WHY are Jews, resp. the jewish zionistic satanic* incest-bastards** (90+ % of all Jews) & the Goyim who are equal to them, the way they are?
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25 and ** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
The animalistic, evil and bestial Palestinians who are equal to animals?
Jewish self-testimonies about the ritual murders, sacrifice of children, cannibalism, and worship of the devil (Anton LaVey is not the author of the jewish Satan-Bible, it is the Babylonian Talmud. LaVey simply adopted it and spread it further) See 50: 30 - 1: 00: 00 https://www.bitchute.com/video/o80IJEdvjJi5
Zionist Rabbi Finkelstein admits that children are sacrificed and processed into meat at McDonald's and other Burger and HotDog Fast Food stations https://rumble.com/v63idfz-rabbi-finkelstein-admits-that-children-are-sacrificed-and-processed-into-me.html
Rare Madonna (Jewess) Interview - "I Like To Eat Children"
More about the ritual sacrifice of children, eating their flesh, drinking their blood (Adrenochrome) and other satanic practices ... below in “The Talmud”.
& Matthew12: 34
Israeli Finance Minister Calls for ‘Total Annihilation’ of Palestinian Population https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/israeli-finance-minister-calls-for-total-annihilation-of-palestinian-population/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3aTg59Q0WQgMRigcltcLxjJVmO95V1TKPcZjtXSSG5fqGpHV1Sf1anGdY_aem_lUYx-dssJT66JTQjGhuSfA
Every, absolutely every human soul can recognize, without any doubt, their completely ungovernably satanic jewish souls that, like all others, dwell/ live in these primate bodies https://www.facebook.com/gabi.aronov/videos/844779240915114
The satanic* incest bastards** have heard and read the words moral, ethic (and similar words) from somewhere, but have never been able to understand and feel the meaning of such words because there is no place and possibility for it in their primitive and satanic souls. That's why they use such words in such absurd contexts - in front of the eyes of the whole world.
* Johannes 8: 41-47 & 15:21-24; Matthäus 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Levitikus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Teufel = Synonyme)
It is a satanic-bestial lust to murder and destroy. No matter if political or religious leader, author, male, female, uneducated, educated ...
Jews are the only race (source text word = race) on this otherwise depraved planet who, in any true book of God are explicitly labeled as "children of the Devil/ Satan* (2 synonyms), Men-Murderers, Father of Lies and incest bastards**, who HATE the true God and the Truth"
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
There are such satans in all nations, but in no nation do they form such an overwhelming majority as among Jews. There are exceptions everywhere. When it comes to Jews and such cases, they can be described rather as phenomena than exceptions.
That is the only reason why they (the small and big, male and female, uneducated and educated) can celebrate their genocide on the small and weak Palestinian people ... on tens of thousands of children, with the most destructive bombs and also by starvation, completely shameless and unscrupulous, celebrating their satanic bestiality with song, music and joyful dancing ... entirely publicly/ in front of the eyes of the whole world ... while their Western allies and co-perpetrators equally shamelessly and bestial-satanically justify it as the jewish right to self-defense.
The European perpetrators of the Holocaust in the last century, on the other hand, did it to them with a sense of disgust/ abhorrence.
Through money/ bribery and the adrenochrome* (* which they have known for centuries ...I'll write more about it below) Jews could cast their satanic spell on most governments/ rulers, i. e. bring them under their control - because they are the same or similar to them.
THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL - SOLVED! (Hamas-Attack was agreed & allowed to have a reason to commit Gaza-Genocide and conquer/ occupy the land. The plan to make Israel, Jerusalem the center of a One World Government. Collaboration with terrorist gangs. Satanism & Sacrifice of the Children) https://rumble.com/v3pr62s-must-see-the-mystery-of-israel-solved.html or (if deleted/ censored) on https://stopworldcontrol.com/israel/ (with many other videos related)
Israelis Say It’s Okay to Rape Palestinian Prisoners https://www.globalresearch.ca/israelis-okay-rape-palestinian-prisoners/5864238
They are not Israelis - glupe, primitivne i sotonske vam kurve majke JEBEM - because 5+ ethnic groups/ nations live in the temporarily existing satanic-genocidal state of Israel (they are all Israelis), but Jews, resp. Zionist Jews (90+% of all Jews).
The MAIN suspect in the Sde Teiman detention facility GANG RAPE (of PALESTINIANS) case is now a MEDIA STAR in Israel https://mondoweiss.net/2024/08/the-main-suspect-in-the-sde-teiman-gang-rape-case-is-now-a-media-star-in-israel/?ml_recipient=131001674391094920&ml_link=131001595180615674&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=2024-08-29&utm_campaign=Daily+Headlines+RSS+Automation
Smotrich: It May Be ‘Moral and Justified’ for Israel To Starve 2 Million Palestinians to Death in Gaza https://news.antiwar.com/2024/08/05/smotrich-it-may-be-moral-and-justified-for-israel-to-starve-2-million-palestinians-to-death-in-gaza/
(Not Putin's, see below, but) Russian Adrenochrome Taskforce Intercept Israeli Ship Trafficking Hundreds of Kids https://rumble.com/v56yb3n-putins-adrenochrome-taskforce-intercept-israeli-ship-trafficking-hundreds-o.html
Russia Intercepts Israeli Jet Trafficking Adrenochrome Victims to Hollywood https://rumble.com/v5rtekz-russia-intercepts-israeli-jet-trafficking-adrenochrome-victims-to-hollywood.html
Important information about the current Russian President Putin/ Putana, Chinese Xi Pig ;) , BRICS, and the jewish Zionists (The old fat sow from Belarus also belongs to them & Modi, Lula, bin Salman, Erdogan etc. https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/what-should-you-know-about-the-current
After you read the first posts, you can learn from the last links the reasons why those beings (jewish Zionists) feel, think, talk and act the way they do (why they have such souls & consciousnesses).
Israeli/ Jewish Holocaust Scholar Raz Segal | "Without a Doubt this is GENOCIDE"
Son of an Israeli general: "Israel is a TERRORIST state, an apartheid regime"
Miko Peled (his father, Mattityahu Peled, fought in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, and served as a general in the Six-Day War of 1967) followed his father's footsteps at first, joining Israel's Special Forces after high school and earning the red beret, but he soon grew to regret his decision. He surrendered his status as soon as he earned it, becoming a medic, and finally, disgusted by the 1982 Lebanon war, he buried his service pin in the dirt.
According to Peled: "Israel has been on a mission to destroy the Palestinian people for over six decades. Why would anyone not give solidarity to the Palestinian people?"
He has said that Israel's actions in the Six-Day War of 1967 were not a response to a real threat but acts of bald aggression. And also that "every single Israeli city is a settlement" and that "expressing solidarity with Palestinians is the most important thing people can do."
In his blog posts, he has repeatedly referred to the IDF as an "Israeli TERRORIST organization" that is part of a "well-oiled ethnic cleansing machine." ... "Israel's educational system is designed to turn Israeli children into racists who view Palestinians as culturally inferior, violent and bent on the annihilation of the Jews, and ... void of a true national identity, and as a problem that must be solved and as a threat that must be eliminated." He has decried "absurd comparisons like that of Yasser Arafat to Hitler, the Palestinians to Nazis, and the Palestinian resistance to Al Qaeda."
Peled has described his book "The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine", as an account of how he, "the son of an Israeli General and a staunch Zionist, came to realize that "the story upon which I was raised ... was a LIE." The book, he has said, is based largely on long conversations with his mother, on a thorough reading of "everything my dad had ever written," and on material about his father's career in the Israeli army archives.
Miko Peled ... Nice to see one more Jew who belongs to us = Humans.
Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset: "We are TOO humane. BURN Gaza now, nothing less!" https://libertarianinstitute.org/news/deputy-speaker-of-israeli-knesset-we-are-too-humane-burn-gaza-now-no-less/?mc_cid=31da20e2c9&mc_eid=2f1e5e8b58
Michelle Salzman, a jewish-american politician, "ALL Palestinians should DIE"
Statements of certain Jews concerning the Palestinians https://gab.com/DellBoy/posts/111311299459472228/media/1?timeline=video-clips
Jewish US-Senator Lindsey Graham Calls On The United States To Bomb EVERY COUNTRY In The World https://babylonbee.com/news/lindsey-graham-calls-on-the-united-states-to-bomb-every-country-in-the-world/
[Satanic* & Bloodthirsty jewish Incest-Bastards**, who rule the U.S. & NATO (with them the same non-Jews) - but not for much longer! This is the Promise of "A Very Mighty One", which I merely deliver to you at His command]
* John 8: 41-47 & 15: 21-24; Matthew 12: 34 & 27: 25 and
** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms)
All Satans are also Incest Bastards, but not all extramarital children are satanic.
Humans have completely different kind of souls & consciousnesses = feelings, thoughts, wishes & needs then the satanic incest-bastards.
KIPPAH is put on in the practice of jewish RELIGIOUS customs!
The satanic Talmud, The Book of the Kahal & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - In brief (The main features of the ancient jewish-satanic plan to enslave all goyim, i.e. the whole world, and their inner organization are summarized in these books, and the nature of their being as well) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion
Milakowsky aka Netanyahu: “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the RIGHT direction.” (This is what he said in 2001, while assuring Israeli settlers that Israel could destroy the Palestinian Authority and continue with illegal settlement building, regardless of the US position) https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/5/20/why-netanyahu-thinks-america-is-stupid
These two satanic complete idiots are only employees who brag; Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co. are that, for whom we have determined a very "special treatment" they will not like at all.
But NOT just all Jews are satanic, while very, very many Goyim are.
BlackRock (jewish) buys many of the politicians = prostitutes who sell their souls very cheaply; Senators for 10K https://okeefemediagroup.com/breaking-blackrock-recruiter-who-decides-peoples-fate-says-war-is-good-for-business-while-spilling-info-on-asset-giant/
This primitive, fat and satanic-godless english Sow told this according to the most primitive & satanic jewish-zionist dictate. That is why the jewish media and their historiography have made this wretched and fat sow to a "great" politician. Nothing can be more wretched and primitive.
The classical prostitutes sell only their bodies for a short time, can wash themselves with water afterwards and are also often useful members of society. Thanks to their generally unappreciated work, some crimes are not committed; but the prostitution of souls, as practiced by your "esteemed" politicians and the rest of the leaders (who are all satanic bastards), is the absolutely most reprehensible and most harmful thing for society in this mostly primitive world.
Also this can be mentioned here:
The UN was founded by two high-grade Freemasons, namely the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt of “Marion Lodge No. 70” and the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (who worked on behalf of Rothschild, Rockefeller & Co.). Churchill belonged to three Masonic lodges that PROFESSED allegiance to SATAN*: the “United Studholme Lodge No. 1591”, the “Rosemary Lodge No. 2851”, and also the “Albion Lodge” of the Ancient Order of Druids.
(* As documented in the article about the Freemasons, Satan/Lucifer is the head boss/ god of them all, who they ask for the special powers from. Some of them are just hiding it - and caught up in their evilness & idiocy, they do not comprehend that Satan/ Lucifer is a deceiver - who is deceiving them, resp. all his followers.
These Masonic founding fathers have already OFFICIALLY designated this League of Nations as their WORLD LODGE as early as 1948. But the witnessing ex-UN official himself was the international president of the Masonic Club of Rome for two years.
Almost all U.S. presidents have sworn their presidential oath on the Masonic Bible, except JFK on his family Bible.
England, resp. the GB/ UK is the first country that the satanic/ zionistic Jews have completely brought under their control/ enslaved. Then one after the other the European countries and finally the USA, from the very beginning. See
The UnXplained: FREEMASON Secret Hidden in WHITE HOUSE Cornerstone
& World in the Trap of Freemasons https://www.kla.tv/28338
More about that: Freemasonry and Illuminati = Jewish Talmudic? Yes, that is TRUE. https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/freemasonry-and-illuminati-judaism
Wretchedness, wretchedness, and nothing but the wretchedness, on the planet of primitive primates, satans and not very numerous Humans who live thinly scattered among (theoretically) all nations.
USA army sing the Israeli national anthem: "DIE for ISRAEL" (Fully drilled, harder than all dogs and also zombified) https://www.bitchute.com/video/iWaxipDeXoxW/
Henry Kissinger's important Statements & some Facts https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/henry-kissingers-important-statements
According to the ancient satanic jewish-zionist plan it was first necessary to establish a jewish nation state, and afterwards (with money/ bribes and adrenochrome) to draw the goyimic rulers into their satanic spell, and with their slavish collaboration to achieve world domination/ world enslavement in their satanic so-called NWO = to murder 90% of the earth's inhabitants and to rule alone over all the earth's natural resources and the remaining 10% of the zombified goyim, as a kind of perverted and satanic deities.
That is the primal desire of Satan/ all Satans = to be god-like; while Humans have completely different kind of souls and consciousnesses, and therefore also completely different kind of feelings, thoughts, wishes and needs, that are completely HUMAN.
The satanic gang is now complet (posted abowe): Important information about the current Russian President Putin, Chinese Xi Pig ;) and the jewish Zionists (The old fat sow from Belarus is also one of them & Modi, Lula, bin Salman, Erdogan etc.) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/what-should-you-know-about-the-current
WTC, 9/11. The Big CRIME of Mossad, CIA & Co.! https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/wtc-911-the-big-deception
That is their strategic jewish-satanic plan & goal that Casey & Co., the jewish Zionists, in collaboration with the Goyim Zionists like them, have almost completely achieved.
If they want to turn the citizens of their country into zombies/ idiots, what can they wish for the other nations/ earth inhabitants?
Only the most primitive, shameless & evilest Satans have such ideas & desires, but Humans NEVER do, because they have completely different kind of souls & consciousnesses (feelings, thoughts, wishes & needs). Humans always want to share, help, give & cooperate honorably in their businesses. Only such life can make them satisfied or even happy.
Some important Information and Facts about the CIA/ C *INTELLIGENCE* A (*the paid murderers/ TERRORISTS and “intelligence” = to make it sound positive) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/some-important-information-and-facts
In these actual primate bodies dwell/ live very different souls/ beings: Different species of animals (tame & wild beasts), satans, and not too many Humans (some angels may also appear temporarily).
Humans in all nations are always good-natured or even wonderful beings (depending on their own level of development); but even they can sometimes become aggressive for the right reason/ when the need arises.
They have souls/ consciousnesses (feelings, thoughts, desires & needs) that are of a completely different kind than the aforementioned beings.
But if you yourself consider you a monkey, as your esteemed scientists "know" it and have taught you, then forget this message - it is not meant for you nor for them.
In 1935, retired Marine General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient Smedley Butler published a 55-page paper titled "War is a Racket". Here is a brief excerpt:
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."
Satans and Satanists have been “given” certain abilities/ talents in order to cast a spell over all persons who have the same or similar inclinations/ souls. They would like to turn all earthlings into their equals.
With Money and Adrenochrome, the children of the Father of Lies, the Devil and Men-Murderer - from the very beginning - have taken (almost) all your rulers (who are similar or equal to them) under their most satanic spell.
It's just good so, that we can ANNIHILATE them all together, in one big heap, worldwide and irreparably, i.e. forever and ever.
Look forward to it, because it had to come this far, and now (in the next “days”) it will happen.
This is the Promise of "The Truly Mighty One", which I am merely delivering to you at His command.
What should you know about the Hamas Attack on Israel & jewish Genocide in Palestine? https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/hamas-terror-aganist-israel
Three Biggest Historical LIES of JEWS debunked: Jews are NOT Semites but Hamites. They themselves are also Goyim. They are NOT descendants of the true Israel (And alledgedly allowed interest on money, Hebrew language, Star of David, etc. Based on the Tanakh/ OT & complemented by the NT/ Gospels; & Misuse and falsification of the Holocaust) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/three-biggest-jewish-lies-debunked
The END of the Very Last EMPIRE, this jewish-satanic Empire! https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-the-very-last-empire