The "Little Bible School", but also the IMPORTANT
This is very important:
Luke 16: 15 … "For what is high/ esteemed/ prized among men is an abomination before God/ in the sight of God"
To be able to understand this to some extent, see the following explanation.
Matthew 5: 36 Nor shalt thou swear by your head, for you CANNOT make one hair white or black.
Luke 12: 26 If you CANNOT do even the smallest things, why are you concerned about the rest?
"Nothing is your own, personal performance/ achievement"
In an extra-biblical/ Gnostic Gospel it has been most clearly explained that “Nothing is your personal performance/ achievement".
Your physical appearance and strength, your psychological/intellectual abilities/ powers, the will to play sports and exercise, to learn/study, research, discover, invent, write books, create artworks, etc., etc., etc.
Of all the people who have achieved world fame and fortune and have gone down in history, not a single one has achieved anything personally - they have all been given, inspired, bestowed; some ideas even in their sleep, while they are half-dead, some during the day, when it "occurs/ comes" to them :) Where from, from heaven?
Yes, exactly, that's really the case.
Through these people, some things, inventions are given to the whole world so that people have it a little more comfortable & nicer - but most of those inventions are also misused and used for evil works.
As in most other things, it's also about temptations, how the person will deal with it
Almost all of them become very proud and also rich, which is disastrous for spiritual development. To understand this, read at least the sermon on the field and the sermon on the mountain (Matthew 5: 1-12 and Matthew 7: 12-23; and Luke 6: 20-49)
(Your brains can be compared to PC hard disks. They can handle and combine with what is already there. Everything new are the "updates" that come from outside, resp. "from above")
This refers to your so-called scientists, religious leaders, politicians, ultra-rich, and their most evil grandmasters from the shadows, to all these evil and wretched amoebas who are entirely unaware of their unawareness. (There must always and everywhere be rare, very rare exceptions, but they must be interpreted narrowly.)
We know that this is difficult to accept/ adopt for a so-called normal mortal - but it is so and not otherwise.
Many/ almost all important terms in the Bible have an earthly and a Heavenly meaning.
The EARTHLY is fleshly (bodily/ material), animalistic, demonic/ satanic/ devilish: Terms, depending on the scripture and verse, that point to ignorance, darkness, transience & DEATH.
The HEAVENLY is Divine and Holy: spiritual, recognition/ knowledge, light, durability & ETERNAL LIFE.
All those born on earth have to live for several decades in these fleshly conditions as persons who think in a fleshly way (because of the merging of the soul with this material, animalistic primate body), but only spiritual souls can later overcome this condition …
… because God is Spirit (John 4: 24), and has created (true) man in his own image (Genesis 26 - as a spiritual being). And Christ is Spirit, as has been said 100 times in Revelation.
In earthly Jerusalem "no stone will remain on stone" = complete/ irreparable destruction (the whole earth will also be destroyed).
Heavenly Jerusalem is the Holy & Eternal City. The Holy can never be damaged by anyone, because it belongs to God/ is a part of Him.
(On the rotten earth of the earthly beings nothing holy can be built, because the sinful with their sinful hands cannot "produce/ build" anything but sins. God is Holy and only He can create/ build the Holy. Your "sanctities": Jerusalem, Vatican, Mecca etc. belong to the most poisonous nests of snakes.
In all true God's Scriptures, it was said: "God Alone is Holy" (i. e. Revelation 15: 3-4), although in all of them also some false scribers, prophets and the like, have declared first THEMSELVES and then all in their community to be holy. Very many verses from the Old and New Testaments that clearly reveal this are listed in the two links/ texts below. Evil, idiotic, satanic seductions, reigns everywhere.
And, as said, the sinful earthly beings give some/ many earthly places, buildings or persons the attribute "holy", resp. canonize them.
That is more reprehensible, macabre, more idiotic or more satanic than if, for example, the 5-year-olds from kindergarten were to award a 50-year-old astrophysicist the Nobel Prize for something that they don't know/ do not understand at all.
Do you understand that no one can give/ award to others what they do not possess/ have themselves?
In doing so, those who canonize or award the prize want above all to increase their own authority: "It's us/ Our people/ Our community ... We and our Saints" and similar idiocies. Both religious and political leaders use such shameless deceptions (in all political systems and religions).
But, because it has always been so wrong/ abusive among you (not only in religious matters), it has established itself as something quite normal for you.
As an example from the new time, you can take the awarding of H. Kissinger and B. Obama, two war criminals with the Nobel Peace Prize. Of course, the Swedish satans knew all the facts about the two satanic mass murderers, and they did it for that very reason. If you want to read about it, you can click on the links below.)
Christ appeared/ was sent only to the children of heavenly Israel/ to His lost sheep, to gather them into one (with the Son and Father) so that they may receive/ have Eternal Life.
Children of the earthly (false) Israel, Jacob, are not Christ's sheep, but will all die (John 8: 21-24), and where Christ goes - they cannot come (John 8: 21), because they are the children of the devil, the murderer of men and the father of lies (John 8: 44)
The same applies to the terms Zion and Jew.
The heavenly Jew = the best.
The earthly Jew = the most evil/ leader of the Satanic-Zionist New World Order.
Your religious leaders are no different/ better than your political leaders. Before they were taken out of power, they were just as evil as your politicians today who want to establish their satanic NWO. The same crap.
Short excerpt from another text: Your so-called scientists are of the same ilk as your politicians and religious leaders, and that's why they all work together. They are all satanic incest bastards who hate God and the Truth. As soon as they open their filthy satanic jaws - they lie.
They don't see, resp. understand, what is in front of their stupid noses, but to impress you and elevate themselves, they tell you idiocies (their alleged knowledge) of what happened thousands, millions and even billions of years ago. Disgusting!
As long as they can keep you in ignorance, they can manipulate and misuse you for their satanic purposes in every possible way, e. g. send you in the wars against foreign and faraway peoples (based on some lies), and make you to murderers so that some of them can plunder the foreign natural resources and increase their billion-dollar fortune.
A clear example:
After the destruction of the distant country and the murder of million+ of Iraqi mostly civilians, they have built the expensive military bases there at the Iraqi oil fields, whose maintenance costs you finance/ pay, but some corporations, resp. persons protected by those bases, plunder Iraqi oil until today. From their huge profits they throw your president & Co. a few crumbs/ millions - and all of them are happy, like Bush Jr. with his abominable wife, daughter and the whole satanic gang.
God has made Satan/ Devil (2 synonyms) to be the Archon (it is the source text word) = Supreme/ Ruler of this world, and has given him the task to lead all godless, evil, bad and also virtueless earthlings astray through lies, false promises and giving them earthly wealth and power. Their End is the second/ eternal death (Revelation. 20: 13- 14 & 21: 8)
Luke 4: 1-(7!) -13
Verse 7: The correct translation of προσκυνήσῃς (proskynēsēs) in verse 7 is: "if you FLATTER me"; and also: "if you BOW before me", i.e. if you come under my influence, become obedient to me, accept me as your boss/ superior etc. ... but NEVER "if you WORSHIP before me".
John 12: 31 (Christ said)
Now is the judgment of this world; now the (not Prince but) archōn) Archon = Supreme/ Ruler of this world will be thrown out. (This time is imminent)
Can anything be Judeo-Christian?
Three Biggest Historical LIES of JEWS debunked: Jews are NOT Semites, but Hamites. They themselves are also Goyim. They are NOT descendants of the true Israel
Henry Kissinger's important Statements & some Facts
Obama Barack = satanic Gay & Pedophile, and Michael/ Michelle = Transgender. PROOF (If we knew/ know it, then all those responsible from the numerous Secret Services, White House, Congress, etc. also knew/ know it from the beginning. A Gigantic Satanic Gang)
PS: That's why Christ said in Luke 16, 15: "What is high* among men, is detestable before God/ is an abomination in the sight of God".
(* highly estimated/ respected)
But this can be understood and internalized only by those, who have reached a somewhat higher level in their own spiritual development; and for this reason, they have absolutely nothing to do with such beings (highly esteemed ones); although they may have had something in common or to do with them in their younger/ earlier years.