants of the earth expect from them? A 90% depopulation out of love for earth's/ natural resources, which they only want for themselves in their satanic NWO (see below)
Jews, who descend from a father fucker, Ham/ Hot, the worst son of Noah, have declared themselves to be the descendants of the only one who was good = Sem.
They have also forged all other Scriptures, incl. the alleged originals.
Jewish today's language is the Canaanite language, and the alphabet is Aramaic, but they have declared that all to be originally jewish.
Arameans were also Canaanites, from whom they split off as a family/ clan/ tribe, and of course they spoke the Canaanite language. But because they invented/ developed their own alphabet, the Aramaic alphabet, they called their language the Aramaic language, which was spoken by the most people in that region. That was the "English of the antiquity there".
There has never existed a Hebrew language nor Hebrew alphabet nor Hebrew people/ tribe, until the recent jewish falsification of history.
The term Hebrew comes from the male name Iver or Eber (both names were in use, depending on the dialect). Some quite insignificant persons in the OT/ Tanakh bore that name. Abraham was also called Ibri* (* sourtext-word) translatet Hebrew, because "Iver & Eber" changed ever further over time and became "Hebrew"; but with the same source meaning = "one from the other side/ from that side/ one from over there".
As said, Abraham was also called a Hebrew because he came “from over there/ from the other side”, but there has never been a nation of Hebrews (from Abraham's loins are much later as many as stars in the sky ... and nations, and kings ...) NOR a Hebrew language, let alone the Hebrew alphabet ... until the latest jewish forgery, which they have transmitted to all people.
All decent Jews (ask them) who have taken a little interest in this story know this and say that they are a Canaanite ethnic group, etc.; but nobody talks about Ham. They deliberately hide it.
Very many of today's Jews are ex-Khazars, who adopted Judaism, resp. Talmudism and therefore disappeared as a nation (in approx. 10th century), although they were quite a large people/ nation, had their own state and inhabited large areas between the Black and Caspian Seas.
Every prime minister of Israel has claimed that he is an Ashkenazi, which is also false; but, even if it were true, Ashkenaz himself was NOT a son of Sem (and Semite), but a grandchild of Noah's son Japheth. See
Genesis 10: 1-3
1 And these are the generations of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth. Sons were born to them after the flood.
2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer and Magog and Madai and Jawan and Tubal and Meshech and Tiras. 3 And the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ and Riphath and Togarmah.
1 Chronicles 1: 6
The sons of (Noah's son) Japheth: Gomer and Magog and Madai and Javan and Tubal and Meshech and Tiras. And the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ and Diphath and Togarmah.
(If many of them were descended from Japheth, they would never have forgotten the language of Japheth. In 1939, 94% of all Jews were of Ashkenazi descent, and in the 21st century they make up around 70%. To hide this, Jews constantly falsify/ push this percentage down.
Again: Therefore, these Jews did not know neither the ancient Canaanite language (although they known to be a Canaanite ethnic group) nor the later created Aramaic language nor the Aramaic alphabet, but had to rediscover all this with the founding of the state of Israel and idiotically call it "Hebrew"
The Hebrew nation/ triebe and the Hebrew language never existed before.
The Gypsies have never forgotten their source language, although they too have been scattered all over the world for thousand years, and had no script/ alphabet at all, not even one borrowed from any other “Arameans”. (Interesting: That's why two gypsies who lived on two different continents for 1000 years were able to communicate with each other orally, but not to write each other a letter. Not long ago, they also created an alphabet.)
For this reason, today's Jews have no idea, resp. cannot know, who belongs to which of the 12 ancient jewish tribes (because the vast majority of them are not descended from them), although this has always been very important to them.
The Arameans are also a Canaanite ethnic group (who spoke Canaanite) that split off from the Canaanites and developed somewhat differently, like the Ukrainians from the Russians. Ukrainians were formerly Russian peasants living on the outskirts (“U/Kraina”) of Russia.
Such Jews have adopted much more the Talmudic teaching, which is a satanic ideology. According to the Talmud, there have always been eight genders (LGBTQ+++), pedophilia is allowed, and all goyim (pagans/ heathens in their satanic opinion) are equal to animals for whom it is best to be the slaves of Jews. More about that:
The satanic Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well)
The LIE that Jews are Semites, i.e. descended from Noah's son Sem, was created by the German Jew, ex-Khazar, Ludwig SCHLOZER. Here is some information which until recently was also available in heaps on the Internet (In the following text "m. n." = "my note", and I have capitalized important words)
The source text in German. Surely there should also be translations of these books into English. “DeepL translator” could help you. Capital letters made by me.
Der Begriff SEMITEN wurde das ERSTE Mal (m. n. in history) von Ludwig SCHLOZER vorgeschlagen, für Sprachen, die mit dem Hebräischen*
(* m. n. another Lie, because a Hebrew language never existed in the past)
verwandt sind; in "Eichhorns Repertorium", Band VIII (Leipzig, 1781), S. 161.
Der Begriff SEMITEN wurde auf eine Gruppe von Völkern angewandt, die sprachlich eng miteinander verwandt sind - gemäß "Eichhorns Repertorium", Band VIII, Leipzig, 1781, S. 161.
Der Ausdruck (Semiten) wurde abgeleitet von der biblischen Völkertafel ab in 1. Mose/ Genesis.
(m. n. but by deliberate falsification/ Lie. In some other questions it is a matter of not understanding the text & ignorance. Here, however, it is about a blatant Lie)
Durch Johann Gottfried EICHHORN kam der Name dann in den ALLGEMEINEN Gebrauch, vgl. seine "Einleitung in das Alte Testament", Leipzig, 1787, I, S. 45.
In seinem Buch "Geschichte der neuen Sprachenkunde", Bd. I (Göttingen, 1807) war er bereits zu einem festen Fachbegriff geworden. Seitdem hat sich der Name SEMITEN allgemein DURCHGESETZT.
(m. n. So, this world has SCHLOZER and EICHHORN to thank for this big Lie of Jews/ jewish leaders )
Zu Eichhorns Schülern gehörte auch der JÜDISCHE Historiker ISAAK MARKUS JOST … / Among Eichhorn's students was the JEWISH historian ISAAK MARKUS JOST
(m. n. We don't want to talk about Eichhorn's private and intimate relationship with Jews Schlozer and Isaak Markus Jost here, but only remind you that pedophiles and LGBTQ+ were not allowed to be proud of their depravity at that time, but had to hide that very well and - in opposite to today - only live out their satanic perversions in the closest circles of similar abominations)
After I have informed the jewish-zionistic Satans & wanna-be builders of their Satanic New World Order on this issue as well ... (I only do that at the command of my Lord, so that they know that the time of ALL their Lies is finally & forever over ) ... the Satans have deleted all this information from the Internet (the name of Jew Ludwig Schlozer can no longer be found), and then attributed this story to August Ludwig von Schlözer, a true German who also lived at that time - as if the story came from him.
The name Schlozer (the jewish forger) came from the verb "schlotzen", meaning "to suck" something. Germans have (as is well known) often given foreigners, incl. Jews, such "strange" names in order to distinguish them permanently from Germans, or also to mock them, or to "blackmail" them to get some money from them for a "nicer" name, sometimes also because the foreigners had/ have difficulty pronouncing the characteristic German umlauts Ö, Ü, Ä correctly. Schlözer, however (as August Ludwig von SchlÖzer) with German "Ö" but not with a usual "O", is a conventional German name - while the name of the jewish forger was Schlozer - with a simple O.
But, in their satanic zeal & panic, the abominations who have caused the deletion & alteration of the information on the internet (jewish SchlOzer in german SchlÖzer) have NOT taken into account that a great many of these books from 1781 (with the information quoted above) are to be found in many institutions, by many individuals, and in OUR possession of course; so they cannot confiscate and burn them all.
An additional reason why we inform them is that we make them take countermeasures to cover up our disclosure. In doing so, however, they provide you (we do not need it) with additional evidence, i.e. they denounce themselves, i.e. confirm our remarks/ explanations.
There are very many other lies from the near and far past that are today considered facts/ truths/ common knowledge (in many countries). About that another time.
Why did jewish leaders falsify the whole history?
Because they are the children of the Devil/ Satan (2 synonyms), Men-Murderer & father of LIES, who hate God and Truth - from the beginning: John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 27: 25
Satans always LIE, even if it makes no sense at all/ does not bring them any benefit - because they hate/ can't stand the Truth, because God is the Truth.
That is why jewish leaders have falsified the whole history, but now all their LIES & EVILNESS has come to eternal END.
Majority of Jews are also the INCEST-BASTARDS (Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29) as all children of devil/ satans in all nations are.
Some/ not many of Jews are quite good people (by all earthly criteria), as are some in all other nations.
Especially in the last ca. 100 resp. 200 years, Jews have been given the opportunity to openly show their true SATANIC EVIL face to the whole world; and also to cast their satanic spell on many, very many other earthlings who are similar or equal to them. They are all the same satanic shit/ soul-brothers.
This also had to happen/ come to this point, so that all preconditions would be fulfilled, that the satanic vermin of incest bastards would be DESTROYED worldwide & irreparably, i.e. forever and ever.
NOT ONE of them, anywhere on this planet, in any country or any mouse hole,will be able to escape our wrath, NOT ONE.
This is the Promise of "A Truly Mighty One", which I am merely delivering to you at His command.
(otherwise I would, of my own accord/ my own will, never talk a single word to the satanic incest bastards, because we deeply abhor such vermin; and therefore avoid any contact with them, even verbal contact, like the plague)
Jewish leaders have declared many historical Truths about them to be legends/ conspiracy theories and the like.
All peoples present their history ( +/ -) better than it is. Looking the Truth in the eye is too painful for the majority. But all, absolutely all earthlings, will HAVE to do it very soon, because they will be Forced to do so by An absolute Might.
One more example of a historical/ thousands-year-old LIE of Jews, which is pretty much to completely pointless, according to human reasoning (but not satanic reasoning) and is relatively easy to check (Strong’s No. on can help you to some extent)
It's about the jewish word GOYIM, which, according to Jews, has the meaning "Pagan/ Heathen", and who are equal to animals - according to the rabbis, talmudists & Co.
Jews themselves are the Goyim, and it does NOT mean anything bad nor good.
The Only (reliable) source also on this issue is the Tanakh/ Old Testament of the Bible.
The only problem in such matters is that the biblical text (like a few other true Scriptures of God as well) is very distorted, and does not contain the source words, but the words/ terms that the deceivers/ liars/ forgers have given them. The alleged original scriptures have also been falsified; but the “Elberfelder Bible” and (see Strong’s No.) can help you to some extent (not much)
Source text:
גּ֛וֹי (gō-w) Goy - singular
לְג֣וֹי (lə-ḡō-w) Goyim - plural
Genesis 12: 1-2
1 And God said to Abram, "Go from your country and from your kindred and from your father's house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make you a great GOYIM,
Genesis 17: 1-6 and 15-16
1 Und Abram was 99 (!) years old when God appeared to Abram and said to him, "I am El, SHADDAI; walk before my face and be perfect. 2 And I will put my covenant between me and you, and I will greatly multiply you. 3 Then Abram fell on his face, and Elohim (i. e. gods, plural of Eloah - God) spoke to him, saying: 4 I (i. e. Shaddai), behold, my covenant is with you, and you will become the father of a multitude of GOYIM. 5 And from now on your name shall not be called Abram, but Abraham (= father of a multitude) shall be your name; for I have made you the father of a multitude of GOYIM. 6 And I will make you very, very fruitful, and I will make you to GOYIM, and kings shall come out of you …
15 And Elohim = gods (Elohim is plural of Eloah = God) said to Abraham, "'Sarai your wife, you shall no longer call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. 16 And I will bless her, and I will also give you a son by her; and I will bless her, and she will be (“the mother” exists not in the source text) of GOYIM; kings of nations* shall come from her.
(* nations: This word “עַמִּ֖ים - ‘am·mîm”, which is different from goyim “ לְג֣וֹי lə-ḡō-w”, corresponds better to the modern term "nations"/ peoples.
Jews, however, falsify and declare that all other peoples are goyim, but only not they themselves; they are always supposed to be something else - and they are indeed, but only in a negative sense, except for a few of them.
Genesis 18: 17-18
17 And God said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? 18 Surely Abraham (will) became* (*imperfect) a great and mighty GOY, and in him all the GOYIM of the earth will be blessed. (Strikethrough words do not exist in the source text. Such sentences (verb tenses etc.) are always falsified because the source text reveals the satire or mockery of the true God over the unbelievers/evil ones)
Genesis 35: 11
11 And Elohim* said to him (Jacob): I am El**, Shaddai, be fruitful and multiply; a GOY and a host of GOYIM shall come out of you, and kings shall come out of your loins**.
(* Elohim אֱלֹהִ֜ים (’ĕ·lō·hîm) is the plural & means "gods" of Eloah אַלָהּ (eloah), singular, means God.
** El אֵ֤ל ('êl) does not mean God (or something similar), but is comparable to the English article "the" or better the German "der"(masculine). But in order to cause confusion, the satanic incest bastards gave this "El" all the following meanings (depending on the book and verse, as they please, respectively as it suits their satanic agenda): God, Mighty One, Mighty Man/ of Rank, Angel, Demon, The One True God, False God, Power, Force …
** Loins מֵחֲלָצֶ֥יךָ (mê-ḥă-lā-ṣe-ḵā) seat of manhood, literally “testicles"
So, After all the previously mentioned, also from the loins of Jacob (called Israel) came 12 sons, from them 12 GOYIM originated.
The word "nation" was adopted from the Latin (natio) only in the 14th/ 15th century. It means "ORIGIN, birth/ birth community/ clan. All these terms refer to (larger) groups of people whose common characteristics are ORIGIN, language, religion - at least of a majority, tradition, customs, culture … & GENETICS)
Genesis 46: 3 (Elohim spoke to Jacob)
I am El, the Elohim of your father (that was Shaddai) ; do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you a great GOYIM there.
Genesis 48: 19
But Joseph' father (father Jacob/ Israel) refused (to act according to God's commandments) and said: I know it, my son, I know it. He too will become a nation (לְּעָ֖ם lə-'ām), and he too will be great; yet his younger brother will be greater than he, and his descendants will become an abundance of Goyim (גּוֹיִֽם׃ hag-gō-w-yim)
(Although they knew God's commandments, as in this example, they always acted according to their own will/ lust)
Exodus 32: 10 (YHWH to Moses)
10 And now let my wrath be kindled against them, and I will destroy them; but I will make you a great GOY. (And in 100 more other verses)
Abraham's sacrifice of his son/ Isaac to that Shaddai?
Genesis 22: 15-18
15 And the מַלְאַ֥ךְ/ mal'ak* (not angel but) courier* of YHWH called to Abraham a second time from heaven (* courier named Shaddai, see Genesis 35: 11-15 & Genesis 6: 2-3)
* This OT word מַלְאַ֥ךְ/ mal'ak/ Mal'ak just like the ancient Greek word ἄγγελος/ angelos/ Angel, in the New Testament, which comes from "aggello", means just "courier" and absolutely nothing else.
Such couriers have no free/ own will (so that they can only carry out God's commands perfectly according to God's Will/ Wish) and can therefore neither love nor hate you, but only deliver what God sends you; to someone, something good, resp. desired (some things that are desired are not good), to someone, something not good, resp. undesired; and you think (according to your false teaching) that the first named was an angel (according to your false understanding) and the second named a demon/ satan or similar; while they were both simply the couriers, and possibly one and the same one courier - whom you call an angel one time and a demon/ satan another time.
But since your religious leaders (also the jewish, islamic, hindu, etc.) are no different from your political leaders, they give false* meanings* to words in order to bind you to themselves (their community) with false promises and then use, exploit and misuse you for their own interests.
* This contamination of language (giving the false meanings to words) leads to contamination of thought and mind, confusion and ignorance - and such persons can be best lied to, manipulated and misused by their "teachers" in every possible way.
16 saying, "BY MYSELF I have SWORN, declares the YHWH, that because you have done this and have not withheld YOUR ONLY SON, 17 I WILL surely bless you, and I WILL multiply your descendants like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will possess the gates of their enemies. 18 And through your offspring all GOYIM of the earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed MY voice".
(The sacrifice of children was an ancient cultic ritual of Pagans/ Heathens, Satanists and Satans who were under the demonic/ satanic/ diabolical influence & still are today (below is an article/ link about that: "They rape children, sacrifice them & ...")
But the true God said: "It never occurred to me/ It never came into my mind" and "I never commanded them to do that", and " It is an abominable act". Cf.
Deuteronomy 12: 31; Jeremiah 7: 30-31; Jeremiah 19: 4-6; Jeremiah 32: 26-35; Ezekiel 23: 37 etc.
About the falsehood of the Old Testament Prophets, Priests, Scholars and Scribes of the texts which are still in the Bible today, see:
Jeremiah 8: 8; 9: 14; 14: 14; 16: 9; 23: 14; 23: 32; 27: 10; 27: 14; 27: 16; 29: 23; Isaiah 9: 14;
YHWH himself also put lying spirit in the mouth of all these prophets: 1 Kings 22: 22-23
YHWH himself also gave them statute/ regulation, by which they could not live (for they were wicked and deserved no better) Ezekiel 20: 25
Almost all these prophets have delivered something good, but also a lot of not-good; what they invented, and/ or to please the rulers and the people/ masses, or under the influence of Shaddai & Co. The OT is overfilled with it, and there is enough of it in the NT, albeit less.
Exodus 6: 3 (YHWH said to Moses)
And I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as El, Shaddai; but by my name YHWH I did not make myself known to them.
(This statement would make no sense at all if Shaddai really meant the "Almighty", as the Jews claim/ deliberately lie. Shaddai is the name of a demon, who was sent to them by the true God to mislead them because they were very corrupted & unbelieving)
Most Jews do not believe in the (true) Almighty God, resp. in no God; except when it serves them as an excuse or justification for their godless doings.
It is because their alleged god, Shaddai, fought/ wrestled with their forefather Jacob all night long, and at dawn was finally defeated by this wretched Jacob.
This defeated alleged god named Shaddai then gave the “victorious” Jacob the name Israel. Cf. Genesis 32: 25-31.
And the same Shaddai later appeared to this Jacob again and pretended to be God, but, because he was forgetful (the true God never is), later, another time changed the name of this wretched Jacob to Israel.
Genesis 35: 9-22 (In verse 11, this false god also says that he is Shaddai)
9 And Elohim (i.e. gods, plural) appeared to Jacob again when he came out of Paddan-aram, and blessed him. 10 And Elohim said to him, "Your name is Jacob; your name shall not be called Jacob from now on, but Israel shall be your name. And he gave him the name Israel. 11 And Elohim said to him, “I am EL SHADDAI*,
(*it does not mean “the Almighty”, as Jews claim. This is the false God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)
be fruitful and multiply; a goy (this term refers to all earthly nations) and a multitude of goyim (plural of goy) shall come out of you, and kings shall come out of your loins. 12 And the land which I GAVE to Abraham and Isaac, to you I will GIVE it, and to your descendants after you I will GIVE the land.
21 And Israel set out and pitched their tent on the other side of Migdal-Heder. 22 And it came to pass, as Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine. And Israel heard it (this is their morality, to this day). And the sons of Jacob were twelve.
(This false god/ Shaddai has changed the names of Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, given the name Israel (two times) to the wretched Jacob who had defeated him, promised to give the land and the blessing of all … whom he will then also bless ... All lies and false promises. In this context, it is also important to observe that NOT one of the Old Testament prophets came to God. See
How and Where did ALL the Old Testament prophets & kings end?
Because the jewish patriarch Jacob, the father of all 12 jewish tribes could defeat his & their god, Shaddai, Jews have the following conception of their God. I am posting here a shorter excerpt from the jewish "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in which they make it clear that their earthly/ state power is above their Almighty/ Shaddai. He/ Shaddai must not interfere in their earthly power. A somewhat longer excerpt can be found in a link below.
“Our (jewish) power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment it has become so strong that no cunning can undermine it.”
“We will absolutely control the media, so that not a single report will reach the public without our control. In this way, we will surely triumph over our opponents, for without the media, they are helpless.”
“We will distract the brainless minds with vain imaginations, fantastic theories, pernicious pleasures, games and filthy passions so that they will not be able to use their intellect. They will never suspect that they have been steered by us.”
“We will establish huge monopolies so that all will perish when the political collapse comes. We must take their countries away from them at all costs, we must lower wages and raise the prices of all essential goods.”
“We will create an economic crisis that will stop trade on all exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We will throw masses of workers simultaneously into the streets all over the world, who will plunder property and rejoice in bloodshed.”
“In our government there must be only a mass of enslaved people besides us, a few billionaires who are totally devoted to us, and police and soldiers. To achieve this, we must create chaos and hostility and we must use every deception, treachery and falsehood possible. Our greatest weapon is the media.”
“We will install a king over the whole earth who will eliminate all causes of strife, such as borders, nationalities, religion, national debt, etc., and create peace and tranquility that cannot be achieved in any other way. In order to achieve our goals, we must create unrest in all countries, bring all of humanity to the point of exhaustion through hatred, fighting, envy, torture, hunger and disease, so that people will be forced to seek refuge in our absolute rule.”
“Our main weapon was, is and will be the destruction of all privileges, on the ruins of which we will establish our absolute autocracy.”
“While we preach liberalism to the goyim, we simultaneously keep our own people and our agents in a state of unconditional subjugation.”
“Our state power will be glorious because it will be ALMIGHTY. It will rule and lead and not wade in the mud after leaders and orators who shout themselves hoarse with meaningless words that are nothing more than utopias ... ”
“Our state power will be the crown of the order, and all the happiness of man is included in it. The nimbus of this state power will draw all people to mystical veneration and reverential fear. True power does not enter into ANY legal terms, NOT EVEN with God; no one may come within a whisker of it.”
“I now come to the method of securing the dynastic ways of the King of the House of David for the final stretch of the earth.”
“The pillar of humanity in the person of the supreme ruler of the world must come from the holy lineage of David.” ***
(*** Remember this, their millennia-old attitude: Their "state power shall be glorious because it will be ALLMIGHTY” & their/ jewish
"State power will be the crown of order, ... True power does NOT engage on LEGAL terms, NOT EVEN with God*; no one may offend it for a span.” (* Because their wretched Jacob was able to defeat their god/ Shaddai: Genesis 32: 25-31).
That is why the following words of Christ are very important about these (alleged, resp. partially) Christians, who were similar or equal to the OT prophets & Co.:
Matthew 7: 21-23 (Jesus said) 21 Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord!" will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the Will of my Father who is in the Heavens. 22 Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and perform many miracles in your name? 23 And then I will declare to them: I never knew you; depart from me, you EVILDOERS!
(After all this, the following should also be understandable)
John 10: 7-15 (Jesus said)
“ALL who came before Me (OT) were thieves and robbers! &
Luke 16: 15-16
15 ... For what is highly prized among men is utterly detestable in God's sight. 16 The law and the prophets were until John: from that time the gospel of the kingdom of God is preached, and every man enters violently into it.
(Among the people/ masses such prophets, priests, scribes & Co. were highly esteemed (and also these evildoers mentioned in Mt. 7: 21-23), but were an abomination in the eyes of God. & The prophets and "their" law were before the appearance of Christ, but ONLY with His appearance came the Gospel/ the Good News of the Kingdom of God and the possibility of redemption/ salvation - for His true followers who only do the Will of God (Mt. 12: 50 & John 4: 34 etc.). ... ... but not much of their own will and/ or anyone else's in addition; like these evildoers from the NT, and all (thieves and robbers) from the OT.
About the false and true ISRAEL:
Exodus 4:22 (YHWH said to Moses)
Then say to Pharaoh: This is what the YHWH says: My FIRSTBORN Son is ISRAEL,
(Jacob is NOT the firstborn because his brother Esau was born before him)
Genesis 25: 24-26
24 When the time came for her (Rebekah, Isaak's wife, Jacob's mother) to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb.
25 The FIRST to come out was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment; so they named him ESAU (= Firstborn)
26 AFTER this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau’s heel; so he was named JACOB.
(Jacob means "heel-holder", in the source language an idiom for DECEIVER. And he will later defraud his brother Esau of his first-born right, and his father Isaac and Esau of his father's blessing, which belonged to the first-born Esau, and his father-in-law Laban of his livestock and wealth etc. etc. He was a completely abominable person, like today's Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros & Co. See
Genesis 25:29-34 (Jacob BLACKMAILER)
Genesis 27:18-36 (Jacob FRAUDSTER)
Genesis 31:1 (Jacob TAKEN ALL of his FATHER-IN-LAW, Laban)
So that you can understand what kind of world you are born in and what kind of beings you live with, here is some important information from
Genesis 4: 8
The first of the first two brothers (Cain) killed his own younger brother (Abel) - for no reason according to all human criteria, but out of envy/ jealousy, which are the driving forces that "adorn" all Satans/ Devils.
Out of the lands of this Cain/ Brother-murderer almost half of the earth's inhabitants at that time came into being.
Cain means gain, while Abel means breath (nothingness is out of place in this case).
All Cains, even today, strive for their own gain/ profit above everything else, and are therefore ready and willing to murder their own younger/ weaker brother for the love of gain. What can the other inhabitants of the earth expect from them? A 90% depopulation out of love for nature and respectively earth's natural resources, which they only want for themselves.
Leviticus 18: 1 ff. (Jacob's DOUBLE INCEST that leads to his "CUT OFF" …)
1 The YHWH said to Moses, ... 4 You MUST obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees ... 5 KEEP my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them WILL LIVE by them. I am the YHWH
(Who does NOT keep/ obey them will NOT Live)
6 NO ONE is to approach ANY of his BLOOD RELATIVES to have SEXUAL relations. (there is no word "NEAR" between ANY and BLOOD RELATIVES)
18 Do not take your WIFE’S SISTER as a rival wife and have sexual relations with her.
(Jacob, called Israel/ false Israel, married TWO SISTERS who were also his BLOOD RELATIVES: Genesis 28:1-2. 5, Genesis 29: 10-14, Genesis 29: 25-30 & Leviticus 18: 6. 22. 18. 20. 29)
22 And WITH a MAN you shall NOT LIE as one lies with a woman: An abomination it is
(compare with today’s LGBTQ. According to Talmud there are 8 different genders & pedophilia is allowed)
29 EVERYONE who does ANY of these detestable things – such persons/ souls must be CUT OFF from their people.
Genesis 35:22
And it happened, when Jacob/ Israel was dwelling in that land, that Ruben (the firstborn son of Jacob) went and lay with Bilhah, his father's/ Jacob's co-wife. And Israel heard it.
(Christ has clearly revealed to you that NO ONE has ever HEARD the voice of God, much less SEEN Him. See
1 John 4:12 NO ONE has ever SEEN God.
John 1:18
NO ONE has ever SEEN God; the one and only Son, μονογενὴς monogenēs, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has made known.
John 5:37
And the Father who sent me, he himself has borne witness about me. You have NEVER HEARD his VOICE, nor SEEN his form,
John 6:46
NOT that ANY man has SEEN the Father, except he who is from God, he has seen the Father.
Luke 10:22
All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and NO MAN KNOWS WHO the Son is, but the Father, and WHO the Father is, but the Son, and to whom the Son will reveal (something).
Matthew 11: 27
All things have been given to me by my Father; and NO ONE KNOWS the Son as only the Father, NOR DOES ANYONE KNOW the Father as only the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal (something)
(But wretched Jacob, the false Israel from the OT/ Torah, not only heard and saw his god/ Shaddai, but also FOUGHT with him all night and finally PREVAILD that his god/ El Shaddai as well (see Genesis 32: 25-31). So powerful was their god, Shaddai, who gave Jacob the name Israel, but whom even the wretched Jacob could DEFEAT.
From this story also, it is clear that this Shaddai was not true God, who falsely gave the wretched Jacob the good name Israel.
And the same Shaddai later appeared to this Jacob again and pretended to be God, but, because he was forgetful (the true God never is), later, another time changed the name of this wretched Jacob to Israel (see Genesis 35:9-12) In verse 11, this false god also says that he is Shaddai.
The true Israel is the FIRSTBORN in the seventh heaven. This is clearly explained in the Gnostic Gospels, and that the people on Earth give the exalted heavenly names to the persons and things that are very, very sinful; e. g. Heavenly Jerusalem, Heavenly Zion, Heavenly Man in contrast to everything that is also called like this on earth, but is very, very sinful.
That is why Christ also said to Jews: "I AM sent ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of ISRAEL", and "You/ Jews are NOT of my sheep", i.e. they are NOT the sheep of that House, House of the true Israel. Cf. Matthew 15:24 and John 10:26-28. And "Where I am going you CANNOT come" & "You will DIE in your sins" - John 8: 21-24 etc.
The following verse is also very important and shows that there were very few true children of the true Israel at that time and place.
John 1: 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards him. Jesus said the following about him. He is a True Israelite, in whom there is NO δόλος (dolos) = Deceit, guile, treachery. From an obsolete primary verb, dello; a trick, i.e. wile (while Jacob, the False Israel, was the epitome of Falsehood)
Children of the true Israel do not constitute any earthly nation, since each one is full of satans, psychopaths, criminals and whores of all kinds. They are scattered among (theoretically) all nations and therefore they must be sought - as Christ also said. "Came to seek what is lost and scattered". Only when they are gathered together, they will form a nation in heaven, the nation of God, in which no individual has any bad characteristic.
Ezekiel 39: 26-29
26 They have forgotten their disgrace and all their disloyalty with which they have dealt treacherously against Me, when they dwell safely in their land* and no one frightens them, 27 when I bring them back from the nations (הָ֣עַמִּּים hā-'am-mîm) and gather them from the countries (מֵֽאַרְצ֖וֹת mê-'ar-ṣō-wṯ) of their enemies, and I sanctified myself in them in the sight of the many Goyim (הַגּוֹיִ֥ם hag-gō-w-yim).
28 And they have known that I am YHWH, their Elohim, when I gather them again in their own* land* (אַדְמָתָ֑ם 'aḏ-mā-ṯām) after uncovering/ unveiling/ revealing them to the Goyim, and leave no one of them there any more
(* this land/ their "own land" is methaphor, is in Heaven, far away from all earthly Peoples/ Nations/ Goyim. That is why all these 3 different terms (nations, countries, goyim) were mentioned/ listed & that none of them will remain on earth/ in this transient/ perishable world of mortals.
29 And I no longer hide my face from them, because I have poured out my Spirit (רוּחִי֙ rū-ḥî) on/over the house/ dwelling place of Israel, says the Adonai, YHWH.
(And in Revelation, chapters 7 & 14, Christ clearly stated that 12 000 souls will be saved from each tribe of (the true) Israel. They will never die, unlike the first mentioned, who will die, because they can NOT come to the Heavenly Father, i.e. into true & eternal life.
Christ told his “disciples” * (* μαθηταῖς/ mathētais: a learner, pupil. *This word just means "pupil" and nothing else, but the idiots are faking both pointlessly and ...)
Matthew 5: 48 (Jesus said) “Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is PERFECT” *
Mark 10: 21 (A young, rich man to Jesus about keeping the commandments)
20 But he/ young rich jewish man said to Jesus, "Teacher, I have kept all the commandments from my youth”. 21 But Jesus looked at him, loved him and said to him, "You LACK* one thing. Go, sell all that you have and give the proceeds to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven, and come, FOLLOW* Me”.
(* Compare this requirement with the utterly abominable Jacob, who would today probably be the best friend of Yuval Harari and Klaus Schwab. Should Christ have been sent to his children? Can anyone expect Netanyahu, Harari & Co. to show any decency, let alone perfection?)
They have distorted a great deal of the source text, but there is still something left from which one can, with a little effort, extract some recognitions.
In this context, it is also very important to understand the following: Many so-called theologians, clerics etc. say: "The Jews/ the overwhelming majority of Jews did not recognize Christ, and therefore they didn't WANT to accept him, and that's how it is to this day".
That only shows their great ignorance. Ignorance = Unbelief or false belief, because only recognition/ knowledge can lead to true/ right belief.
It is not about what Jews WANTED but about what they COULD do.
God has NOT ALLOWED most of them (because of their Badness, or Evilness, or Satanism) to recognize Christ and to believe in Him. Cf: John 6: 44; John 6: 65; Matthew 13: 13-15; Luke 8: 10, Mark 4: 12; John 12: 39-40; Jeremiah 5: 20-21; Isaiah 6: 9-10.
Some more Lies of Jews
Since the founding of the jewish state in Palestine - Apartheid (one law for the Jews, another for the Palestinians), expulsion, destruction, murder and finally genocide, celebrated with singing, music and dancing on Palestinian scorched ground (mostly Gaza) - before the eyes of the whole world, invoking God, Torah and Tanakh, that gives them that right. But cf. what Torah and Tanakh say (The European Holocaust perpetrators/ evildoers did not do it with joy, but with a sense of disgust)
Leviticus 18: 1 & 5
1 The YHWH said to Moses ... 4 You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees. I am the YHWH, your Elohim. ...
5 KEEP my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them WILL LIVE by them. I am the YHWH. (Who does not keep/ obey them, he will not live.)
Exodus 12:49 (YHWH commanded)
ONE Law/ The Same Law applies to the DOMESTIC ONE and to the FOREIGN ONE who dwells among you. (But … one law applies for Palestinians another for Jews in Palestine, resp. Israel)
Leviticus 24: 22
ONE Law/ The SAME Law shall you have: As the FOREIGNER, so shall the NATIVE be; for I am YHWH your Elohim.
(And if a Jew dwells/ lives among the non-Jews, then of course he should not treat them differently/ disadvantage them than the Jews - but even better. This, of course, also refers to interest on money and the like)
Leviticus 19: 34
As a DOMESTIC among you shall be to you the FOREIGNER who dwells with you as a STRANGER; you shall LOVE him as YOURSELF. For strangers you were in the land of Egypt. I am YHWH your Elohim.
Exodus 21: 12 Whoever strikes and KILLS a man MUST surely be put to DEATH.
Leviticus 24: 17 And if a man takes the life of anyone else, he MUST surely be put to DEATH. (Cf. with Gaza Genocide)
Exodus 22: 25
If you lend money to my people (all peoples/ animals/ plants belong to God, are His) to the wretched one, resp. who is in need by you, do NOT be like one who lends money for INTEREST; you shall NOT charge him ANY interest.
Deuteronomy 23: 19 Do NOT charge your brother*
(* Meanings of לְאָחִ֔יךָ (lə-'ā-ḥî-ḵā) = brother, and also half-brother, relative, nephew, EACH to the OTHER/ mutual relationship, fig. similarity) - Continuation of this Deut. 23: 19
19 Do NOT charge your … ANY INTEREST, interest on money*, interest on food**, interest FOR ANYTHING** lent at interest.
(but even if one would also interpret this word only as "brother", one should treat also the FOREIGNER equally and LOVE him as ONESELF = more than a brother - seen above in Leviticus 19: 34
* Interests of money. Who would impose the interest on himself? Not even a Jew ;)
**Interest on food & anything = Trade!
Of course, this world needs banks (banks need interests - but NOT compound interests = plunder ) and trade even more (selling price/ price premium), but those who refer to God and His books, but talk and act contrary belong to the most satanic beings on the planet, who only lie in order to betray/ deceive, manipulate, exploit and do every other Evil.
Jewish Rothschilds, Rockefellers, JP-Morgan, Goldman Sachs & Co. with their megabanks not only take interest, but also compound interest, which is a crime/ plunder; but, because they bribe/ buy your governments, they make such laws that make it all seem legal.
The Power of jewish Private Banks/ High Finance (Rothschilds & Co.)
(All your Scriptures, NT too (something less), even the alleged originals, are not only quite distorted, but often "massacred" because your religious leaders are no different from your political leaders. Rare exceptions appear with them all, but are to be interpreted narrowly, and such do not make a big career/ do not have a big influence.
Your religious leaders are no different from your political leaders and in some epochs, they have been even more brutal than them (although it is hardly possible) - but pretend to be something else in order to manipulate you better and more.
In 1984, a student distributed flyers with the inscription "The church is the biggest criminal organization of all times".
At the so-called "Bochum §166 trial" he was proven RIGHT.
Why this is the Truth? See on
Your "honorable ones", who also "love" your children so much and thereby damage or even destroy them for the whole remaining life, call themselves Christians, but are anti-Christians; though not all of them. Many clerics are simply like employees in a local government/ administration and do what their bosses tell them without thinking for themselves whether it is the right or wrong.
That the other (so-called) religious communities (religions) are not (essentially) different, could, but should not comfort you.
Decent atheists have always been much better beings than a large majority of those who call themselves believers.
One more Lie of Jews, about their history and their symbols:
The six-pointed jewish star should never be called the Star of David because the OT/ Tanakh king David had no clue about this star/ symbol, i.e. he did not even know that such a symbol existed. This star had no connection to Judaism for thousands of years.
This six-pointed star is one of the oldest spiritual symbols in the world. Its use under the name "Satkona" has been known and documented in ancient Vedic, resp. Hindu cultures for 5000 years. Over the centuries, the Satkona has been used in India, Nepal, China, Tibet, Sri Lanka and other Asian countries by followers of Vedic, resp. Hindu Vaishnavism, Jainism and also in Buddhism.
This symbol/ star was considered a sign of God's power and was used also by Muslims, Christians and Jews in the early Middle Ages as a talisman against demons and the danger of fire, and they also decorated religious buildings with it (although the 10 Commandments forbid this, Exodus 20: 4 (Do) not make for yourself an Idol/ model of any kind, nor any image, likeness, shape/ figure, representation, re/ semblance of anything in the heavens above, the earth below, or in the waters under the earth"). A synagogue was "decorated" with this star for the first time in the 13th century.
This star was then adopted as a symbol at the end of the 19th century by the jewish Zionists, whose aim was to establish an independent jewish nation state, and later world domination/ the so-called NWO. When the jewish state of Israel was founded in 1948, this Hindu star finally found its way into their zionistic state flag.
Hitler's/ Nazi hack cross is also an ancient Hindu symbol - "Swastika"
(All these biblical stories (OT & NT) are full of metaphors & allegories. Most of them must not be understood literally. For example, "Egypt" always means "this world" or "state or condition of this world".
As a rule, such stories merely describe the character traits of regions, mentality of certain ethnic groups & their leaders.
Just one more interesting example: The source text word "desert" sometimes also means "this whole world", because not too many (true) Humans live in it, and so symbolizes the deserted/ lifeless/ dead areas that are empty of true/ living Humans who are filled with the living Spirit of God.
That's why Christ said in Matthew 8: 22: "Let the dead bury their own* dead*, but you follow me" (*They belong to each-other and are considered dead/ lifeless)
The world “wilderness” in the NT is forgery. The source-text word is ἔρημον (erēmon) which means "Lonesome". The word "hermit" (in German "Eremit") is derived from this word. It is someone who lives alone/ in solitude - but not in the wilderness/ desert.)
Organisation, Misuse and Falsification of the Holocaust:
Adolph Hitler was Financed by Wall Street, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England (All these banks/ financial institutions are in jewish privat-ownership. Explanation in one of the next articles)
Rebbe Menachem is antisemitic ;) That's not insanity, but PURE and the most Evil SATANISM.
Why did all the above-mentioned Jews, resp. their financial centers, finance Hitler and this Rebbe (who is Netanyahu's guru) say/ admit this?
Everything is fake and evil/ satanic lie that 90+ % of Jews narrate (but not just all of them) - because they are the children of the devil*, father of lies*, and incest-bastards** who hate the true God and the Truth*
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
The Holocaust, with approx. one million murdered, was planned and organized by Jews (the proofs and jewish SELF-TESTIMONIE - you saw, and others follow, but only very few know that) and afterwards falsified - for the eternal enslavement of the Germans and as an excuse for all the crimes against humanity they do afterwards - against the whole world.
You have seen above: Adolf Hitler was financed with millions (supported and promoted) by Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Wall Street, Harriman, Royal Dutch Schell, Bank of England, American FED (they are all privately owned by certain Jews. Something about that also here
The text of the above photo (if you need it): Yoram Kaniuk, jewish and Israeli writer, asked Rabbi/ Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson (who is also Netanyahu's guru) in an interview:
"How could the persecution of Jews in 3rd Reich have happened if the God of Israel ruled the world?"
Rebbe Menachem answered: "There was a rotten branch in Judaism that had to be sown off."
Menachem is not anti-Semitic :), but this time, exceptionally, he told the truth - although as children of the devil and father of lies, who hate the true God and the Truth, they always lie (John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25)
Why did all the above-mentioned Jews, resp. their financial centers, finance Hitler and this Rebbe (who is Netanyahu's guru) say/ confess this?
Before WW2 and the Holocaust, there were relatively many Jews (although they were a minority of all Jews) who had left not only their local/ geographical ghettos (Judengasse), but also the satanic-talmudic-jewish Mental-Ghetto.
This means that they no longer regarded and treated the Germans (and other people) as goyim (evil and godless heathens/ pagans), but as normal fellow citizens/ people (because they were normal too). There were also more and more mixed marriages and everything else that is part of normal interaction (in the same or similar way in other countries).
But that was the "rotten branch” (or the "cancer”) on the satanic tree of jewish closed society - in the opinion of their religious, political and economic leaders, which had to be sawed off, because they could no longer use them for their satanic purposes against all goyim, and there was a danger that more and more Jews could follow their example. That would mean the end of the ancient jewish-satanic dream of remaining a closed society (mental ghetto) and enslaving all goyim.
That is why they hated such Jews boundlessly as the traitors to their jewish-satanic cause, financed Hitler and organized the Holocaust.
They informed the Jews who were like them in good time so that they could escape, and placed the rotten branch/ cancer under the Nazi saw/ scalpel. In this context, the following post is also very important, as they also used the British and other rulers = to them similar/ same satanic vermin of incest bastards for their satanic purpose, who have driven the uneducated, stupid (corporal from the last war) and otherwise evil Adolf into insanity. Such stupid abominations can be most easily manipulated/ misused by the most evil ones from the shadows, as well as today's "Young Global Leaders" who are the most wretched, primitive and perverted satanic puppets.
British intelligence made up the LIE that the Germans were "GASSING the Jews"
Not “British intelligence”, but Jews who live in the UK and control/ run British intelligence and governments, as well as the CIA, Congress and the White House in the USA.
No matter if a Jew lives 5 or 500 years under/ together with the English, Germans, French, Russians, Poles, Americans ... he remains a Jew, while all other people, both in the country he lives in (England, Germany, France, Russia, Poland, America ... ) and worldwide, remain the goyim* for him (* pagans/ heathens, according to their satanic falsification of the source texts).
For this reason, some wise personalities said a long time ago: Jews form a state for themselves in every state they live in.
Why everything you know about World War II is wrong
Today's completely abnormal/ insane/ satanic situation in this usually depraved world can hardly/ not be understood without knowledge of …
The satanic Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well)
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
Milakowsky aka Netanyahu: “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the RIGHT direction.” (This is what he said in 2001, while assuring Israeli settlers that Israel could destroy the Palestinian Authority and continue with illegal settlement building, regardless of the US position)
These two satanic complete idiots are only employees who brag; Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co. are that, for whom we have determined a very "special treatment" ... they will not like at all.
George Soros Caught Boasting All Future Elections Are '100% Rigged'
The totally satanic complete idiots, who cannot understand anything of importance, want to download their personality/ consciousness into a PC/ Harddisc and then paste it into a dummy/ puppet, and thus live again and forever :)
They behave like the most severely mentally ill children who sit up to their chins in feces, play with faces, and find it fragrant, amusing, beautiful and even useful - “for Humanity” - as they say; but to which they do NOT belong. For this reason, they say: "We can do this and that" ...&… "You will have to accept it", etc. Always WE and YOU, because they are aware that they are not Humans but Satans.
The satanic complete idiots have not the slightest idea what is hidden behind all such technologies and how much/ terribly/ devastatingly they will harm exactly them.
Elon Musk? A few important and little-known Facts
At their gala parties, the serbian "Witch"/ Satanist Abramovic serves them food, arranged as human and child corpses, and they eat it with the greatest appetite.
But when the cameras are not allowed, then ...
Blood Libel/ Ritual murder Legend, blood accusation of the JEWS ... that they abduct children, eat them & drink their blood (Adrenochrome)? It's NOT a legend at all … AND … They (Jews & Goyim) Abuse, RAPE Children & Babies, SACRIFICE them, Drink their Blood (Adrenochrome) & Eat their Flesh (Jewish and goyimic Politicians, Royals, Ultrarich, Elites, Celebrities) AND
Adrenochrome Taskforce Rescues Hundreds of Kids Trafficked by MARINA ABRAMOVIC
Putin's (not Putin’s but Russian - see below) Adrenochrome Taskforce Intercept Israeli Ship Trafficking Hundreds of Kids
Russia Intercepts Israeli Jet Trafficking Adrenochrome Victims to Hollywood
The satanic gang is now complete: Important information about the current Russian President Putin, Chinese Xi Pig ;) , BRICS, and the jewish Zionists (The old fat sow from Belarus also belongs to them & Modi, Lula, bin Salman, Erdogan etc.
But NOT just all Jews are satanic, while very, very many goyim are!
BlackRock (jewish) buys many of the politicians = prostitutes who sell their souls very cheaply; Senators for 10K
USA army sing the Israeli national anthem: "DIE for ISRAEL" (Fully drilled, harder than all dogs and also zombified)
Henry Kissinger's important Statements & some Facts
WTC, 9/11. The Big CRIME of Mossad, CIA & Co. Irrefutable Proofs!
That is their strategic & satanic plan & goal that Casey & Co., the jewish Zionists, in collaboration with the Goyim Zionists like them, have almost completely achieved.
If they want to turn the citizens of their country into zombies/ idiots, what can they wish for the other nations/ earth inhabitants?
Only the most primitive, shameless & evilest Satans have such ideas & desires, but Humans NEVER do, because they have completely different kind of souls & consciousnesses (feelings, thoughts, wishes & needs). Humans always want to share, help, give & cooperate honorably in their businesses. Only such life can make them satisfied or even happy.
Some important Information and Facts about the CIA/ C *INTELLIGENCE* A (*the paid murderers/ TERRORISTS and “intelligence” = to make it sound positive)
In these actual primate bodies dwell/ live very different souls/ beings: Different species of animals (tame & wild beasts), satans, and not too many Humans (some angels may also appear temporarily).
Humans in all nations are always good-natured or even wonderful beings (depending on their own level of development); but even they can sometimes become aggressive for the right reason/ when the need arises.
But if you yourself consider you a monkey, as your esteemed scientists "know" it and have taught you, then forget this message - it is not meant for you nor for them.
According to the ancient satanic jewish-zionist plan it was first necessary to establish a jewish nation state, and afterwards (with money/ bribes and adrenochrome) to draw the goyimic rulers into their satanic spell, and with their slavish collaboration to achieve world domination/ world enslavement in their satanic so-called NWO = to murder 90% of the earth's inhabitants and to rule alone over all the earth's natural resources and the remaining 10% of the zombified goyim, as a kind of perverted and satanic deities.
That is the primal desire of Satan/ all Satans = to be god-like; while Humans have completely different kind of souls and consciousnesses, and therefore also completely different kind of feelings, thoughts, wishes and needs, that are completely HUMAN.
Jeff Rothschilds told this in China! The satanic is now complet. Jews have cast a spell on all of them with Money and Adrenochrome. Again: Important Information about the current Russian President Putin, & Chinese Xi Pig ;) BRICS & Co.
This primitive, fat and satanic-godless englsish Sow told this according to the most primitive & satanic jewish-zionist dictate. That is why the jewish media and their historiography have made this wretched and fat sow to a "great" politician. Nothing can be more wretched and primitive.
The classical prostitutes sell only their bodies for a short time, can wash themselves with water afterwards and are also often useful members of society. Thanks to their generally unappreciated work, some crimes are not committed; but the prostitution of souls, as practiced by your "esteemed" politicians and the rest of the leaders (who are all satanic bastards), is the absolutely most reprehensible and most harmful thing for society in this mostly primitive world.
Also this can be mentioned here:
The UN was founded by two high-grade Freemasons, namely the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt of “Marion Lodge No. 70” and the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (who worked on behalf of Rothschild, Rockefeller & Co.). Churchill belonged to three Masonic lodges that PROFESSED allegiance to SATAN*: the “United Studholme Lodge No. 1591”, the “Rosemary Lodge No. 2851”, and also the “Albion Lodge” of the Ancient Order of Druids.
(* As seen above, Satan/ Lucifer is the head boss/god of them all, who they ask for the special powers from. Some of them are just hiding it - and caught up in their evilness & idiocy, they do not comprehend that Satan/ Lucifer is a deceiver - who is deceiving them, resp. all his followers.
These Masonic founding fathers have already OFFICIALLY designated this League of Nations as their WORLD LODGE as early as 1948. But the witnessing ex-UN official himself was the international president of the Masonic Club of Rome for two years.
Almost all U.S. presidents have sworn their presidential oath on the Masonic Bible, except JFK on his family Bible. This information/ fact should be contained in the following link/ report.
England, resp. the GB/ UK is the first country that the satanic/ zionistic Jews have completely brought under their control/ enslaved. (In this context see:
What should you know about UK, King Charles III, & the Windsor family? Then one after the other the European countries and finally the USA, from the very beginning. See
The Founding of the satanic USA on the jewish-satanic-masonic foundation and its unchanged satanic existence to this day - but NOT for much longer!
Wretchedness, wretchedness, and nothing but the wretchedness, on the planet of primitive primates, satans and not very numerous Humans who live thinly scattered among (theoretically) all nations.
Can anything be Judeo-Christian?
What should you know about the Hamas Attack on Israel & jewish Genocide in Palestine?
Their/ Satanic final goal: Covid-19, Global Warming & NEW WORLD ORDER (The current endeavor to establish the so-called New World Order is based on the idea/ plan of jewish Zionism, which is described in detail in the satanic "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Their aim: "The Depopulation & Enslavement of the World")