What should you know about the Hamas Attack on Israel, resp. jewish Genocide in Palestine?
THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL - SOLVED! (Hamas-Attack was agreed & allowed to have a reason to commit Gaza-Genocide and conquer/ occupy the land. The plan to make Israel, Jerusalem the center of a One World Government. Collaboration with terrorist gangs. Satanism & Sacrifice of the Children) https://rumble.com/v3pr62s-must-see-the-mystery-of-israel-solved.html or (if deleted/ censored) on https://stopworldcontrol.com/israel/ (with many other videos related)
Most important … from the 8 minutes and onwards.
Egypt Warned Israel about Hamas Attack ‘Three Days’ before It Started https://slaynews.com/news/egypt-warned-israel-hamas-attack-three-days-before-started/
Benjamin Netanyahu (2019)“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas.”
IDF Major General Gershon Hacohen (2019) “In the visible dimension Hamas is an enemy, in the hidden dimension it is an ally.” –
Charles Freeman, US diplomat and ambassador (2006) “Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet.”
https://odysee.com/@InfraRedMedia:0/hamas-frankenstein-effect:4 (4: 31 "Hamas is an Israeli creation" says Avner Cohen, the Israeli occupation authority's longtime religious affairs officer in Gaza. "It was an enormous, stupid mistake" he said. But he did not understand the satanic jewish policy, which enjoys the full support of the satanic U.S. policy, because he is a normal man. They created Hamas and gave the leaders the appropriate ideology (which Hamas members then nurture for their own reasons) so that they have a "reason" to treat ALL Palestinians accordingly (apartheid and genocide)
Hamas Leader Blows Whistle - We Are Cia Psy-op To Advance Globalist Agenda
My comment: The Hamas fighters, soldiers and officers, do not know it, (neither do the people), but only some leaders (who become big money). It is the same with a large majority of the inhabitants of America, EU, and Israel.
Yes -The Israeli Government Created Hamas
“Hamas was founded with the support of Israel. The aim was to create an organization opposed to the PLO. It was financed and trained by Israel. They have continued to benefit from permits and authorizations [. . .] Some collaborators with Israel are involved in these [terrorist] attacks.
In 1992, Israeli arms dealer and intelligence operative Ari Ben-Menashe discussed how Israel funds Palestinian “terrorism” and uses intelligence operatives to manipulate terrorist attacks Link um Terroranschläge zu manipulieren”
It was correctly said here: “With the SUPPORT” of Jews (money, training etc.); because Hamas (possibly under another name) would have arisen also without them, because the UN has already passed "100" resolutions against Israeli apartheid and terror and none at all against Arafat or the PLO ... and that has brought/ changed nothing. So, after decades of oppression, apartheid and terror of Jews, Hamas would have arisen anyway, but without their money etc. there would have been far fewer attacks, i.e. reasons for Jews to commit genocide in Palestine/ Gaza.
Possible World War 3. Gaza War: Hidden Warmongers Revealed (Influence of the Chabad Lubavitch Kabbalah Movement & other Zionists) https://www.kla.tv/30534
Who rules Germany & EU? Also Chabad L. (In German, but it's enough to see the photos) https://odysee.com/Wer-regiert-DE-:8 or here https://odysee.com/@R.A.I.N.:0/Attila-Hildmann---Wer-regiert-Deutschland:3
The Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion
What the Goyim (that are all non-Jews, and that means Pagans/ Heathens in jewish) who are working with the Satanic Jews to establish their New World Order don't know, is, that the Jews are using & misusing them to defeat/ eliminate other peoples. When this is done, Jews also want to eliminate their collaborators, the Goyim who have been working with them, so that only about 1 billion Goyim are left alive, whom they need as workers/ who are to work for the Jews, while the Jews alone are to rule over the whole earth, all earth resources and all earth inhabitants alone as a kind of satanic, perverted gods. That is the old plan of the satanic/ zionist Jews written down in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". But not just all Jews are satanic, while very many Goyim are.
Israeli volunteer: Israeli Apache helicopter & tanks fired into Kibbutz Be’eri. Later they also kill Israeli hostages
Israeli propaganda (Israeli's bomb & kill their own people, blaming Hamas) https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1718547315764441095
Survivor Speaks: Israeli forces shot their own civilians (Hamas kidnapers treated them well)
Israeli Settler Claims IDF Killed Hostages | Probe Into Hamas Funding
It was something like “WTC, 9/11. The Big Deception of Mossad, CIA & Co.! https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/wtc-911-the-big-deception
How many times has the UN General Assembly passed resolutions condemning Israel? And how many against the Palestinian Authority?
Jew(s) against jewish genocide in Gaza https://gab.com/Ayelyah/posts/111233078122855195#0ama2jrbj0gt
Israel is not only an apartheid state (Israeli general said 0:50
See Video https://gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/150/012/249/playable/1b076591b2b3cee0.mp4 More than 150 000 Palestinian have been killed and injured by Israel, since 2008, 33 000 of those were children, but no one talk about it, no one calls them terrorist, NO ONE SAID A WORD.
Gaza Strip has been an "Open Air Prison" for 16 years (actually since 2007 it lasts), also according to the words of many Western politicians, and also a “Concentration Camp” (in to the words of honorable Jews) surrounded by high fences and walls. In it there is electricity only for half a day, not enough drinkable water, not enough food (goods entry & exit is strictly and restrictively handled). 60% of the population is dependent on food aid, countless medicines for simple diseases are missing, etc.
The Israeli state has also added chemicals to the water Palestinians must drink that make them infertile, so Palestinian women cannot conceive children. All this has already been undoubtedly noted & published.
The Palestinian territory of the West Bank is fragmented by the illegal settlements, with more and more Jewish settlers from all over the world. Palestinians are evicted, their houses destroyed, and the Jewish built. Settlers are always accompanied by the soldiers. Such a fragmented territory is not economically viable either.
This expulsion of the native Palestinians has been going on since 1948, and today there are 6-7 million Palestinians (including their children) expelled from their land, to whom the Israeli state does not allow any return.
The untold story of Palestine & Israel - Abby Martin https://uncutnews.ch/die-unerzaehlte-geschichte-palaestinas-israels-abby-martin/
Desperate people, who have nothing left to lose because they have been robbed of everything they had, do terrible things or are driven to do terrible things.
Miko Peled, Son of an Israeli general/ Zionist, "Israel is a TERRORIST state, an apartheid regime"
A few more words about this remarkable man: Miko Peled (his father, Mattityahu Peled, fought in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, and served as a general in the Six-Day War of 1967) followed his father's footsteps at first, joining Israel's Special Forces after high school and earning the red beret, but he soon grew to regret his decision. He surrendered his status as soon as he earned it, becoming a medic, and finally, disgusted by the 1982 Lebanon war, he buried his service pin in the dirt.
According to Peled: "Israel has been on a mission to destroy the Palestinian people for over six decades. Why would anyone not give solidarity to the Palestinian people?"
He has said that Israel's actions in the Six-Day War of 1967 were not a response to a real threat but acts of bald aggression. And also that "every single Israeli city is a settlement" and that "expressing solidarity with Palestinians is the most important thing people can do."
In his blog posts, he has repeatedly referred to the IDF as an "Israeli terrorist organization" that is part of a "well-oiled ethnic cleansing machine." ... "Israel's educational system is designed to turn Israeli children into racists who view Palestinians as culturally inferior, violent and bent on the annihilation of the Jews, and ... void of a true national identity, and as a problem that must be solved and as a threat that must be eliminated." He has decried "absurd comparisons like that of Yasser Arafat to Hitler, the Palestinians to Nazis, and the Palestinian resistance to Al Qaeda."
Peled has described his book "The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine", as an account of how he, "the son of an Israeli General and a staunch Zionist, came to realize that "the story upon which I was raised ... was a LIE." The book, he has said, is based largely on long conversations with his mother, on a thorough reading of "everything my dad had ever written," and on material about his father's career in the Israeli army archives.
Miko Peled https://gab.com/Boerevrou/posts/111327442675842449/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Jewish professor whose family members were Holocaust victims https://gab.com/Lailapolooza/posts/111325168482563632/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Norman Finkelstein on Gaza: “They have the right to hate the people who destroyed their lives”
Noam Chomsky destroys Israel
The satanic* incest bastards** have heard and read the words moral, ethic (and similar words) from somewhere, but have never been able to understand the meaning of such words because there is no place and possibility for it in their primitive and satanic souls. That's why they use such words in such absurd contexts - before the eyes of the whole world.
* John 8: 41-47; John 15: 21-24; Matthew 27: 25 & ** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms) but not all extramarital children are satanic.
And the western governments (including their most primitive media) are singing in choirs, “We have and maintain the same values as Israel/ Jews” & “Hamas has attacked Israel UNPROVOKED in a terroristic way”.
Humans can never be so SHAMELESS, because they have something of Decency, Self-Respect and Human Dignity.
Only the Satanic* Incest Bastards** can lie so SHAMELESS in front of the whole world, knowing that all normal people, worldwide, are aware of the situation.
The Killing of (only) 8 000 Bosniaks in Srebrenica (no women & children among them, not one), UN courts qualified as genocide. (Compare with the victim numbers quoted above)
Hypocrisy, lies, deceit, & satanic evilness have completely conquered this world.
The satanic jewish dogs and their satanic slaves and collaborators all over the world bark incessantly, "Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East", “We share common values with Israel”.
In their boundless SHAMLESSNESS, they call it democracy. But their barking will cost them terribly very soon.
The time has come that ALL debts MUST be PAID, even the oldest ones - and absolutely no one & nothing can prevent it. The haughty ones will be completely humiliated & thereafter irreparably DESTROYED.
This is the Promise of "A Truly Mighty One", which I only deliver to you at His command.
Jewish-Israeli Historian, Professor Avi Shlaim says "anti-Semitism was a European, not Arab problem"
From Balfour to Now (1917-2023), Western Duplicity Covers Israeli State Terrorism and Genocide https://strategic-culture.su/news/2023/10/24/from-balfour-to-now-1917-2023-western-duplicity-covers-israeli-state-terrorism-and-genocide/
AHAD HA’AM’S (a Jew) PROPHETIC WARNING ABOUT POLITICAL ZIONISM (1891) https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/tgif-ahad-haam/?mc_cid=f6cbfd11f1&mc_eid=2f1e5e8b58
Israeli military spokesman, Richard Hect: 'We want ALL people that came into Israel to be DEAD
Deputy Speaker of Israeli Knesset ‘We Are Too Humane. Burn Gaza Now, No Less!’ https://libertarianinstitute.org/news/deputy-speaker-of-israeli-knesset-we-are-too-humane-burn-gaza-now-no-less/?mc_cid=31da20e2c9&mc_eid=2f1e5e8b58
Jewish state has publicly declared its intention to commit genocide in Gaza https://gab.com/JaneMia/posts/111233628123695580/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Statements by jewish officials concerning the Palestinians: https://gab.com/DellBoy/posts/111311299459472228/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Michelle Salzman, a jewish-american politician, "All Palestinians should die"
The “influential” JEWISH USA senator Lindsey Graham Calls On The United States To BOMB EVERY Country In The World https://babylonbee.com/news/lindsey-graham-calls-on-the-united-states-to-bomb-every-country-in-the-world/
If these satanic and genocidal vermin of incest bastards only knew what is going to hit them very soon, they would self-immolate today (together with all their supporters), because even that would be much, much more "pleasant" for all of them than with what we will soon "reward" them all.
Shocking Moment Host Ends Interview For Telling Truth About Israel
See also this https://twitter.com/i/status/1713769499512676699
Jewish Zionists often invoke the OT/ Tanakh and their rights derived from it, but they only misuse the that in that process, just like everything else. Here is just one of a million examples:
Exodus 12:49 (YHWH commanded) ONE Law/ The Same Law applies to the DOMESTIC ONE and to the FOREIGN ONE who dwells among you.
Leviticus 19:34 As a DOMESTIC among you shall be to you the FOREIGNER who dwells with you as a STRANGER; you shall LOVE him as YOURSELF. For strangers you were in the land of Egypt. I am YHWH your Elohim.
(And if a Jew should dwell/ live among the non-Jews, then of course he should not treat them differently/ disadvantage them than the Jews - but treat them even better.
Cornel West (an American philosopher & political activist) calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza (in strong and clear words)
Matt Carthy TD-Address on Israel - Gaza/ Palestine
"Without a Doubt this is Genocide" | Israeli Holocaust Scholar Raz Segal
Israel brutally bombs Palestinian civilians as media spreads fake stories (B. Norton - Jew)
Amira Hass (Jewess): Israeli Bombs Are Wiping Out Entire Palestinian Families. It’s No Accident (Note especially 3: 00 ff., 10:00 f. 17:25)
Israel-Hamas War is a Dangerous Game of Fake News. Here's Why
Jewish massacre on civilians in Gaza https://gab.com/bereginyarf/posts/111233331758076410/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Bodies on the road https://odysee.com/@jackalx:a/israeli-attack-on-a-vehicle-on-the-street%C3%9Fe:0
East Jerusalem: Israeli forces storm mosque and attack worshippers https://odysee.com/@RTDE:e/east-jerusalem-israeli-forces-storm-mosque-and-attack-worshipers%C3%A4Fe:3
Israeli bombardment of Gaza https://odysee.com/@RTDE:e/Israeli-bombing-of-Gaza-%E2%80%93-Hamas-threatens-to-execute-hostages:7
A Jew has a jewish solution for all Arabs https://gab.com/LillianBey/posts/111232918311012432#tytopc2nq3
Destruction of Gaza https://gab.com/d00mg1rl/posts/111224883231774491/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Gaza Horror https://gab.com/GAlberto/posts/111224861777315924/media/1?timeline=video-clips
"I'm losing my mind" - journalist after Israeli shelling of evacuation convoy in Gaza https://odysee.com/@RTDE:e/-I-am-losing-my-mind----journalist-after-israeli-firing-on-evacuation-convoyi-in-Gaza:4
Ben Shapiro's cousin & allegedly "beheaded jewish babies" https://thegrayzone.com/2023/10/11/beheaded-israeli-babies-settler-wipe-out-palestinian/ (Source of dubious "beheaded babies" claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to "wipe out" Palestinian village - The Grayzone)
Former Israeli Prime Minister Clashes With Sky News Journalist Over Civilian Casualties! (Completely insane & bloodthirsty Satan)
Jews make films https://gab.com/voxday/posts/111239147961017793#0pu3khf33f1
Israeli woman speaks of experience with Hamas fighters (How often does this happen?)
Old jewish-zionists dream https://gab.com/Alpenveilchen/posts/111255185012708751/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Moshe Zuckermann, a Jew and professor, formerly the head of the Institute of German History at Tel Aviv University, has also explained the following & Israel clearly referred to as an apartheid state (subtitles in English):
“When the State of Israel was established in 1948, right after that by the following war (supported by the U.S.) the Jews expelled 700 000 Palestinians from Palestine, what Palestinians called the catastrophe, Arab. the Nakba. And these expulsions of the domestic population, from the Jews, coming from all Lord countries continues to this day. See the picture with the text of the first Israeli head of state, Ben Gurion.
But the USA, EU & Co. have been hypocritically & macabrely singing in chorus for decades: "Israel is the only DEMOCRACY in the Near/ Middle East. We have and maintain COMMON VALUES with Israel?! These values too
John 8: 41-47 Children of the Devil, Men-murderer, Lie
John 15: 24 The Son and Father hated & hate
Matthew 27: 25 His blood come upon them & their children
Luke 23: 18-24 Whose demand led to crucifixion
Leviticus 18: 6. 18. 20. 22. 29 Incest-bastards
The religious issue was misused in this conflict (as it often was elsewhere) because until 1948 the Jews lived peacefully as a small minority with the Muslim majority and not so many Christians. The Jews were concerned from the beginning about the territory they wanted to occupy & expel the others from it & still want today.
Three Biggest Historical LIES of Jews debunked: Jews are NOT Semites, but Hamites. They themselves are also Goyim. They are NOT descendants of the true Israel https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/three-biggest-jewish-lies-debunked
The Coming of Jews to Palestine, their Behavior and their Future https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-coming-of-jews-to-palestine-their
Milakowsky aka Netanyahu: “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the RIGHT direction.” (This is what he said in 2001, while assuring Israeli settlers that Israel could destroy the Palestinian Authority and continue with illegal settlement building, regardless of the US position) https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/5/20/why-netanyahu-thinks-america-is-stupid
These two satanic idiots are only employees who brag; Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co. are that, for whom we have determined a very "special treatment", they will not like at all.
But NOT just all Jews - as you saw - are satanic, while very many Goyom are.
BlackRock (jewish) buys many of the politicians = prostitutes who sell their souls very cheaply; Senators for 10K https://okeefemediagroup.com/breaking-blackrock-recruiter-who-decides-peoples-fate-says-war-is-good-for-business-while-spilling-info-on-asset-giant/ or on YouTube
According to the ancient satanic jewish-zionist plan it was first necessary to establish a jewish nation state, and afterwards (with money/ bribes and adrenochrome) to draw the goyimic rulers into their satanic spell, and with their slavish collaboration to achieve world domination/ world enslavement in their satanic so-called NWO = to murder 90% of the earth's inhabitants and to rule alone over all the earth's natural resources and the remaining 10% of the zombified goyim, as a kind of perverted and satanic deities.
That is the primal desire of Satan/ all Satans = to be god-like; while Humans have completely different kind of souls and consciousnesses, and therefore also completely different kind of feelings, thoughts, wishes and needs, that are completely HUMAN.
Important Information about the current Russian President Putin, & Chinese Xi Pig :) too (The old fat sow (f. pig) from Belarus also belongs to them) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/what-should-you-know-about-the-current
At their gala parties, the serbian Ultra-Witch/ Satanist Abramovic serves them food, arranged as human and child corpses, and they eat it with the greatest appetite.
But when the cameras are not allowed, then ... They abuse/ RAPE children & babies, sacrifice them, drink their blood (Adrenochrome) & eat their flesh (politicians, royals, ultrarich, elite, celebrities) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/they-sacrifice-children-and-babies
Blood Libel or Ritual Murder Libel, also Blood Accusation LEGEND - concerning JEWS? https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/blood-libel-or-ritual-murder-libel
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
John F. Kennedy/ JFK - The Assassination/ Plot https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/john-f-kennedy-jfk-the-assassination
In 1835 (!), US President Andrew Jackson declared his disdain for the international bankers: “You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.”
There followed an (unsuccessful) assassination attempt on President Jackson’s life. Jackson had told his vice president, Martin Van Buren: “The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me.“
The Power of jewish Private Banks/ High Finance (Rothschilds & Co.) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-power-of-jewish-private-banks
U.S. Congressman Ron Paul said it was no coincidence that the century of central banking coincided with a century of total war.
Sen. Ron Paul in 2016: "There is a shadow government or the Deep State. These people are actually more powerful than our government & our president."
Ex CIA Analyst Ray McGovern: If you think the President is running things, you're sadly mistaken (JFK tried that, and?)
USA/ NATO is the Biggest & Most Genocidal jewish-zionist/ satanic TERRORIST Gang - but NOT for much longer https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/nato-is-the-biggest-most-bloodthirsty
Today's completely abnormal/ insane/ satanic situation in this usually depraved world (of totally brainwashed masses) can hardly/ not be understood without knowledge of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" & "The Book of the Kahal".
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
Henry Kissinger's important Statements & some Facts https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/henry-kissingers-important-statements
WTC, 9/11. The Big Deception of Mossad, CIA & Co.! https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/wtc-911-the-big-deception
That is their strategic jewish-satanic plan & goal that Casey & Co., the jewish Zionists, in collaboration with the Goyim Zionists like them, have almost completely achieved.
If they want to turn the citizens of their country into zombies/ idiots, what can they wish for the other nations/ earth inhabitants?
Only the most primitive, shameless & evilest Satans have such ideas & desires, but Humans NEVER do, because they have completely different kind of souls & consciousnesses (feelings, thoughts, wishes & needs). Humans always want to share, help, give & cooperate honorably in their businesses. Only such life can make them satisfied or even happy.
Some important Information and Facts about the CIA/ C *INTELLIGENCE* A (*the paid murderers and intelligence = to make it sound positive) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/some-important-information-and-facts
In these actual primate bodies dwell/ live very different souls/ beings: Different species of animals (tame & wild beasts), satans, and not too many Humans (some angels may also appear temporarily).
Humans in all nations are always good-natured or even wonderful beings (depending on their own level of development); but even they can sometimes become aggressive for the right reason/ when the need arises.
They have souls/ consciousnesses (feelings, thoughts, desires & needs) that are of a completely different kind than the aforementioned beings.
But if you yourself consider you a monkey, as your esteemed scientists "know" it and have taught you, then forget this message - it is not meant for you nor for them.
Covid-19, Global Warming & NEW WORLD ORDER (The current endeavor to establish the so-called New World Order is based on the idea/ plan of jewish Zionism, which is described in detail in the satanic "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Their aim: "The Depopulation & Enslavement of the World") https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/covid-19-global-warming-and-new-world